
After the rainstorm, the woman picked up a 40-pound big fish and went home, expert: It has been soaked in floods, and it is not recommended to eat it!

author:The carrots are mushy

After the rainstorm, a lady picked up a 40-pound fish, which sparked heated discussions among netizens. However, experts warn that the fish may be a food safety hazard and is not recommended for consumption.

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up a 40-pound big fish and went home, expert: It has been soaked in floods, and it is not recommended to eat it!

After the rainstorms, the flood waters receded, leaving a mess and at the same time allowing some unexpected "harvests" to surface. Recently, a lady picked up a big fish weighing 40 catties by the river after heavy rain, which not only became the talk of her family, but also sparked extensive discussions among netizens. However, warnings from local experts have left the fate of the fish in the dark.

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up a 40-pound big fish and went home, expert: It has been soaked in floods, and it is not recommended to eat it!

The lucky lady dragged the big fish home with all her might, and her heart was full of joy. Imagine a 40-pound fish, what a hearty meal! Her family and friends also rushed to watch after hearing the news, and everyone was full of expectations for whether this "big fish" could become a delicacy on the table. However, when everyone shared this "trophy" on social media, it attracted all kinds of voices.

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up a 40-pound big fish and went home, expert: It has been soaked in floods, and it is not recommended to eat it!

Some netizens believe that the fish is completely safe to eat after being fully boiled and cooked. "As long as it's cooked, you're not afraid of any germs!" A netizen swore by it. Their point is simple, cooked food should be safe. Another group of netizens expressed concern, believing that the fish had been soaked in the flood and might have been contaminated. "Who knows how long this fish has been soaked in the water, it's too risky to take home and eat!" Some netizens reminded.

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up a 40-pound big fish and went home, expert: It has been soaked in floods, and it is not recommended to eat it!

In response to the heated discussions of netizens, experts from the Kexin Food and Health Information Exchange Center came forward to speak. They warn that flood-soaked food is a big safety hazard and can contain a variety of harmful bacteria and viruses. These germs and viruses can thrive in floodwaters and contaminate food. Experts emphasize that even boiling at high temperatures does not completely ensure that these harmful substances are completely eliminated, so it is not recommended to consume these contaminated foods.

Such warnings are not unfounded. Historically, it is not uncommon for a flood to be followed by a plague. In the aftermath of the floods, water sources are polluted and the environment deteriorates, leading to the growth of germs and plagues. The lessons of ancient times are still a warning today. Despite the improvement of medical care in modern society, it is still necessary to be highly vigilant in the face of food safety problems caused by natural disasters.

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up a 40-pound big fish and went home, expert: It has been soaked in floods, and it is not recommended to eat it!

In the process of discussing whether this fish can be eaten, we also see a common luck mentality. Many people have a "cooked and it's fine" attitude, ignoring the potential health risks. To some extent, this mentality reflects people's pursuit of material life and the expectation of good fortune. However, food safety issues should never be taken lightly, as contaminated food can cause irreversible damage to the body once consumed.

So, in the face of this situation, how should we properly handle these "windfalls"? First of all, you should try to avoid eating foods from unknown sources or that have been soaked in floodwater. If you do want to eat it, be sure to wash it rigorously and cook it at high heat. Second, in the face of food safety problems, it is better to believe what you have than what you don't have. Staying vigilant and ensuring the health and safety of yourself and your family is paramount.

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up a 40-pound big fish and went home, expert: It has been soaked in floods, and it is not recommended to eat it!

In addition, this incident also made us rethink the importance of environmental protection and ecological protection. In the aftermath of the floods, the problems of environmental pollution and ecological damage have become more and more prominent. Overexploitation and destruction of natural ecology have led to frequent extreme weather and natural disasters, and it is we who have ultimately suffered. We should pay more attention to environmental protection, reduce the damage to nature, and jointly build a sustainable ecological environment.

Finally, this event also reveals the diversity of values in society. Some people believe that as long as there is an opportunity, it must be seized, regardless of whether there is a risk behind it; Others believe that health and safety come first and that there should be no risk. Either point of view, it reflects people's different attitudes and pursuits towards life. And when we are faced with such a choice, we should be more rational, weigh the pros and cons, and make the most appropriate decision.

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up a 40-pound big fish and went home, expert: It has been soaked in floods, and it is not recommended to eat it!

So in the end, I would like to ask: If it were you, would you eat this big fish? What do you do with the "windfall" after a rainstorm? What do you think about this?

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