
In the 7 years of the "script incident", the gap between Yang Mi and Wang Ou is clear at a glance, and everything has been foreshadowed


Late one night, an explosive news broke out in the entertainment industry, the well-known actor Hawick Lau was photographed entering actress Wang Ou's room alone and leaving four hours later. This incident was like a bombshell and caused an uproar in the entertainment industry.

The news of the private meeting between Hawick Lau and Wang Ou, who are married, spread rapidly across the country, causing widespread concern and questions from the outside world. Both parties immediately denied it, claiming that they were simply "discussing the script".

In the 7 years of the "script incident", the gap between Yang Mi and Wang Ou is clear at a glance, and everything has been foreshadowed

However, this explanation is confusing.

What's even more incredible is that Hawick Lau's wife, Yang Mi, who is also a famous actress, not only did not show any anger, but publicly expressed her trust in her husband. What is the truth in this? And how will it affect the trajectory of the lives of these three people?

In 2010, the gears of fate quietly turned, skillfully weaving the life trajectories of Yang Mi, Hawick Lau and Wang Ou together.

In the crew of "Palace", the young and beautiful Yang Mi and the handsome and dashing Hawick Lau met during the filming of the TV series. They gradually developed feelings in getting along. Yang Mi was on the rise of his career at that time, and became an instant hit because of his appearance in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy 3", which attracted much attention in the industry.

In the 7 years of the "script incident", the gap between Yang Mi and Wang Ou is clear at a glance, and everything has been foreshadowed

Hawick Lau has been in the Hong Kong film and television industry for many years, and finally opened the door to the mainland market with the drama "Datang Micro Business".

Their encounter seemed to be fateful. Once, Yang Mi's friend Qin Lan invited her downstairs for dinner, and happened to bump into Hawick Lau in the hotel lobby. Just looking at each other made them feel good about each other.

Although they didn't have the opportunity to have more in-depth contact at that time, soon after, they reunited with the crew of "Ruyi" and got along day and night, and the relationship between them quietly took root.

In the 7 years of the "script incident", the gap between Yang Mi and Wang Ou is clear at a glance, and everything has been foreshadowed

In contrast, Wang Ou is four years older than Yang Mi, she is gradually groping forward in the entertainment industry, her starting line is much later than Yang Mi, and her life trajectory is completely different from Yang Mi. Wang Ou's parents divorced when he was a child, and he was admitted to a dance art school at the age of 15, earning living expenses by working part-time in addition to his studies.

By chance, Wang Ou entered the modeling industry and won the fourth place in the CCTV model contest in 2003, thus stepping into the showbiz.

When Wang Ou was trying his best to find a breakthrough, 18-year-old Yang Mi had been successfully admitted to the Beijing Film Academy and was fortunate to participate in a big production like "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

In the 7 years of the "script incident", the gap between Yang Mi and Wang Ou is clear at a glance, and everything has been foreshadowed

Faced with the gap with Yang Mi, Wang Ou felt huge pressure, but she did not give up, but worked hard in the entertainment industry with firmer determination.

In 2010, when Wang Ou was filming "Gentle Lies", he got acquainted with Zhang Ge, a "nobleman". The young actor fell in love with Wang Ou at first sight and launched a passionate pursuit. However, Wang Ou has experienced the divorce of her parents, and she is extremely cautious about her feelings, even in the face of Zhang Ge's enthusiasm, she has always maintained a casual attitude.

Fate staged a big drama again, when Zhang Ge proposed to Wang Ou in front of everyone, she chose to "run away from marriage". This decision caused Zhang Ge to bear huge pressure alone, and it also implied that Wang Ou did not have much expectations for his marriage.

In the 7 years of the "script incident", the gap between Yang Mi and Wang Ou is clear at a glance, and everything has been foreshadowed

She seems to prefer to devote her energy to acting and hope to make a name for herself.

In this way, Yang Mi, Hawick Lau, and Wang Ou quietly intertwined in the seemingly ordinary year of 2010. They are all fighting for their future, but they don't know what fate is about to bring to them.

This year's encounter and how to choose have become an important node that will affect the trajectory of their future lives, and also laid the groundwork for the future "script event".

In the 7 years of the "script incident", the gap between Yang Mi and Wang Ou is clear at a glance, and everything has been foreshadowed

In 2014, the news of the marriage of Yang Mi and Hawick Lau in the entertainment industry attracted the attention of the media. The friends at the wedding scene sent sincere wishes. However, life after marriage is not as good as they imagined.

The direction of their careers has also changed dramatically.

Yang Mi's super popularity and keen business awareness have made her career flourish. She is not only active in the film and television industry, but also often appears in various variety shows and commercial activities.

In the 7 years of the "script incident", the gap between Yang Mi and Wang Ou is clear at a glance, and everything has been foreshadowed

Her business value is so high that she is ranked seventh on the Forbes list, far surpassing her husband Hawick Lau.

In the face of such brilliant achievements, Yang Mi has always remained sober and vigilant. She has publicly stated: "In this rapidly changing industry, stagnation means obsolescence.

The days without drama appointments are a nightmare for me" It is precisely because of this sense of crisis that she quickly made a comeback after giving birth and devoted herself to the filming of "The Legend of the Ancient Sword".

In the 7 years of the "script incident", the gap between Yang Mi and Wang Ou is clear at a glance, and everything has been foreshadowed

What's even more amazing is that for the long-term development of the company, Yang Mi signed a very challenging agreement: promising to create 300 million yuan in revenue within three years. This agreement is like a double-edged sword, which is not only a recognition of her strength, but also brings her great pressure.

In contrast, after marriage, Hawick Lau gradually slowed down his career focus to take more responsibility for taking care of his daughter and faded out of the public eye. This kind of disparity in career has laid hidden dangers for the marriage of the two.

However, Wang Ou's acting career took a turn for the worse at this time. In 2015, she played the role of "Qin Panruo" in "Langya Bang", and won the love of the audience with her superb acting skills. Subsequently, she participated in the equally acclaimed "The Pretender".

In the 7 years of the "script incident", the gap between Yang Mi and Wang Ou is clear at a glance, and everything has been foreshadowed

The success of these two dramas made the 32-year-old Wang Ou finally usher in the highlight moment of his career, and was promoted from a supporting role to a leading role.

However, fate is always elusive. When the careers of the three of them were in full swing, a sudden turmoil broke the originally peaceful world and changed the trajectory of their lives.

During this period, Yang Mi, Hawick Lau and Wang Ou are all facing choices between career and personal life. Yang Mi chose to devote himself to his career, Hawick Lau took on more family responsibilities, and Wang Ou seized the opportunity to achieve a breakthrough in his career.

In the 7 years of the "script incident", the gap between Yang Mi and Wang Ou is clear at a glance, and everything has been foreshadowed

However, they do not realize that fate is about to bring them a huge turning point, which will not only affect their careers, but also change the trajectory of their lives.

In 2016, the entertainment industry suffered a heavy blow, that is, the sudden "script incident". Married actor Hawick Lau was photographed entering actress Wang Ou's room alone late at night and leaving four hours later, a news that quickly spread among the public, causing widespread concern and speculation.

In the face of overwhelming doubts, Hawick Lau and Wang Ou chose to deny it, claiming that they were just discussing the script. This explanation, while plausible, is hardly convincing. Imagine, in the middle of the night, two people are alone in the same room, what kind of script can be discussed? Far from calming public opinion, this response has sparked more speculation and questioning.

In the 7 years of the "script incident", the gap between Yang Mi and Wang Ou is clear at a glance, and everything has been foreshadowed

What surprised the outside world the most was Yang Mi's reaction. As the wife of "Hawick", she did not show the anger or uneasiness that everyone imagined. Instead, she openly stated: "Whatever happens, I believe in Hawick."

Such statements are puzzling and have sparked more speculation.

However, Yang Mi's choice was not untargeted. At that time, she was under tremendous pressure, and in order to achieve the goal of the agreement requiring her to earn 300 million in three years, she could not let any negative news affect the company and her career.

In the 7 years of the "script incident", the gap between Yang Mi and Wang Ou is clear at a glance, and everything has been foreshadowed

For the sake of her family and career, she chose to support her husband's decision at least superficially, not only to maintain her marriage, but also to protect her own interests.

However, the truth will always come to light. The famous "paparazzi" Zhuo Wei broke the news in a show: "I learned that Yang Mi and Hawick Lau's marriage has problems. broke out about Wang Ou, in fact, to make Hawick Lau admit the divorce.

These words once again pushed the incident to a climax, and also gave the public a new understanding of this turmoil.

In the 7 years of the "script incident", the gap between Yang Mi and Wang Ou is clear at a glance, and everything has been foreshadowed

The turmoil had different effects on the trio. Yang Mi chose to support her husband in public, but the marriage between the two has been irreparably broken. Hawick Lau's "good husband" personality that has been operating for many years collapsed instantly, and his career was also seriously affected.

However, Wang Ou became the target of public opinion, not only suffered a setback in his career, but also his reputation plummeted.

In a showdown between truth and lie, everyone is in a difficult situation. Yang Mi tends to maintain superficial harmony in order to protect his career and family. Hawick Lau and Wang Ou chose to deny it, trying to calm the storm of public opinion.

In the 7 years of the "script incident", the gap between Yang Mi and Wang Ou is clear at a glance, and everything has been foreshadowed

However, instead of solving the problem, these options complicate the situation.

This showbiz turmoil has exposed the complexity and cruelty behind it, in this seemingly glamorous world, the truth is often overshadowed by interests and images, and everyone is trying to maintain their interests and image, but in the process, they may lose something more important.

As time passed, although the turmoil gradually subsided, the impact on the three of them lasted for a long time. It not only changed their public image, but also profoundly affected the trajectory of their lives.

In the 7 years of the "script incident", the gap between Yang Mi and Wang Ou is clear at a glance, and everything has been foreshadowed

In this game where there are no winners, everyone pays the price and learns valuable lessons from it.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, seven years have passed since the "script incident". In the past seven years, the life trajectories of Yang Mi, Hawick Lau and Wang Ou have gone in different directions, just like the old saying: "The seven-year itch" applies not only to marriage, but also to life.

Yang Mi's acting career has become more and more courageous, and the turmoil has not hindered her development. She has always been active on both the big screen and the small screen, and has frequently appeared in major variety shows, commercial events and commercials.

In the 7 years of the "script incident", the gap between Yang Mi and Wang Ou is clear at a glance, and everything has been foreshadowed

Due to her super popularity and commercial value, she successfully created a revenue of 300 million yuan in three years, which is a seemingly impossible task, which not only won her more resources, but also brought huge benefits to her company.

In contrast, Hawick Lau's situation is very different. After the "script incident", his resources were significantly reduced, and he finally chose to gradually fade out of the showbiz. However, to his credit, he did not neglect his responsibilities to his daughter because of this.

After the divorce, Hawick Lau devoted almost all his energy to taking care of his daughter, personally picking him up and going to school every day, and doing his best to play the role of a father, although he may not be a competent husband, but undoubtedly a conscientious father.

In the 7 years of the "script incident", the gap between Yang Mi and Wang Ou is clear at a glance, and everything has been foreshadowed

It took seven years to change a person's fate. Relying on his own efforts and abilities, Yang Mi not only got through the difficulties in his life, but also pushed his career to a new height.

Although Hawick Lau has encountered difficulties in his acting career, he has found new value in life in family responsibilities, while Wang Ou is trying to shake off the shadow of the past and try to reshape his career.

The changes in the past seven years are like a mirror, reflecting the cruelty and reality of the entertainment industry. It tells us that in this glamorous world, a small storm can change the trajectory of a person's destiny.

In the 7 years of the "script incident", the gap between Yang Mi and Wang Ou is clear at a glance, and everything has been foreshadowed

But at the same time, it also shows the resilience of human nature, and no matter what the adversity is, there are always people who can rise to the occasion and create new possibilities.

Seven years, like a long baptism, changed the life trajectory of Yang Mi, Hawick Lau and Wang Ou, and they went in different directions. The turmoil that started with the "Battle of the Scripts" seems to have already doomed their respective fates.

However, the chapter of life is far from over, and the possibilities of the future are like a vast ocean. Yang Mi is still shining in his acting career, while Hawick Lau focuses on his family and wholeheartedly cultivates the next generation.

In the 7 years of the "script incident", the gap between Yang Mi and Wang Ou is clear at a glance, and everything has been foreshadowed

And Wang Ou has been trying to reinvent his career.

This story teaches us that every choice comes with a price, but also a new opportunity. No matter what the past is, the key is how to look at the present and how to write your own chapter of life.

Between the gifts and the costs of fate, each of us is constantly seeking a balance to create our own unique life.

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