
I take the initiative to label my articles as [including the storyline], turning passive into active

author:When will my spring breeze come?

After my careful observation, I made a detailed discovery about my article.

What did I discover through my keen insight?

It's the articles I found myself posting, and there are a lot of them, all of which are marked with [may contain a storyline!] ] tags.

I take the initiative to label my articles as [including the storyline], turning passive into active

Either? It's just that it's been marked with [the content may be created by AI!] ] tags.

I take the initiative to label my articles as [including the storyline], turning passive into active

But in fact, my article is labeled with such and such a label, which is objectively inaccurate, because the article created by AI is not really created by AI, because I don't know how to operate AI to write for me? The article was actually written by me with one stroke at a time.

Where can AI operate? What software does it use? How is it used during operation? Do I know nothing?

Some things are not what you see, many times, we only see the appearance of things, and do not see the essence of its inside and outside, we must not listen to the wind is the rain, the people are the clouds, because what you see may not be what you see.

I was typed [may contain a storyline!] The article is the same, it's not the same as everyone sees, it's just a storyline?

The articles I have written are based on some real things that I have personally experienced, or that I have seen, or that I have heard, are all vivid examples, flesh and blood, and articles that have been infused with soul.

Despite this, it is labeled as a story.

I feel that even if it is something that I have experienced myself, as long as I tell it to others, it will be equivalent to a story in the eyes of others.

Therefore, the article is labeled as such, and I also think it is reasonable, and there is nothing to doubt.

Just a little weird? I've written about what I've seen and heard, and I've personally experienced, but it's not tagged [maybe a storyline!] ] tags.

So? Isn't this label casual, every article will be affixed? Could there be a specific reason for its appearance? It's just that I've never had a deep understanding, so I'm a little confused.

How did some of the articles that were labeled [may contain a storyline] come about? And let yourself be caught off guard, at a loss?

Through some understanding of others, I know that some of the reasons for the formation of this label, a large part of which are also related to the articles I write, because I write about the things I hear, see, or experience in person, which is too "wonderful", right?

Because of a thing, if you want to write wonderfully, you must rack your brains, hollow out your mind to organize beautiful sentences to describe it, because of the "add oil and vinegar", the processed content, it is wonderful, then it is a little out of reality, it feels a little unreal, in the eyes of some readers, this is a fictional story, there are no real characters and events, pure fiction.

So, this part of the readers complained to the platform about this article, and when there were many complaints, it was posted [may contain a storyline!] ] such a label.

From others, I learned that the reason for being labeled is that the content published by myself is that if it is reported and fed back by more users, the platform will take the initiative to label such content with relevant stories.

In some specific cases, the content may be removed from the shelves or the account may be penalized.

Another point is that if it is indeed a fictional story, then the creator should add a statement like [storyline] when publishing it.

I take the initiative to label my articles as [including the storyline], turning passive into active

After understanding this, I finally had a clear understanding that my article was labeled, and at this time, I was like an enlightenment.

Yes, the articles I wrote are wonderful stories, and they are labeled as stories, which is indeed reasonable, because of my own experience, what I have seen and heard, as long as I tell it to others, in the eyes of others, it is a wonderful and very beautiful story.

Everyone has their own story, it's just that some people's stories are wonderful, and some people's stories are unremarkable.

"The article I wrote is a wonderful story, and it makes perfect sense to label it as a story." With this in mind, I decided to state every article I wrote for myself as [story and deductive plot] when it was published.

His own story is "interpreted" by himself, which must be wonderful.

Rather than letting others passively label your own article, it is better to actively label it as a [storyline].

Turn passive into active, and "interpret" your own wonderful story.

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