
Hundreds of labels: A new standard for data classification that makes decision-making clearer


Baiwei's multi-tab feature allows users to create multiple independent tabs in a single form or app, each with different fields and data. This helps to clearly organize and manage the content of the form, making the data structure more distinct. Users can add, remove, or reorder tags as needed, making it easy to manage complex data and increase productivity. The multi-tab feature makes the form more flexible, allowing users to quickly locate and view the information they need.

Turn on the pagination function of form tabs to facilitate the classification of different contents. In the process of building an application, if there is too much content on the page, it will be extremely difficult to view and edit the entire page. If there are too many form controls, in addition to the option to divide into multiple forms for entry, we can also use the layout of tags to make our data structure more distinct.

Brief introduction

Turn on the pagination function of form tabs to facilitate the classification of different contents.

  • In the process of building an application, if there is too much content on the page, it will be extremely difficult to view and edit the entire page.
  • If there are too many form controls, in addition to the option to divide into multiple forms for entry, we can also use the layout of tags to make our data structure more distinct.

For example, in the new employee entry form, it is necessary to register the employee's family information, education, work experience, marriage and childbirth, etc.

If the multi-label function is used for processing, the classification is clear and unambiguous when entering; When viewing related data, it can also be displayed in multiple tags, and an associated query can be added to each tab to view the employee's information by category.

How to turn it on

Steps: Form Editing Page - > Form Properties - > Multi-tab Display - > Enabled.

Hundreds of labels: A new standard for data classification that makes decision-making clearer

Add tabs

We can name, add, remove, and sort tags.

Hundreds of labels: A new standard for data classification that makes decision-making clearer

Labeling rules:

1. Add up to 20 tabs to a single form.

2. After opening the tabs, keep at least 2 tabs for each form.

3. When you delete a tab or close a tab, all fields in the tab are put back into the form in field order.

4. Keep at least one control in the tab, otherwise it will be automatically hidden. (For example, if all fields in tab 1 are invisible, tab 1 is not visible.)

5. After enabling multi-tabs, adding fields below tabs is no longer supported.

Add fields

Drag the desired field directly from the left field bar to the corresponding tab.

Hundreds of labels: A new standard for data classification that makes decision-making clearer

Drag the off-label widget to enter

You can drag the controls directly from outside the tab into the tab.

Hundreds of labels: A new standard for data classification that makes decision-making clearer

Back-end capabilities

In addition to the basic functions of multi-tags, you can also cooperate with [back-end code] or [function plug-ins] to achieve more practical functions, such as: to implement the next function, the user fills in the corresponding page content before displaying the content of the next page, etc.

Hundreds of labels: A new standard for data classification that makes decision-making clearer


With the continuous advancement of technology and the increasing expansion of application scenarios, the "hundreds of multi-label" system will continue to play a pivotal role in the field of data. It has not only changed the way we process and analyze data, but it has also reshaped our understanding and application of data.

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