
10-Minute Wellness Revolution: Easily relieve shoulder and neck pain and improve spinal health

author:Kaifeng Radio and Television News

10-Minute Wellness Revolution: Easily relieve shoulder and neck pain and improve spinal health

In this modern society, which is known as the "era of cervical spondylosis", it seems that we cannot escape the claws of shoulder and neck pain. However, you may not know how easy it is to solve this problem! A recent study shows that as little as 10 minutes of specific movements per day can significantly improve shoulder, neck and spine health. What exactly is this amazing regimen? How does it work so powerful in just 10 minutes? Let's unveil this wellness secret together.

10-Minute Wellness Revolution: Easily relieve shoulder and neck pain and improve spinal health

The Reflexology Revolution: The Rolling Pin Counterattack

10-Minute Wellness Revolution: Easily relieve shoulder and neck pain and improve spinal health

Who would have thought that a humble rolling pin in the kitchen could become a health tool? That's right, this seemingly unrelated kitchen appliance is quietly starting a revolution in foot reflexology. Just 10-15 minutes a day and letting the rolling pin roll back and forth on the soles of your feet can relieve sore shoulders and necks, and even help you lose weight.

10-Minute Wellness Revolution: Easily relieve shoulder and neck pain and improve spinal health

This method works so well because the soles of our feet are covered with reflex zones that are closely connected to all organs and parts of the body. By stimulating these reflex zones, we can indirectly affect the corresponding body parts. For example, when you massage the soles of your feet with a rolling pin, you may find that certain areas are particularly sensitive or painful, which often means that there is a problem with the corresponding part of the body.

10-Minute Wellness Revolution: Easily relieve shoulder and neck pain and improve spinal health

Interestingly, this method is not only simple and easy, but also comes with unexpected additional benefits. An office white-collar worker who has been using this method for a long time said with a smile: "I originally just wanted to relieve the pain in my shoulder and neck, but I didn't expect that after three months, even my little belly was gone!" ”

10-Minute Wellness Revolution: Easily relieve shoulder and neck pain and improve spinal health

Of course, this approach isn't for everyone. If you have serious foot problems or diabetes, it's best to consult your doctor first. In addition, pay attention to the strength of the massage, take comfort as the degree, and do not use too much force.

10-Minute Wellness Revolution: Easily relieve shoulder and neck pain and improve spinal health

Neck and shoulder savior: Shoulder lift and loose shoulders

When it comes to relieving shoulder and neck problems, we have to mention a simple but effective action: lifting the shoulders and loosening the shoulders. This action seems simple, but in fact it is a hidden mystery. Not only does it help to relax tense shoulder and neck muscles, but it also improves blood circulation in the upper body and improves overall mental state.

Stand up straight, take a deep breath, lift your shoulders and try to move as close to your ears as possible. Hold this position for 15 seconds, then exhale slowly and relax your shoulders. Repeat this a few times and you will feel the tension in your neck and shoulders gradually disappear.

Interestingly, this action can also be carried out quietly in the office, and it is jokingly called "office turtle resting gong" by colleagues. One IT engineer shared, "Whenever I feel stiff in my shoulders and neck, I do this on the sly. My colleagues thought I was practicing some kind of mystical meditation! ”

However, pay special attention to your breathing when doing this movement. Some people unconsciously hold their breath when they lift their shoulders, which can increase tension in the body. Remember to breathe naturally and evenly throughout the process for the best relaxation results.

10-Minute Wellness Revolution: Easily relieve shoulder and neck pain and improve spinal health

Dantian impact method: the abdomen also has to fight?

If the previous method is quite mild, then the dantian impact method can be said to be a kind of "violent aesthetics". This method may sound a little intimidating, but it's actually a very effective way to get fit.

Here's how: Stand in front of the door frame with your feet slightly apart and your stomach about 15 cm away from the door frame. Then, rhythmically hit the door frame with the belly button for 5 minutes a day. Although this action seems simple, pay attention to the following points: relax the whole body during the impact, do not hold your breath or tense your muscles; The pressure should be moderate, and it should not feel too heavy or painful.

Interestingly, this method is reminiscent of sandbag exercises in boxing training. One fitness trainer quipped, "The door frame is your personal boxing coach, only this time it's your abdomen that's 'punching.'" ”

However, not everyone is suitable for this approach. This method should be avoided by pregnant women, people with a history of major abdominal surgery, people with an acute abdomen, or a mass in the abdomen. In addition, if you feel unwell after trying, you should also stop immediately and consult your doctor.

10-Minute Wellness Revolution: Easily relieve shoulder and neck pain and improve spinal health

Ten minutes of health, a lifetime of health

Looking back on these simple but effective health regimens, we can't help but sigh: health is so close to us! From the rolling pin massage on the soles of the feet, to the shoulder and neck lifts and loose shoulders, to the dantian impact on the abdomen, these methods cover the whole body, but only need us to invest a short 10 minutes every day.

Not only are these methods simple and easy, but more importantly, they provide a viable health solution for our busy modern lives. No need for expensive fitness equipment, no need for a large time investment, just a little creativity and perseverance, we can effectively improve our physical condition.

Of course, these methods are not a panacea, they are more like condiments in daily life, adding a unique touch of color to our healthy life. True health also requires our joint efforts in diet, exercise, psychology and other aspects.

[Disclaimer]: This article is for health popularization only and does not constitute medical advice. It aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance.

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