
China Protein Supplement Market Report, and Market Forecast

author:Market insights by industry

Industry Overview:

Our market research experts predict that North America will be the largest region for protein supplement sales in 2019. The region will continue to hold a major share of the protein supplements market throughout the forecast period, owing to factors such as the easy availability of these supplements on online sales platforms.

Protein supplements are made up of a variety of amino acids that provide the building blocks for muscle building and repair. They also help individuals achieve specific nutritional goals. In terms of formulation, they are available as protein powders, ready-to-drink (RTD) proteins, sticks, tablets, and capsules.

According to the protein supplement market research report of Berges, in 2023, the global protein supplement market capacity will reach 147.383 billion yuan (RMB), and the Chinese protein supplement market capacity will reach xx billion yuan. The report predicts that by 2029, the global protein supplement market will reach 270.34 billion yuan, with an average annual compound growth rate of 10.56% during the forecast period. At the same time, the report also gives an analysis of the import and export value of China's protein supplement market and the development of different segments.

At the segmentation level, the report analyzes the segmentation by product type, end application and region, and the research scope includes the market share, market size and growth trend of each segment. By category, the protein supplement industry can be segmented into Others, Protein Powder, Protein Nutrition Energy Bar, Protein Supplement Ready-to-drink. By end use, protein supplements can be used in specialty stores, others, hypermarkets, online sales, and more.

国内蛋白质补充剂行业头部企业包括Abbott Laboratories, Ajinomoto Co, Inc, Ascendis Health, Glanbia pl, Iovate Health Sciences International Inc, MusclePharm, Nestle SA, Orgain, Inc, Quest Nutrition, The Bountiful Company, The Hut Group, Weider Global Nutrition, 浙江康恩贝制药股份有限公司。 报告着重分析了各主要企业主要产品与服务、市场表现(蛋白质补充剂销售量、销售收入、价格、毛利、毛利率等)、份额占比及竞争策略。

Publisher: Hunan Beijiesi Information Consulting Co., Ltd

The market research report of the protein supplement industry analyzes the development status and future development trend of the industry in detail from multiple levels of product type, downstream application field and region. Specifically, the report analyzes the price trend, sales volume, sales trend of each product segment, and the market consumption scale of protein supplements in various application fields, and forecasts the trend of each market segment.

The protein supplement industry report is a research and analysis of the overall overview of the protein supplement market, market size, market size and share proportion of each market segment and region, upstream and downstream supply and demand, and benchmarking enterprises. Through this report, enterprises can have a comprehensive and in-depth grasp of the development of the entire industry, so that they can make corresponding decisions more accurately.

Major Players:

Abbott Laboratories

Ajinomoto Co


Ascendis Health

Glanbia pl

Iovate Health Sciences International Inc


Nestlé SA



Quest Nutrition

The Bountiful Company

The Hut Group

Weider Global Nutrition

Zhejiang Kangenbei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

Product Categories:


Protein powder

Protein nutrition energy bars

Protein supplementation is ready to drink




Large supermarket

Sell online

At the regional level, the report lists key regions such as North China, Central China, South China, and East China, covering the analysis of the development overview and policy interpretation of the protein supplement industry in key regions, and analyzes the development advantages and disadvantages of the protein supplement industry in each region, so as to help enterprises grasp the development characteristics of each region and formulate business strategies in line with the laws of regional development.

Key takeaways from each chapter of the Protein Supplement Industry Report:

Chapter 1: Overview of the protein supplement industry, market size and industry development at home and abroad;

Chapter 2: Analysis of Industrial Competition Pattern, Concentration, and Ecological Layout of Domestic and Foreign Enterprises;

Chapter 3: Analysis of the import and export status, influencing factors, challenges and countermeasures of China's protein supplement industry;

Chapter 4: Analysis of the development status and main policies of protein supplement industry in North China, Central China, South China, and East China;

Chapter 5 & 6: Market Volume, Sales and Growth Rate of Protein Supplements by Segment Type and Protein Supplement by Segment Application in China;

Chapter 7: Analysis of the development overview, core business, market layout, operating conditions, market share changes, products and services, financing and cooperation dynamics of key enterprises in the protein supplement industry;

Chapters 8 & 9: China Protein Supplement Market Volume, Sales and Growth Rate Forecast by Segment Type and Protein Supplement by Segment Application Field;

Chapter 10: Analysis of Macroeconomic Situation, Policy Trends and Foreseeable Risks;

Chapter 11 & 12: China Protein Supplement Market Size Forecast, Challenges and Opportunities, Issues and Development Suggestions.


Chapter 1 Overview of the Development of the Protein Supplement Industry

1.1 Overview of the Protein Supplement Industry

1.1.1 Definition and characteristics of protein supplements

1.1.2 Types of protein supplements

1.1.3 Application of protein supplements

1.2 Market size of China's protein supplement industry from 2019 to 2024

1.3 Overview of the development of protein supplement industry at home and abroad

1.3.1 Industry development history

1.3.2 Industry Drivers

1.3.3 Analysis of industrial chain structure

1.3.4 Technological development

1.3.5 Industry acquisition dynamics

Chapter 2 Analysis of Industrial Competition Pattern

2.1 Analysis of industrial competition structure

2.1.1 Competition among existing enterprises

2.1.2 Potential Entrant Analysis

2.1.3 Alternative Threat Analysis

2.1.4 Bargaining power of suppliers

2.1.5 Customer bargaining power

2.2 Industrial concentration analysis

2.2.1 Market concentration analysis

2.2.2 Regional concentration analysis

2.3 Ecological layout of protein supplements of key enterprises at home and abroad

2.3.1 The current situation of enterprise competition

2.3.2 Industry distribution

Chapter 3 Analysis of the Import and Export of China's Protein Supplement Industry

3.1 Analysis of the export situation of the protein supplement industry

3.2 Analysis of imports in the protein supplement industry

3.3 Factors affecting the import and export of the protein supplement industry

3.3.1 The impact of trade frictions on imports and exports

3.3.2 Impact of the pandemic on imports and exports

3.3.3 Impact of the events in Russia and Ukraine on imports and exports

3.4 Challenges and countermeasures for import and export of protein supplement industry

Chapter 4 Analysis of the Development Status of Protein Supplement Industry in Key Areas of China

4.1 Analysis of the development status of the protein supplement industry in North China from 2019 to 2024

4.1.1 Analysis of the development status of the protein supplement industry in North China from 2019 to 2024

4.1.2 Interpretation of the main policies of the protein supplement industry in North China from 2019 to 2024

4.2 Analysis of the development status of the protein supplement industry in Central China from 2019 to 2024

4.2.1 Analysis of the development status of the protein supplement industry in Central China from 2019 to 2024

4.2.2 Interpretation of the main policies of the protein supplement industry in Central China from 2019 to 2024

4.3 Analysis of the development status of the protein supplement industry in South China from 2019 to 2024

4.3.1 Analysis of the development status of the protein supplement industry in South China from 2019 to 2024

4.3.2 Interpretation of the main policies of the protein supplement industry in South China from 2019 to 2024

4.4 Analysis of the development status of the protein supplement industry in East China from 2019 to 2024

4.4.1 Analysis of the development status of the protein supplement industry in East China from 2019 to 2024

4.4.2 Interpretation of the main policies of the protein supplement industry in East China from 2019 to 2024

Chapter 5 2019-2024 China Protein Supplement Market Operation Analysis by Segment

5.1 Product Classification Standards for the Protein Supplement Industry

5.2 Price trend of major types of protein supplements in the Chinese market from 2019 to 2024

5.3 Factors influencing product price fluctuations in China's protein supplement industry

5.4 Sales volume and sales value of main types of protein supplements in the Chinese market

5.5 Analysis of sales volume of major types of protein supplements in China market from 2019 to 2024

5.5.1 Analysis of sales volume in other markets from 2019 to 2024

5.5.2 Analysis of protein powder market sales volume from 2019 to 2024

5.5.3 Analysis of the sales volume of the protein nutrition energy bar market from 2019 to 2024

5.5.4 Analysis of the sales volume of the protein supplement ready-to-drink market from 2019 to 2024

5.6 Analysis of sales of protein supplements by main types in China market from 2019 to 2024

Chapter 6 2019-2024 China Protein Supplement End-use Application Market Operation Analysis

6.1 Downstream client analysis in the terminal application field

6.2 Analysis of the market potential of the main end-use application areas of protein supplements in the Chinese market

6.3 Sales volume and sales value of protein supplements in the Chinese market in the main end-use application areas

6.4 Analysis of sales volume of protein supplements in the Chinese market by main end-use applications from 2019 to 2024

6.4.1 Analysis of the sales volume of the specialty store market from 2019 to 2024

6.4.2 Analysis of sales volume in other markets from 2019 to 2024

6.4.3 Analysis of sales volume of large supermarkets in the market from 2019 to 2024

6.4.4 Analysis of sales volume in the online sales market from 2019 to 2024

6.5 Analysis of sales of protein supplements in China market by main end-use applications from 2019 to 2024

Chapter 7 Analysis of Key Enterprises in the Protein Supplement Industry

7.1 Abbott Laboratories

7.1.1 Abbott Laboratories发展概况

7.1.2 Core business of the enterprise

7.1.3 Abbott Laboratories 蛋白质补充剂领域布局

7.1.4 Abbott Laboratories业务经营分析

7.1.5 Introduction to Protein Supplement Products and Services

7.1.6 Financing status and cooperation dynamics of enterprises

7.2 Ajinomoto Co, Inc

7.2.1 Ajinomoto Co, Inc发展概况

7.2.2 Core business of the enterprise

7.2.3 Ajinomoto Co, Inc.

7.2.4 Ajinomoto Co, Inc业务经营分析

7.2.5 Introduction to Protein Supplement Products and Services

7.2.6 Financing status and cooperation dynamics of enterprises

7.3 Ascendis Health

7.3.1 Ascendis Health发展概况

7.3.2 Core business of the enterprise

7.3.3 Ascendis Health 蛋白质补充剂领域布局

7.3.4 Ascendis Health业务经营分析

7.3.5 Introduction to Protein Supplement Products and Services

7.3.6 Financing status and cooperation dynamics of enterprises

7.4 Glanbia pl

7.4.1 Overview of the development of Glanbia pl

7.4.2 Core business of the enterprise

7.4.3 Glanbia pl Protein Supplement Layout

7.4.4 Analysis of Glanbia pl's business operations

7.4.5 Introduction to Protein Supplement Products and Services

7.4.6 Financing status and cooperation dynamics of enterprises

7.5 Iovate Health Sciences International Inc

7.5.1 Iovate Health Sciences International Inc发展概况

7.5.2 Core business of the enterprise

7.5.3 Iovate Health Sciences International Inc 蛋白质补充剂领域布局

7.5.4 Iovate Health Sciences International Inc业务经营分析

7.5.5 Introduction to Protein Supplement Products and Services

7.5.6 Financing status and cooperation dynamics of enterprises

7.6 MusclePharm

7.6.1 Overview of MusclePharm Development

7.6.2 Core business of the enterprise

7.6.3 MusclePharm Protein Supplement Layout

7.6.4 Analysis of MusclePharm's Business Operations

7.6.5 Introduction to Protein Supplement Products and Services

7.6.6 Financing status and cooperation dynamics of enterprises

7.7 Nestle SA

7.7.1 Nestle SA发展概况

7.7.2 Core business of the enterprise

7.7.3 Nestlé SA 蛋白质补充剂领域布局

7.7.4 Nestle SA业务经营分析

7.7.5 Introduction to Protein Supplement Products and Services

7.7.6 Financing status and cooperation dynamics of enterprises

7.8 Orgain, Inc

7.8.1 Orgain, Inc发展概况

7.8.2 Core business of the enterprise

7.8.3 Orgain, Inc 蛋白质补充剂领域布局

7.8.4 Orgain, Inc业务经营分析

7.8.5 Introduction to Protein Supplement Products and Services

7.8.6 Financing status and cooperation dynamics of enterprises

7.9 Quest Nutrition

7.9.1 Quest Nutrition发展概况

7.9.2 Core business of the enterprise

7.9.3 Quest Nutrition 蛋白质补充剂领域布局

7.9.4 Quest Nutrition业务经营分析

7.9.5 Introduction to Protein Supplement Products and Services

7.9.6 Financing status and cooperation dynamics of enterprises

7.10 The Bountiful Company

7.10.1 The Bountiful Company发展概况

7.10.2 Core business of the enterprise

7.10.3 The Bountiful Company 蛋白质补充剂领域布局

7.10.4 The Bountiful Company业务经营分析

7.10.5 Introduction to Protein Supplement Products and Services

7.10.6 Financing status and cooperation dynamics of enterprises

7.11 The Hut Group

7.11.1 The Hut Group发展概况

7.11.2 Core business

7.11.3 The Hut Group 蛋白质补充剂领域布局

7.11.4 The Hut Group业务经营分析

7.11.5 Introduction to Protein Supplement Products and Services

7.11.6 Financing status and cooperation dynamics of enterprises

7.12 Weider Global Nutrition

7.12.1 Weider Global Nutrition发展概况

7.12.2 Core business of the enterprise

7.12.3 Weider Global Nutrition 蛋白质补充剂领域布局

7.12.4 Weider Global Nutrition业务经营分析

7.12.5 Introduction to Protein Supplement Products and Services

7.12.6 Financing status and cooperation dynamics of enterprises

7.13 Zhejiang Kangenbei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

7.13.1 Development of Zhejiang Kangenbei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

7.13.2 Core business of the enterprise

7.13.3 Zhejiang Kangenbei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Layout in the field of protein supplements

7.13.4 Business operation analysis of Zhejiang Kangenbei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

7.13.5 Introduction to Protein Supplement Products and Services

7.13.6 Financing status and cooperation dynamics of enterprises

Chapter 8 2024-2029 China Protein Supplement Market Segment Sales Trend Forecast Analysis

8.1 China Protein Supplement Market by Major Types of Sales Volume and Sales Forecast

8.2 2024-2029 China Market Protein Supplement Sales Volume Forecast by Major Types

8.3 2024-2029 China Market Protein Supplement Sales Forecast by Major Types

8.3.1 Sales forecast for other markets from 2024 to 2029

8.3.2 Protein powder market sales forecast 2024-2029

8.3.3 Protein nutrition energy bar market sales forecast 2024-2029

8.3.4 Protein Supplement RTD Market Sales Forecast 2024-2029

8.4 2024-2029 China Protein Supplement Market Price Trend Forecast by Major Types

Chapter 9 2024-2029 China Protein Supplement End Application Market Sales Trend Forecast and Analysis

9.1 Sales volume and sales forecast of protein supplements in China market by main end-use applications

9.2 2024-2029 China Market Protein Supplement Sales Volume Forecast by Major End-Use Applications

9.3 2024-2029 China Market Protein Supplement Sales Forecast Analysis by Major End-use Application Segments

9.3.1 2024-2029 Specialty Store Market Sales Forecast Analysis

9.3.2 2024-2029 Sales Forecast Analysis for Other Markets

9.3.3 2024-2029 hypermarket sales forecast analysis

9.3.4 2024-2029 Online Sales Market Sales Forecast Analysis

Chapter 10 Forecast of the Development Environment of China's Protein Supplement Industry

10.1 Analysis of the macroeconomic situation

10.2 Policy Trend Analysis

10.3 Analysis of foreseeable risks in the development of the protein supplement industry

Chapter 11 Development prospects of protein supplement industry under the influence of the epidemic

11.1 China Protein Supplement Industry Market Size Forecast 2024-2029

11.2 Coronavirus situation

11.3 Development Challenges

11.4 Opportunities in Challenges

11.5 Development Strategy Recommendations

11.6 Related Action Items

Chapter 12 Development Issues and Related Suggestions of China's Protein Supplement Industry

12.1 Analysis of Main Issues

12.2 Bottlenecks in industrial development

12.3 Industry Development Recommendations

The report contains data points such as market size, share, sales volume, sales, growth rate, and revenue of China's protein supplement market, market segments, and major enterprises, which can help enterprises intuitively, detailed, and objective understand the overall development and development trend of the industry, and through professional and objective industry in-depth research, help protein supplement companies adjust their development strategies according to the phased market dynamics, effectively promote their business capabilities, and enhance the competitiveness of the industry.

Report Code: 2670059

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