
A quick look at the homes of Yingdu is about to change!

author:Wei Sihong

——The above is an advertisement——

来源 | 宿迁市公共资源电子交易平台编辑 | 张新月 审核 | 张希刚

Tender Notice/Invitation to Tender

Sihong County Xuefu Wenyuan and other old community upgrading and renovation projects - Yingdu Homes Bid Announcement / Invitation to Bid


The Sihong County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau's Sihong County Xuefu Wenyuan and other old community upgrading and renovation projects - Yingdu Home Bid Section 1 has been approved for construction by Hongfa Gai Investment Development [2023] No. 214, and the source of construction funds is financial funds, with a capital contribution ratio of 100%, which has been implemented. The project has met the bidding conditions, and now the project is open for bidding for the upgrading and renovation of the old community such as Sihong County Xuefu Wenyuan - Yingdu Home Bid Section 1, and the winning bidder is selected.

1. Project overview and bidding scope

1.1 Project location:

Yingdu Home Community, Sihong County

1.2 Project scale:

This project mainly includes the overall renovation of Yingdu Home Residential Community, covering an area of about 175,700 m2, with a total construction area of about 280,000 m2 (including 7 floors of multi-storey residential buildings): including but not limited to the renovation of the façade of the building under the jurisdiction of the community, the renovation of the unit corridor, the renovation of the stair railing, the addition of age-appropriate folding chairs at the stairwell platform, the safety handrail against the wall, the touch and voice-activated integrated lamp in the stairwell, the addition of fire extinguishers in the stairwell, the renovation of the unit roof, the manhole cover, the maintenance and replacement of the external wall downpipe, etc.; For details, please refer to the drawing requirements and bill of quantities, the highest bid limit of this project is 8,671,742.81 yuan.

1.3 Construction period: 60 calendar days, planned start and completion time: July 10, 2024 - September 8, 2024

1.4 Quality Requirements:


1.5 Time and method of payment of project progress payment:

Pay the project price in installments according to the progress of the project, pay 10% of the contract price after the construction contract is signed (pay the advance payment and the contractor must provide the same proportion of bank guarantee, guarantee insurance or guarantee guarantee to the tenderer), pay 32% of the contract price when 40% of the project quantity is completed during the construction period, pay 48% of the contract price when 60% of the project quantity is completed, pay 80% of the contract price after the completion and acceptance of the project, pay 97% of the approved settlement price after the project settlement price is reviewed, and pay off the balance after the expiration of the defect liability period.

1.6 The bidding project is divided into 1 bidding section. The division of bids and the corresponding bidding content are as follows:

Sihong County Xuefu Wenyuan and other old community upgrading and renovation projects - Yingdu Home Bid Section 1 construction

2. Qualification review method

The bidding of this project adopts post-qualification review, qualification review method: qualification system.

3. Bid evaluation method

The project adopts the bid evaluation method:

□ Lowest bid price method after evaluation;

□ Comprehensive evaluation method, in which the technical standard part adopts remote bid evaluation: □ Yes □ No;

√ the method of reasonable low price;

3.1 Bidding offer: 98 points

When the tenderer opens the bid, randomly selects any one of the methods in method 1 and method 2 as the method for calculating the score of the quotation.

Method 1: The evaluation price of the valid bidding documents (the effective bidding documents refer to the bidding documents that have passed the preliminary evaluation, the same below) (the evaluation price is the bid quotation that has been clarified, corrected and corrected by arithmetic calculation errors, the same below) The arithmetic average value is A (when the valid bidding documents are ≥ 7, the highest 20% and the lowest 20% (rounded to the nearest integer, and the last bid price is the same) is averaged; When there are 4-6 valid bidding documents, the arithmetic average is carried out after excluding the highest bid (the highest bid is the same); When there are 4 valid bid <documents, the next lowest bid is used as the average bid price A). The benchmark price of bid evaluation A × K, the K value is randomly selected and determined by the tenderer at the time of bid opening, and the value range of K value is 95%, 96%, 97% and 98%. 0.6 points will be deducted for every 1% higher, 0.5 points will be deducted for every 1% lower, and less than 1% will be calculated according to the insertion method, and the score will be kept to two decimal places.

Method 2: The average value of the evaluation price of the valid bidding documents is A [when there are 7 valid bidding ≥documents, the highest 20% and the lowest 20% (rounded to the nearest whole number) are removed; When there are 4-6 valid bidding documents, the arithmetic average is carried out after excluding the highest bid (the highest bid is the same); When there <are 4 valid bidding documents, the next lowest bid is used as the average bid price A], and the bidding control price is B, then the bid evaluation benchmark price = A×K1×Q1+B×K2×Q2; Q2=1-Q1, the value range of Q1 is: 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%; The value range of K1 is: 95%, 96%, 97%, 98%; The K2 value is 90%. 0.6 points will be deducted for every 1% higher, 0.5 points will be deducted for every 1% lower, and less than 1% will be calculated according to the insertion method, and the score will be kept to two decimal places. After the bid evaluation committee signs the bid evaluation report, the bid evaluation benchmark price of the above-mentioned method 1 and method 2 shall not be changed due to the questioning, complaint, reconsideration and any other circumstances of the bidding parties, but the calculation errors in the bid evaluation process can be adjusted.

3.2 Credit assessment (2.00 points): Based on the credit rating in the enterprise credit report issued by the credit service institution in accordance with the "Jiangsu Provincial Enterprise Credit Evaluation Guidelines" (2023 Edition), 2 points for AAA, 1.8 points for AA, 1.6 points for A grade, 1.4 points for BBB, and no other grades are scored. Note: 1. The credit report is selected by the bidder from the "credit report" column in the integrity database and linked to the bidding documents; No points will be awarded for failure to comply with the requirements. 2. The "credit report" in the corporate integrity database is pushed by the "Credit Suqian" platform, and the bidder contacts the platform as needed, Tel: 0527-84338860.

4. Bidder qualification requirements

4.1 Ability to enter into contracts independently;

4.2 Qualification category and level of the enterprise: with the qualification of general contracting of construction projects level 3 and above, and on the deadline for submission of bidding documents, log in to the "Provincial Construction Market Supervision and Integrity Information Integration Platform" to query, and the dynamic supervision results of the qualification are not in an unqualified state;

4.3 The registered specialty and qualification level of the project leader: have the qualification of a registered construction engineer of level 2 or above in construction engineering, and have the safety production assessment certificate (B certificate) of the project leader of the construction enterprise;

4.4 The project does not accept consortium bidding;

4.5 The enterprise has the conditions for safe production and has obtained the safety production license (except for those not required by relevant regulations);

4.6 The project leader must meet the following conditions:

4.6.1 The person in charge of the project shall not be employed or practice in two or more units at the same time;

4.6.2 The project leader has no construction in progress after the change, or the project leader has no construction in progress after the change (the original contract period must have expired and 6 months have passed since the date of the change filing), or the project has been suspended or cannot start on time due to reasons not attributable to the contractor, and the project leader has gone through the unlocking procedures, or the project leader has a project under construction, but the construction in progress and the project in this bidding belong to the same project and the same project approval, The same construction site is contracted in sections or phases, and the total project scale is within the scope of practice of the project leader.

4.6.3 The project leader has no criminal record of bribery; or have a criminal record of bribery, but it has been more than 5 years since the date of the record.

4.7 The bidder shall not have one of the following circumstances:

4.7.1 is a subsidiary (unit) that does not have independent legal personality for the tenderer;

4.7.2 Provide bidding agency and design services for the supervisor, construction agent and project manager of the bidding project, as well as for the bidding project;

4.7.3 The same legal representative as the supervisor, agent builder and bidding agency of the bidding project, or mutual holding or shareholding;

4.7.4 There is an interest in the tenderer that may affect the fairness of the bidding;

4.7.5 The person in charge of the unit is the same person or different units with a holding or management relationship;

4.7.6 is in a state of being ordered to suspend business, property is taken over, frozen and bankrupt, and the bidding qualification is cancelled or suspended and within the suspension period;

4.7.7 Due to arrears of workers' wages or due to the occurrence of quality and safety accidents, the relevant departments are restricted from undertaking projects at the location of the bidding project;

4.7.8 The bidder has committed a criminal act of offering bribes in the past 3 years and has been recorded, or the legal representative has a criminal record of bribery and has not exceeded 5 years from the date of recording.

4.8 The person in charge of the project to be assigned by the bidder must be a member of the unit, and at the time of bidding, he can provide the proof of payment of social endowment insurance or medical insurance for any one month in the past six months.

4.9 If the bidding enterprise or project leader is listed as a record of dishonest behavior by the Suqian Public Resources Trading Center or the Sihong County Public Resources Trading Center due to collusive bidding, fraud, bidding in the name of others, fraudulent bidding, subcontracting, illegal subcontracting and other violations of laws and regulations, the tenderer shall not accept its bidding.

4.10 Comply with other conditions stipulated by laws and regulations.

5. Acquisition of bidding documents and other information

5.1 Those who intend to participate in the bidding, please log in to the bidder business system of the Suqian Public Resources Trading Electronic Service Platform ( from 09:00 on June 21, 2024 to 17:30 on June 27, 2024 to obtain the bidding documents for free.

5.2 bidders need to apply for digital certificates (CA locks, signs) to obtain bidding documents online, and search for "digital certificates and electronic signatures" through the Suqian Public Resources Trading Service Platform Service Guide - Download Center Module, and then choose a service provider to handle the corresponding digital certificate according to the guide. If the bidder is unable to participate in the bidding due to the bidder's failure to go through the relevant procedures in time, the relevant responsibilities shall be borne by the bidder.

6. Submission of bidding documents

6.1 Deadline for submission of online electronic bidding documents (bid opening time): 09:30 on July 2, 2024;

6.2 Bid opening location: The project adopts online bid opening, and it is necessary to log in to the bidder business system of Suqian Public Resources Trading Electronic Service Platform ( to enter the online bid opening hall to participate in bid opening.

6.3 Online electronic bidding documents shall be uploaded to the Suqian Public Resources Electronic Trading Platform before the bidding deadline. Late upload or not uploaded to the Suqian City public resources electronic trading platform of the tender documents, the tenderer will not be accepted.

7. Objections and complaints

7.1 If the bidder has any objection to the bidding documents, it shall be submitted to the tenderer 3 days before the deadline for bidding. The contact information of the tenderer is detailed in the tender announcement of this project.

7.2 Contact information for complaints:

7.2.1 bidders believe that the tendering and bidding activities do not comply with the provisions of laws, regulations and rules, can be known or should know within 10 days from the date of complaint, to the relevant administrative supervision departments, but on the "tendering and bidding law implementation regulations" 22, 44, 54 of the provisions of the complaint, should first raise an objection to the tenderer in accordance with the law. Tel: 0527-89883662.

7.2.2 engineering construction project objections, complaints to implement the whole process of online handling, bidders must log in to the "Suqian City public resources electronic trading platform (bidder)" interface, click on objections, complaints, according to the system prompts to fill in the relevant information, and upload the required supporting materials and attachments. For details of the complaint requirements and handling process, please refer to the electronic trading platform.

8. Other content that needs to be added


9. Contact Information

Tenderee: Sihong County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau Bidding agency: Jiangsu Hanlian Project Management Co., Ltd
Address: No. 13, Changjiang Road, Sihong County Address: Sihong County Hong Kong Garden North Gate Street
Contact: Chen Geng Contact: Yue Yanying
Telephone: 13951060508 Telephone: 15052719565
Fax: Fax:
Zip Code: Zip Code:
Email: Email:
