



2024-06-27 21:58

League of Legends S14 Summer Tournament, LPL has undergone a major overhaul - a new format, a new BP mode, and a new lineup. In the first round of the final group tournament that has ended, in the global BP mode, many teams and players have exposed their shortcomings in hero pools and tactical reserves.


The competition for the promotion places in the group stage has entered a white-hot state. According to the schedule, the second round of the scheduled group competition on June 27 will be held, and two heavyweight matches will be arranged. They are RNG vs. WE in Group B, and BLG vs. LGD in the same group. In the first game that ended first, RNG surprisingly defeated WE with a score of 2 to 1 to get its first victory, and lifted LGD to drag WE into the water.


In this way, due to WE's own problems, LGD went directly to the summit group. Then their match with BLG, winning or losing is irrelevant, and both teams will probably practice.


In the first game, LGD blue side, ban Ash, weapons, cards, Rambo, and Iron Man, and choose L Scorpion, Fire Man, Airplane, Zeli, and Female Tan; BLG red side, ban Enchantress, Zyra, Cannon, Ezreal, Bomberman, and choose Quisanti, Leopard Girl, Lucian, Senna, and Titan

Since they both entered the summit group, both teams chose a two-shooter lineup in the first game, LGD is the plane Gazeli, and BLG is Lucian Gasena, 4AD is in the field to see who has better skills and condition.


As a result, the two teams with no pressure played a flip game in the first game, BLG played a good game in the first 15 minutes, and LGD took over the second half of the game. In the first 15 minutes, BLG once played an economic advantage of nearly 2000, but in about 15 minutes, after the female tan flashed and left the titan, LGD played a 1-for-4 good group, instantly reversed the situation and took over the follow-up game! In the end, 34 minutes and 41 seconds, LGD took the big dragon first, and then won the first game in a wave that was not too difficult!


In the second game, BLG blue side, ban Enchantress, Titan, Rambo, Death Song, and Bomberman, and choose Scorpion, Zyra, Yon, Calista, and Renata; On the LGD red side, ban Ash, Cannon, Airplane, Female Tan, and Ezreal, and choose Quisanti, Lilia, Jace, Delevingne, and Bullhead

BLG, who lost one game first, chose a traditional lineup with Yongen as the core in the second game; LGD, on the other hand, took out the consumption stream led by Jace. Depending on the lineup and intensity, the early and mid stages are key for the two teams to compete.


As a result, in the second game, the embarrassed king felt that there was nothing to say, LGD only got a defense tower, and after avoiding the embarrassment of the Zero Dragon Tower, he quickly conceded defeat at 28 minutes and 24 seconds. BLG easily pulled back a game!


Tiebreaker, LGD blue side, ban cards, Leona, Ash, Jax, Kenan, choose Bobby, Qianjue, LeBlanc, Ezreal, Titan; BLG red side, ban Zyra, Cannon, Rambo, Skateboard Shoes, Nal, and choose Crocodile, Fire Man, Airplane, Kaisha, and Ruier

In the deciding game, LGD chose a traditional lineup led by Enchantress, expecting the opponent to make mistakes while ensuring its own error tolerance; BLG, on the other hand, chose a dual-shooter lineup with airplanes and kasha, and theoretically as long as you don't make mistakes, it's easy to play in the middle and late stages.


As a result, in the deciding game, BLG won first and then lost, allowing LGD to complete a desperate comeback. In the first 30 minutes of the game, BLG took advantage of the advantage of one blood and once played an economic advantage of nearly 6,000. Just when the vast majority of players thought that BLG would snowball to win, BLG assisted ON to make a fatal mistake, allowing LGD to win the ancient dragon soul and recover the economic difference; Around 34 minutes, LGD also made a wave, and after killing many people in BLG Heights, it was overtaken by BLG again. In the final 37 minutes and 51 seconds, after LeBlanc completed the counterpoint single kill, LGD successfully ended the game after winning the ancient dragon again


With LGD's victory over BLG, since the outcome of this game has nothing to do with promotion, the victory or defeat of this game cannot be used to show that LGD has regained its feelings, nor can this game be used to show that BLG's strength is not enough. This game, to put it bluntly, is just an open training match, nothing more. But LGD, they do have to thank RNG, right?

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  • RNG谢谢你!LGD先晋级,后斩BLG!
  • RNG谢谢你!LGD先晋级,后斩BLG!
  • RNG谢谢你!LGD先晋级,后斩BLG!
  • RNG谢谢你!LGD先晋级,后斩BLG!
  • RNG谢谢你!LGD先晋级,后斩BLG!
  • RNG谢谢你!LGD先晋级,后斩BLG!
  • RNG谢谢你!LGD先晋级,后斩BLG!
  • RNG谢谢你!LGD先晋级,后斩BLG!
  • RNG谢谢你!LGD先晋级,后斩BLG!

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