
The "native ginseng" in the old man's mouth turned out to be on the side of the road, and it was a pity that he was disgusted with thorns all over his body

author:Dietitian Ho Haizhen

The countryside is rich in resources, there are many wild plants, these plants are natural gifts from nature, all have their unique value and use, but now many people do not understand, often used as weeds to get rid of, only some of the older generation of people cherish them very much.

For example, the weed that the author shared today, it is a very common weed in the countryside, there are many on the side of the road, but because it is full of thorns and is disliked, but it is very valuable, the older generation calls it "soil ginseng", and people who understand it rush to dig.

The "native ginseng" in the old man's mouth turned out to be on the side of the road, and it was a pity that he was disgusted with thorns all over his body

Because the young leaves of this weed look somewhat similar to the amaranth we often eat in our lives, after growing up slowly, its whole body is covered with needle-like spikes, so it is named spiny amaranth, and there are also other names such as spiny amaranth, wild amaranth, wild amaranth, wild amaranth, amaranth, false amaranth, white amaranth and so on.

Amaranth is an annual herbaceous plant of the family Amaranth, it is a plant of the same family and genus as amaranth, and it will naturally grow somewhat similar, and the young leaves of amaranth are also very delicious and delicious like amaranth, but the wild amaranth is much better than amaranth in terms of taste and nutrition.

There are many ways to eat amaranth, and it is the simplest and most nutritious way to fry young leaves directly with minced garlic, and it can maintain the original taste of amaranth, which is also the most commonly eaten way for people in their hometown. In addition, it can also be used to make stuffing, cold salad, soup, boiled noodles, shabu-shabu, etc.

In the past, when we were poorer, eating wild vegetables was very commonplace, and amaranth was one of them. It's just that later, everyone's living standards improved, and there were fewer and fewer people who ate wild vegetables, and the ripe amaranth was covered with thorns, so it was gradually forgotten.

The "native ginseng" in the old man's mouth turned out to be on the side of the road, and it was a pity that he was disgusted with thorns all over his body

But the older generation of amaranth is very cherished, when it is still a seedling, pick young leaves to make wild vegetables to eat, and wait until it is ripe and fruitful, it will dig its roots to make soup and drink, can be used fresh, can not be eaten can also be dried for later use, especially used to cook keel soup is a must, the effect of removing moisture is good.

The tuber root of spiny amaranth grows relatively thick and conical, which looks similar to ginseng in appearance, and the edible value is also very high, so the older generation calls it "native ginseng". The thicker the root of the spiny amaranth, the better the effect, and the higher the nutritional value, and those who know it will dig some up every year and take it home to dry and store for later use.

The reason why amaranth is deeply loved by the older generation is mainly because of its medicinal value, although the whole herb can be used as medicine, and its roots are more precious, not only has the effect of dampness, but also has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, reducing inflammation and detoxifying, nourishing and eliminating accumulation.

Amaranth can be used in life for sore throat, enteritis, gastric ulcer, bacillary dysentery, hemorrhoidal bleeding, blood in the stool, indigestion, anemia, skin eczema, snake bites, urticaria and other diseases. At the same time, often use spiny amaranth to make soup, which has a certain tonic effect and is good for our health.

The "native ginseng" in the old man's mouth turned out to be on the side of the road, and it was a pity that he was disgusted with thorns all over his body

Amaranth spinosa is widely distributed in the mainland, almost all over China, and can be seen in rural roadsides, field edges, grasslands, ditch edges, open fields, gardens, farmlands, houses and other places, and its growth range is quite wide.

Dear friends, do you have this kind of amaranth in your hometown? The "native ginseng" in the old man's mouth turned out to be on the side of the road, and he was disgusted with thorns all over his body, but he didn't know that it was full of treasures, but it was a pity. If you meet in your hometown, I hope you pay attention to it!


1. This article is a popular science article and does not constitute medication advice, please follow the doctor's advice!

2. If you want to know more about herbal medicine, please pay attention to the WeChat public account: nutritionist He Haizhen, thank you for your support!

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