
Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

author:How happy people are on the journey


Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

Text: Lin Nanfang Editor: Jia Fangfang

Source: Marriage & Family Magazine


Recently, "The Story of Rose" has become a big hit, and several of Huang Yimei's handsome boyfriends have taken turns to blow up the scene. However, they still lost to a small-eyed man - Huang Zhenhua after all.

He is a spoiled sister maniac, protecting his sister everywhere, and he is the "dream brother" of many people.

Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

His love is a mode of getting along that many people envy: he wears a couple's outfit and sprinkles sugar, actively solves problems, never drags his feet, and has a smooth channel for emotional exchange.

Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

He is filial to his parents and patient with his children, and has become "the most reliable good man in the whole play" without any suspense.

Huang Zhenhua is so popular, in addition to his likable personality, it is also inseparable from the good acting skills of the actor Tong Dawei and the audience.

Seeing his iconic single eyelids and small eyes, everyone left messages: After so many years, Tong Dawei really hasn't changed at all, his figure and appearance have not changed, he is younger than Lu Tao at that time, and he has played a warm man, his acting skills are explosive, and the flowering period is super long!

Huang Zhenhua in the play is a winner in life, and Tong Dawei outside the play is even better.

I have been married to my wife who fell in love at first sight for 17 years with zero scandals and have 3 lovely children. He has guarded his vegetative father for 39 years and is known as the "warm man of the century". His debut is the peak, and his career has been popular for more than 20 years.

Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

But who would have thought that Tong Dawei's journey along the way was not as smooth as everyone thought. In life, he was once a poor boy from a difficult family; Emotionally, they almost regretted it for life because of their breakup.

However, fortunately, these are just the past, and they also make him know how to cherish the happiness and contentment of the present.


had a rough childhood, the poor boy grew into a warm man, and unexpectedly fell in love with acting

Tong Dawei grew up in a happy family of four, with a mother, sister, and a father who is a police officer.

When he was a child, he felt that the happiest thing was that his father drove a motorbike to pick him up from school, which made his classmates envious. Dad is not only handsome, but also talented. In his heart, his father is an idol-like existence.

Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

However, when Tong Dawei was 6 years old, such happiness came to an abrupt end. On May 1, 1985, my father and his family happily took a family photo, but the next day while performing official duties, they were in a car accident accident, hit their head on the ground, and were seriously injured, becoming a vegetative state, and have been bedridden ever since.

The parents have a deep affection, and after my father fell ill, my mother traveled back and forth between the hospital and home every day, and took care of her every day.

At that time, although Tong Dawei was young, he had a resilient and warm heart. After his father's accident, he accelerated his growth and became a little man, feeling sorry for his father and understanding his mother and sister.

Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

Tong Dawei took the initiative to take on housework: he learned to cook at the age of 7, and in the third grade of primary school, he was able to change the gas tank alone, and his small shoulders could even carry 50 pounds of rice.

The big boy who wants to be the pillar of the family, and his youth since then has been full of the theme of struggle.

Tong Dawei originally planned to work early after finishing secondary school to earn money, but a group performance experience gave him the idea of learning acting. At that time, Tong Dawei played a thug and was praised by the assistant director for "having a good image and being an actor". Just in time for the Shanghai Theater Academy to come to Dalian to recruit students, he decided to give it a try.

For the exam, Tong Dawei hardly slept a full night, and often got up in the middle of the night to read. In order to prevent drowsiness, he used all kinds of methods to wake up his mind.

At the same time, my sister also asked her classmates from art school to give him make-up lessons.

Tong Dawei always thought that he had a good image, but when he arrived at the examination room, he found that his weight of 170 pounds was too fat. Most of the others are slender and dance, but he can only do radio gymnastics, and he is directly stopped by the teacher halfway through the jump.

Fortunately, he excelled in his major and was finally admitted with a good score of second place.

In the entertainment industry, it is not easy for ordinary-looking, chubby boys to break their way. In July 1997, Tong Dawei became a freshman in the play.

He wakes up early every day and runs 30 laps around the 200-meter meadow, rain or shine. He thought: If you can't stick to such a simple thing, what else can you do big?

It is precisely by virtue of the tenacity that Tong Dawei has become a good seedling in the eyes of teachers. He also lived up to expectations and won a scholarship every year.

Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

In his sophomore year, a commercial found Tong Dawei. He used the first money he earned to carefully select a gift for his mother. After that, he also made a rural drama. It was also from this time that Tong Dawei began to earn his own tuition fees and not burden his family.

Not only that, Tong Dawei also wants to earn more money to supplement his family. For this reason, as long as there is a scene, he will shoot it, no matter how much he is paid, no matter how big or small the role is. Later, because of frequent filming, he couldn't remember his lines and was scolded, kicked, and warned by the school.

But Tong Dawei has never regretted it, because in his heart, treating his vegetative father is the most important thing.

Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

Although he has played several different roles, Tong Dawei wants to play the role he wants to play the most is a policeman, and he wants to use such a role to awaken his father's memory.

Maybe it's because life wants to give a little sweetness to those who work hard, but before Dad wakes up, love comes first.


The career is highlight, the love is full of twists and turns, and the lovers eventually become married

In 2001, Tong Dawei, who had not yet graduated, went to Beijing to film, and went to Beijing Film Academy to play with friends in his free time.

One day on campus, he stumbled upon a girl. The sunlight poured down on her hair, like it would glow, and he was very excited. Later, he learned from a friend that the girl's name was Guan Yue, and she was a teaching assistant in the acting department.

Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

Since then, Tong Dawei has often gone to her. However, after chasing for almost 3 years, Guan Yue still didn't nod to accept. She felt that she was going to be ready to stay in school to teach, and Tong Dawei wanted to film, the two had different rhythms and were not fellow travelers.

Until Guan Yue was injured and hospitalized once, Tong Dawei hurriedly went to visit. Through the small glass window on the hospital door, Guan Yue saw Tong Dawei with a worried face and the bouquet in his hand, which moved her very much when she was alone. Moreover, after two years of getting along, Guan Yue felt Tong Dawei's steadfastness and sincerity.

Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

Tong Dawei, who has gained love, has worked harder in his career and is becoming more and more prosperous. In order to play the role well, he often memorizes his lines long in advance. It takes two or three days to prepare for a one-minute conversation, and even the opponent's lines are memorized.

Not only that, Tong Dawei also developed the habit of observing people. This habit not only helped him better shape the character, but also inadvertently saved a life.

In 2006, Tong Dawei was observing life when he happened to see a girl wandering on the bridge. He keenly noticed that she was showing signs of suicide, so he called the police as soon as possible.

In order to think about the character and couldn't sleep for a few days, in order to restore the scene of crawling on the ice with an injury, he fell into the snow many times, and his whole body was frozen to the point of losing consciousness...... Tong Dawei knows that if you want to be a good actor, you have to keep trying and enduring hardships. Soon, his performance was recognized.

Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

In the fall of 2002, "Jade Guanyin" made Tong Dawei, who had just debuted, famous in one fell swoop and won the Golden Eagle Award for Outstanding Actor. After that, he starred in several youth dramas one after another, becoming a model of urban youth in the eyes of the audience.

may be fame and fortune coming too quickly and too violently, in Tong Dawei's own words, "a little self-aggrandized". When Guan Yue proposed that he wanted to get married, he didn't dare to make their relationship public, so the two chose to break up.

Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

Without Guan Yue, Tong Dawei felt that his life had turned gray. In addition to filming, the rest of my mind is on my father. A medical doctor at Peking University once told him that the power of love and affection can work miracles, awaken the remaining memories of a vegetative person, and wake him up from his slumber.

So, no matter how busy he was, Tong Dawei called home every day and asked his mother to put the earpiece to his father's ear and tell him about his preferences and sorrows; He also used to write letters for his mother to read to his father. Tong Dawei also went home more frequently. For many nights, he sat on the edge of his father's bed, looked at the family photo, grabbed his hands, and described the happy scene of the family of four.

Love really works wonders. In October 2006, Tong Dawei said goodbye to his father as usual before leaving home. Just as he turned to leave, Dad opened his mouth and spoke.

It's been 21 years, and Tong Dawei finally waited for the day when his father woke up! Although his father's IQ was only equivalent to that of a 4-year-old child after waking up, he was thrilled by the lost affection. He understood the importance of his family, and he also understood that he couldn't live without Guan Yue and wanted to chase her back.

Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

However, this reunion is no simpler than the first. Although Guan Yue couldn't let go of this relationship for half a year after being separated, it was useless no matter how hard Tong Dawei tried. In the end, it was her most respected predecessor Liang Jiahui who came forward to persuade Guan Yue to forgive Tong Dawei.

Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

Faced with this relationship that was not easy to recover, Tong Dawei cherished it very much, and he offered to get married.

Unexpectedly, this marriage was rejected by Guan Yue's family. Later, they saw Tong Dawei's sincerity and Guan Yue's persistence, and finally agreed. This twists and turns of the relationship finally came to fruition.

Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

In 2007, Tong Dawei and Guan Yue got married. The following year, the wedding was held in Beijing.

Unexpectedly, marriage has become a new turning point in Tong Dawei's career. Originally, he acted in TV series related to youth, but as he got older, it was not suitable, and the frequency of taking on dramas became less.

At this time, Guan Yue appeared in time. Under her influence, Tong Dawei's mentality changed. In the past, he had great expectations for winning awards, but now he wants to keep a normal heart, work hard to practice his acting skills, and be a powerful actor.

Work hard, and there will be repercussions. Tong Dawei successively starred in movies such as "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" and "Chinese Partner", becoming the first Chinese actor to walk on the red carpet of the Golden Globe Awards, and his career has reached a higher level.

Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

is different from when he became famous at a young age, Tong Dawei, who has met again in his career this time, did not "swell", but became a well-known "strict wife" in the circle.


After 16 years of marriage, the big star on the screen, the "strict wife" in the family

As Tong Dawei became more and more popular, some people began to question Guan Yue's small reputation and unworthy of Tong Dawei. But Guan Yue in Tong Dawei's eyes is a good woman: a good wife, a good daughter-in-law, and a good mother.

After getting married, Tong Dawei was busy filming outside, and all family affairs depended on Guan Yue. After the birth of two daughters and sons one after another, Tong Dawei did not have much time to take care of the children, and a business trip was three or four months. Guan Yue has become the "pillar" of the family, working during the day and taking care of the children and housework at night. Therefore, she gave up a lot of filming invitations.

Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

Although he doesn't film, as a teacher, Guan Yue will give Tong Dawei guidance and advice on performance to help his career get better and better.

Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

When Tong Dawei received the role of Huang Zhenhua in "The Story of Rose", he didn't know how to play his brother, Guan Yue said: "You can find the feeling of getting along with your daughter." One sentence gave him an important inspiration to play a good brother.

Knowing that Tong Dawei was filial to his family, Guan Yue took her father-in-law and mother-in-law to live with her, no matter how busy she was, she would personally cook liquid food for her father-in-law and go to the hospital to accompany her.

Tong Dawei remembered Guan Yue's dedication in his heart, and also gave back to her with practical actions.

After marriage, he was willing to listen to his wife, handed over all the money he earned, refused to entertain during filming, did not leave the contact information of the actress, and only accepted Guan Yue's consent to the kissing scene, and the new company wrote Guan Yue's name...... Tong Dawei has become a "strict wife" who only respects his wife, because he believes that "he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble".

In terms of education, the husband and wife have their own division of labor. Guan Yue focuses on cultivating children's life ability, and Tong Dawei hopes that children will be independent and not interfere too much. They also never use the hype of their children and respect their interests and choices.

Under their education, the three children were generous. The eldest daughter inherited her mother's elegant temperament, and was praised as "Wang Zuxian", stable and powerful; The second daughter inherited her father's single eyelids and a pair of long legs; The youngest son is lively and confident, like a little Fuwa, and has a wide range of hobbies.

Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

My youngest son, who is in primary school this year, has already begun to focus on plastic pollution, vegetation conservation and biodiversity. Under the guidance of his mother, he visited the museum, listened carefully to the professor's explanation, and wanted to do his part to protect the earth.

The children are growing up, and Tong Dawei accompanies his family when he is not filming; Guan Yue also has a new possibility to expand her career, be an actor, and also become a cross-border host.

The husband and wife take care of their parents and children together and do public welfare together; On the wedding anniversary, we made an appointment to climb the mountain and drink tea together; After 16 years of marriage, there were no scandals, and they became a tacit couple who were also teachers and friends.

Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

On Guan Yue's birthday, Tong Dawei carefully arranged and gave gifts.

Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

The two also wore couple clothes, and the family of five took a family photo together to celebrate their birthday.

Tong Dawei, a reliable and good man in "War of the Roses": he is afraid of the inside all his life, and he is rich and noble

What's the secret to such happiness?

Perhaps, as Tong Dawei wrote on Weibo: In the gradual relationship, I saw my own shortcomings and discovered my responsibilities. In the subtle way, get energy from each other, grow upward, the bloom of love is beautiful, and the growth of the side by side is also precious.

The wind has an appointment, the flowers have a period, and I wish everyone countless romance and warm sunshine on the road of life. (Lin Nanfang)

(Excerpt from WeChat public account Marriage and Family Magazine)

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