
In fact, what is removed from the "anti-Japanese hoe rape" is the root of modern social civilization

author:Dragon Swordsman
In fact, what is removed from the "anti-Japanese hoe rape" is the root of modern social civilization

If I remember correctly, the last time four Americans in Jilin Beishan Park were injured, the suspect was also an unemployed person + a man in his 50s + a number of foreigners were injured + a Chinese who obstructed the perpetrator was injured + the characterization of the incident + relevant people in the field of cultural and educational exchanges, less than a month apart, and there are many similarities, it is difficult not to associate these two incidents together.

In the Suzhou incident, the situation was actually very bad at that time, the gangster wanted to rush into the school bus, but was desperately stopped by a staff woman, saying that it was definitely not an exaggeration to say that he was fighting to the death, seeing such a knife-wielding gangster, a woman whose strength and figure were not as good as the other party, could have the courage to resist, that is, he gave up his life, and did not let the gangster go to the school bus.

In fact, what is removed from the "anti-Japanese hoe rape" is the root of modern social civilization

In retrospect, I'm really scared that this female employee is similar to the little cart that guards the last barrier of your home in Plants vs. Zombies.

From the label of the gangster, it is easy to deduce that maybe he is not living a satisfactory life, he is in his 50s, but he can get a pension after a few years of struggle, his children and grandchildren are full, and he walks around the park every day, I don't know how comfortable it is. Maybe it's not giving up, but the real situation may be that there is no pension, no children and grandchildren, and no sorrow of three meals a day, here is definitely not to find a reasonable reason for them to commit crimes, but to discuss, whether there are other reasons that prompt their behavior, and they have endured life honestly and dutifully, maybe there will be a sudden turn for the better, why do you have to gamble? Is it really the idea of going to 72 dark-eyed virgins to serve you on a bed full of gems and drinking wine that will never faint?

Probably not, the answer may be found on the Internet short video platform.

In fact, what is removed from the "anti-Japanese hoe rape" is the root of modern social civilization
In fact, what is removed from the "anti-Japanese hoe rape" is the root of modern social civilization
In fact, what is removed from the "anti-Japanese hoe rape" is the root of modern social civilization

The text below him says that he is willing to exchange 20 years in prison for an operation? At the very least, there are a few things about this:

1. The nature of the act: ignoring the legal norms, not caring about the law at all, and the naked illegal nature.

2. The essence of behavior: law is the most basic morality, and morality, even the most basic morality, can be ignored in order to achieve his goal.

3. The starting point of the behavior: hoeing and raping is to be worthy of the martyrs.

The first two can be understood at a glance, and he himself understands, many people will make mistakes in his starting point, and here is the way to say.

First of all, he doesn't have an accurate standard.

He thinks that the object of rape is very puzzling: are all those who travel to Japan considered adultery? Is it considered a traitor if you like to see cherry blossoms? Is it considered a rape if you have watched Japanese anime? So further, is it considered a rape to drive a Japanese car? Is the domestic brand mobile phone with Japanese parts considered a traitor?

And he doesn't have an accurate standard, that is to say, if he thinks that it is a rape, it is a rape, and he must eradicate the rape, anyway, the four words of eradicating rape and eliminating evil are so full of justice, there must be nothing wrong!

In fact, what is removed from the "anti-Japanese hoe rape" is the root of modern social civilization

There are no guidelines, whether it is a traitor or not depends on one's own thoughts, and in order to ensure one's legitimacy, one will only shout slogans.

The cleverness of shouting slogans lies in the fact that when most people listen to these slogans alone, they do not contradict them in terms of moral sentiments, similar to what kind of justice! For the martyrs! Be brave! For everyone's sake! Hoe rape! And so on, but if specific behaviors are forcibly given to these great and righteous slogans, exempt these behaviors from responsibility, and even increase the sense of sacredness and justice, it is a kind of naked deception, and it can even be said to be evil!

Secondly, "in order to be worthy of the martyrs". Do you know what the martyrs wanted? You're just messing around right there! For the sake of the martyrs, you are engaged in the act of hoeing and raping "leaving no living mouth", and openly confronting the social order of the rule of law, and the martyrs don't want to bear this pot.

In addition, if you want to hoe rape, you have to post it on the short video platform. What do you want to do? What does that mean? Educate people to be like you? The result? You squads who shout about hoeing and rape every day are still shouting slogans, and some of you have really watched your videos to act.

In fact, what is removed from the "anti-Japanese hoe rape" is the root of modern social civilization

This kind of behavior of the so-called "hoe team" on the Internet, in my opinion, is a group of black sheep, there is no point of positive effect on the society, if it is really to be worthy of the martyrs, not to mention let you work hard for the rise of China, at least singing a song to tell a story or even writing a word is also a kind of progress. And in fact, what did the "hoe team" do?

Modern social civilization is a society governed by the rule of law, a democratic society in which the minority obeys the majority, and a social ...... of harmonious exchanges between civilizations. Even 10,000 years ago, it would be more appropriate to go directly back to the slave society and the primitive society.

You use the thinking of the past to guide your behavior, and it is not the traitor who hoes, but the civilization and order of this era.

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