
Do you need to exercise less as you get older? The doctor emphasized: Especially these 3 kinds of exercise, doing too much may reduce life expectancy

author:Dr. Wang of the Department of Nephrology

On a sunny morning, Zhang Ping'an walked into the hospital's health examination center. Although he has been retired for many years, he still maintains the habit of running every morning. Zhang Ping'an, a former power engineer with a long working life, knows the preciousness of health after retirement, so he does not forget to do a moderate morning jog every day, which has become a part of his life.

However, in recent months, Zhang Ping'an has felt that his physical strength has gradually declined, especially after morning runs, he always feels palpitations and shortness of breath, and sometimes dizziness. Although his wife repeatedly advised him to reduce the time and intensity of exercise, he always complained that "it is uncomfortable not to exercise, and it is better to exercise more". Today, the results of Zhang Ping'an's physical examination came out, and the doctor pointed out to him that excessive exercise may have adverse effects in middle-aged and elderly people, especially certain types of exercise may increase the burden on the heart and lead to health problems.

Do you need to exercise less as you get older? The doctor emphasized: Especially these 3 kinds of exercise, doing too much may reduce life expectancy

Zhang Ping'an's story reflects the dilemmas and misunderstandings that many middle-aged and elderly people often encounter in the pursuit of a healthy life. As we age, the body's metabolic rate slows down, and muscle and bone deterioration makes it more difficult to exercise with ease. At this time, we need to understand the real relationship between exercise and longevity, and how middle-aged and elderly people should scientifically choose the right exercise method for themselves, which can not only ensure physical health, but also enjoy the pleasure brought by exercise.

The relationship between exercise and longevity

Sport is not only for young people, but also for middle-aged and older people. Scientific studies have shown that proper exercise can significantly reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis, and prolong life. In particular, aerobic exercise, such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc., not only helps to improve cardiopulmonary function, but also promotes metabolism, reduces body fat accumulation, and maintains weight within a healthy range.

Middle-aged and elderly people need to take into account the special conditions of the body and the reality of functional deterioration when choosing suitable exercises. For example, as we age, the flexibility of the joints and the elasticity of the muscles gradually decrease, which requires avoiding high-intensity exercises that overburden the joints. Excessive exercise intensity and frequency may lead to an increase in the burden on the heart, especially for middle-aged and elderly people with existing problems in the cardiovascular system, which may have serious consequences.

Not only that, middle-aged and elderly people need more flexible and scientific exercise plans because of changes in lifestyle and health conditions. Medical experts suggest that an exercise plan should be developed according to the actual situation of the individual, including the choice of exercise type, the control of exercise time and intensity, etc. For example, moderate strength training can help maintain muscle and bone strength and prevent osteoporosis, while gentle stretching can help improve flexibility and range of motion in the joints.

In general, the choice of exercise is crucial for middle-aged and elderly people while maintaining their health. Moderate and scientific exercise can enhance cardiopulmonary function, promote metabolism, and improve quality of life. However, excessive exercise can be counterproductive and increase health risks. Therefore, for every middle-aged and elderly person, finding an exercise method that suits their physical condition is the key to maintaining health and prolonging life.

Do you need to exercise less as you get older? The doctor emphasized: Especially these 3 kinds of exercise, doing too much may reduce life expectancy

Not suitable for the type of exercise for middle-aged and elderly people

Potential risks of high-intensity aerobic exercise

High-intensity aerobic exercise may be an effective way to exercise for young people, but it can cause health problems for middle-aged and older people, especially those with chronic diseases or a poor exercise foundation. These include long runs, strenuous swimming, or dancing, which require high endurance and cardiorespiratory fitness, and can place a heavy burden on the cardiovascular system. As we age, the cardiovascular system becomes less adaptable, and excessive aerobic exercise can lead to an increased burden on the heart, which can lead to heart attacks or other related health problems.

In addition, the impact on the joints is also a concern. As we age, the cartilage and ligaments of our joints degenerate, and excessive high-intensity exercise accelerates this process and increases the risk of arthritis. For example, running at high speeds for long periods of time can put a lot of stress on the knees and hips, which can lead to chronic joint problems and affect the quality of daily life.

The potential dangers of extreme sports

In addition to high-intensity aerobic exercise, extreme exercise is also one of the types of exercise that middle-aged and elderly people should avoid. Extreme sports are often extremely risky and challenging, such as skydiving, extreme skiing, rock climbing, etc. These exercises are not only extremely physically demanding, but also require good balance and reaction speed. Participation in middle-aged and elderly activities can lead to serious injuries and even fatal consequences due to the decline in physical functions, including reduced balance, reaction speed, and bone stability.

Extreme sports are often challenging for muscles and joints, and if the body is unable to adapt to this extreme state, serious consequences such as strains, fractures, and even internal injuries can occur. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, osteoporosis and bone density reduction are more common, and the load bearing capacity of the bones is significantly reduced when participating in extreme sports, so they are more likely to have serious sports injuries.

Do you need to exercise less as you get older? The doctor emphasized: Especially these 3 kinds of exercise, doing too much may reduce life expectancy

Healthy exercise recommendations for middle-aged and elderly people

Benefits of low-intensity aerobic exercise

For middle-aged and older adults, low-intensity aerobic exercise is an effective way to maintain health. Such exercises include not only walking, jogging, cycling, etc., but also swimming and soothing yoga. Low-intensity aerobic exercise can effectively improve cardiopulmonary function, promote blood circulation, and help prevent cardiovascular diseases. Compared with high-intensity exercise, low-intensity exercise has the advantage of being gentle, less taxing on the heart and joints, and suitable for long-term persistence.

Especially for those middle-aged and elderly people with chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes, low-intensity aerobic exercise can not only control the condition, but also improve the overall health level. For example, walking for more than 30 minutes a day can not only burn calories, but also improve mood and metabolism, which has a positive effect on maintaining good health.

Strength training at moderate intensity

In addition to aerobic exercise, moderate strength training is equally important for middle-aged and older adults. Strength training refers to the use of weights, equipment training, or bodyweight training to build muscle strength and bone density. As we age, muscle mass and bone density gradually decrease, a phenomenon known as muscle wasting and osteoporosis. Moderate strength training can prevent these problems by enhancing the contraction strength of muscles and the stability of bones, improving the functionality and stability of the body.

Strength training also improves the body's metabolic rate, promotes fat burning, and has a positive impact on weight control and shape-building. The key is to choose the right weights and reps, as well as the right posture and breathing pattern to avoid the risk of sports injuries.

Do you need to exercise less as you get older? The doctor emphasized: Especially these 3 kinds of exercise, doing too much may reduce life expectancy

It is important for middle-aged and elderly people to choose an exercise method that is suitable for them, not only to maintain their health, but also to improve their quality of life. Avoiding high-intensity and extreme sports in favor of low-intensity aerobic exercise and moderate strength training can effectively reduce the risks associated with exercise while improving your overall health. It is recommended that every middle-aged and elderly person consult a professional doctor before starting a new exercise program, and tailor a suitable exercise plan according to the individual's health status to ensure the safety and effectiveness of exercise.

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