
The matter became a big one, and the US military plane broke into Ren'ai Jiao and threw buoys, but was caught by the Chinese side

author:Lei Xiangping

The US military plane trespassed on Ren'ai Jiao and openly dropped a submarine probe, which was caught by the Chinese side, which means that the South China Sea is under the control of the PLA.

The U.S. military lost its sonar and lost face

The United States is still "stubborn" and is trying to conduct all-pervasive military reconnaissance against China. The Chinese side has issued many warnings, but the US side has always turned a deaf ear and continued to spy on the borders of China's military secrets.

Recently, a US military plane was caught by a mainland coast guard patrol ship near Ren'ai Jiao in the South China Sea. This time, the United States has really lost face on the international stage.

A few days ago, the US P-8A anti-submarine patrol plane was found to have dropped unidentified electronic equipment over the South China Sea. Subsequently, the mainland coast guard department responded quickly and went to the relevant sea area to successfully salvage and dispose of the equipment.

The matter became a big one, and the US military plane broke into Ren'ai Jiao and threw buoys, but was caught by the Chinese side

[U.S. military aircraft dropped unidentified electronic equipment in the South China Sea]

According to the relevant information, these unidentified electronic devices are actually underwater submarine detectors dropped by P-8A anti-submarine patrol aircraft, which are known in the industry as "sonar buoys".

It is understood that the P-8 "Poseidon" anti-submarine aircraft is equipped with two automatic flipping sonar buoy droppers in the engine room in the middle of its fuselage, and has a reserve of 100 sonar buoys, which is enough to support it to carry out more than ten launch missions.

The sonar buoys will be laid out according to a pre-planned array, and their placement will be carefully designed by the on-board computer.

When these sonar buoys are submerged, they automatically deploy their inflatable buoys, which can effectively track and identify the specific location and model of the submarine once the acoustic signal generated by the underwater submarine is detected. If the continuous positioning is correct, then in wartime, the P-8 anti-submarine aircraft will act quickly, dropping anti-submarine torpedoes.

In fact, it is no longer new for Chinese fishermen to salvage U.S. submarine probes or underwater vehicles in coastal areas. It can be seen how many "unidentified objects" the US military has dropped in the waters around the mainland over the years.

The matter became a big one, and the US military plane broke into Ren'ai Jiao and threw buoys, but was caught by the Chinese side

[Sonar buoys dropped by US military aircraft]

But why does the U.S. military continue to deploy so much sonar equipment in the South China Sea? The reason is actually very simple, and that is that they are starting to get scared. The mainland's submarine technology is developing at an alarming rate, which makes the US military have to be more vigilant.

The strength of the People's Liberation Army keeps the US military awake at night

The U.S. military dropped sonar equipment in the waters around Ren'ai Jiao, not only to spy on whether our submarines were operating in the waters near the Philippines, but also to provide intelligence to the Philippines to encourage it to continue its provocative behavior. It is also because the US military has always maintained a high degree of vigilance against the construction of China's underwater forces in recent years.

Recently, the mainland officially "officially announced" the new Type 039C Yuan-class submarine, which adopts an innovative inclined sail cover design. This design can subtly change the direction of the sound wave reflection, significantly reducing the strength of the sonar signal, thus greatly improving the concealment of the submarine. When the enemy uses active sonar technology for reconnaissance, it will be difficult to detect the submarine.

Not long ago, the Chinese Navy's Type 094 nuclear submarine was unveiled in the Taiwan Strait, and the outside world believed that this was China's strategic deterrence. There is even an opinion that the nuclear submarine may have departed from the shipyard and headed for strategic deployment in the South China Sea. If this speculation is true, it will undoubtedly have a huge impact on the US military layout in the South China Sea.

The matter became a big one, and the US military plane broke into Ren'ai Jiao and threw buoys, but was caught by the Chinese side

[Type 094 nuclear submarine floating in the Taiwan Strait]

Not to mention, China's Type 096 nuclear submarines can carry 16 Julang-3 submarine-launched ICBMs, which have a range of up to 10,000 kilometers. Such capabilities give China the ability to deter targets around the world, including the U.S. mainland. This is a huge strategic threat to the United States.

Therefore, they are afraid, all the US deployments are exposed under the noses of the PLA, and they are all shrouded in the deterrence of the PLA's powerful strength, and they can't sleep at night, so they can only ponder how to make a stumbling block for the PLA.

The United States has frequently engaged in trouble in the South China Sea, trying to counterbalance China's strategic power by building a military encirclement. However, the United States has watched the failure of the Philippines, an unsuccessful pawn, to fail again and again, and they have no choice but to choose to do it themselves, not knowing that they will not be able to escape the "legal eyes" of the People's Liberation Army under any circumstances.

Every move of the United States is under the control of the PLA

It has been learned that the PLA has recently conducted military exercises in some waters of the Beibu Gulf, covering most of the Beibu Gulf. The exercise was designed to send a clear signal to the Taiwan authorities, the Marcos government in the Philippines, and the US forces behind the manipulation.

The matter became a big one, and the US military plane broke into Ren'ai Jiao and threw buoys, but was caught by the Chinese side

[The People's Liberation Army conducts military exercises in the waters of the Beibu Gulf]

In view of the similarity of the topography, latitude, and climatic environment of this sea area to that of the island of Taiwan and the Philippines, we have reason to believe that the Taiwan authorities, the Marcos administration, and relevant decision-makers in the United States will be wary of such a large-scale exercise.

This exercise is also a warning to these ill-intentioned people that their every move is under the control of the PLA, and that they should not try to muddy China's "turbulent sea" by making small moves, otherwise what awaits them will be the end of being smashed to pieces by the "huge waves."

What's more, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the United States' own non-profit organization, has pointed out that the strong noise generated by military sonar poses a serious threat to marine life. This noise can interfere with the normal behaviour of marine life, or it can directly lead to hearing loss or even death.

The matter became a big one, and the US military plane broke into Ren'ai Jiao and threw buoys, but was caught by the Chinese side

【Mass Death of Cetaceans】

Studies have shown that there is a significant link between sonar and the mortality of marine organisms such as cetaceans, and that stranding of cetaceans and a large number of deaths caused by medium-frequency sonar experiments continue to occur.

Previously, the Philippines was still slandering China for destroying marine corals, so why did they choose to remain silent in the face of the ecological impact brought by the United States?

You must know that we are not without sonar, for example, the PLA Gaoxin-6 anti-submarine aircraft is also equipped with such sonar buoys. However, the difference between us and the United States is that we have always upheld a responsible attitude towards the environment and will not harm the entire ecosystem for some personal gain.

The US side should know that whether it is on the border, along the coast, in the South China Sea, or in the Taiwan Strait, any disturbance will be under the strict monitoring of the PLA. Those who try to put on a show through provocation are nothing more than clowns in front of us.