
As soon as my son finished the college entrance examination, he persuaded me to divorce, and half a month later, my husband handed in his salary card: I was wrong

author:Affection and dew

My son's name is He Yu, he is 19 years old this year, and he is a fresh candidate.

On the afternoon of June 9, the sky was as blue as a wash, and the sun shone through the gaps in the leaves, casting dappled light and shadow. I was standing outside the exam room, and the crowd was bustling, and everyone had a look of expectation or nervousness on their faces.

I stretched my neck, my eyes glued to the door of the examination room, looking forward to it, like a little rabbit in my heart, up and down.

As soon as my son finished the college entrance examination, he persuaded me to divorce, and half a month later, my husband handed in his salary card: I was wrong

While waiting for my son to take the final exam, my thoughts were racing, thinking about my son's hard work over the years, and about the days and nights he worked hard for his dreams. Finally, not long after the end bell rang, my son's figure appeared in my sight.

He walked briskly, and his face was full of a big smile that seemed to dispel all gloom.

I hurriedly greeted him and asked him, "Xiaoyu, how did you do in the exam?" ”

He replied confidently, "Mom, it feels good!" ”

As soon as my son finished the college entrance examination, he persuaded me to divorce, and half a month later, my husband handed in his salary card: I was wrong

Hearing this, my heart that had been hanging finally let go.

Unexpectedly, the next morning, the sunlight penetrated through the gaps in the curtains, gently caressing every corner of the room.

I made breakfast and went to wake my son up, only to find him sitting on the edge of the bed, his brow furrowed and his face worried.

I "chuckled" in my heart, thinking that my son was worried that his performance in the exam would not be satisfactory, so I hurriedly sat down beside him and comforted: "Xiaoyu, don't worry too much about the test results, you have done your best, no matter what the result is, we can accept it." ”

As soon as my son finished the college entrance examination, he persuaded me to divorce, and half a month later, my husband handed in his salary card: I was wrong

My son raised his head and looked at me, his lips trembled slightly, and he hesitated for a while, and finally said, "Mom, you should divorce my dad." ”

This sentence was like a thunderclap, which exploded in my ears and made me stunned on the spot.

My eyes widened, I couldn't believe my ears, and asked in a trembling voice, "Xiaoyu, what did you say?" Why do you suddenly say such a thing? ”

As soon as my son finished the college entrance examination, he persuaded me to divorce, and half a month later, my husband handed in his salary card: I was wrong

The son's eyes were red, he bit his lip, and said, "Mom, for so many years, my sister and I have seen it in our eyes, and you and Dad are not happy together." Dad always doesn't care about the family, and often quarrels with you, which makes you suffer too many grievances. I hope you can live for yourself once, leave him, and find your own happiness. ”

After listening to my son's words, I couldn't stop crying, and my heart was full of mixed feelings.

I am 47 years old and was born in a small and quiet county. After graduating from junior high school, I entered the society early.

As soon as my son finished the college entrance examination, he persuaded me to divorce, and half a month later, my husband handed in his salary card: I was wrong

When I was 22 years old, I was introduced to my husband. When I met for the first time, he gave me a good impression, and I was young and ignorant at the time, and I didn't have an in-depth understanding of the specific situation of my in-laws' family, so I got married in ignorance.

When I got married, my in-laws' financial situation was really bad. Not to mention building a new house, you can't even get a decent bride price.

My parents felt sorry for me and didn't force it too much, so I married into this family and lived under the same roof with my in-laws.

The days after marriage can really be described as chickens flying and dogs jumping. My mother-in-law is a strong person, and at home she is the same. She demanded that her son listen to her in everything, and my daughter-in-law, who had just entered the door, was no exception.

As soon as my son finished the college entrance examination, he persuaded me to divorce, and half a month later, my husband handed in his salary card: I was wrong

She would often accuse me loudly for a trivial matter, either because I didn't cook well, or because I couldn't clean it. And my husband has long been accustomed to listening to his mother in everything, and in the face of my mother-in-law's difficulties in me, he will never stand up for me.

As for my father-in-law, he is a thorough wife, and he only cares about his little preferences on weekdays, and he doesn't care about family affairs.

My life in this in-law's house, not to mention how difficult it was. Even after I gave birth to a son and a daughter, my life did not improve in the slightest.

When my son was three years old, my husband said that he wanted to go out to work to earn money. I thought, this way, I can go out with him, and I don't have to live with my in-laws anymore and get angry.

As soon as my son finished the college entrance examination, he persuaded me to divorce, and half a month later, my husband handed in his salary card: I was wrong

When I told my in-laws about this idea, they looked unhappy.

My mother-in-law glared at me and said, "We don't have the energy to take the child for you, don't you want to go out with you!" ”

My father-in-law was silent, with an attitude of not caring about himself, and in desperation, I had to stay in my hometown in the countryside.

In this way, my husband and I were separated for 13 years. In the past 13 years, I have to take care of a pair of children and take care of heavy household chores. As for the in-laws, I'd rather soak in the mahjong pile every day than help with the handle.

Sometimes, they lose track of time at the mahjong table, and I have to deliver food to them.

As soon as my son finished the college entrance examination, he persuaded me to divorce, and half a month later, my husband handed in his salary card: I was wrong

But even so, I am still disgusted by my mother-in-law every day and have no ability to make money. When I heard my mother-in-law tell others that I was incompetent and that my son would have starved to death without her, I felt very uncomfortable, but I was helpless.

In those days, countless times in the dead of night, I hid under the covers and cried secretly, wondering when this day would be a head.

Five years ago, my father-in-law died. At that time, although there was one less person in the family who didn't care about anything, I didn't feel much easier.

Three years ago, my mother-in-law had a stroke. Now, the burden of taking care of her fell on my shoulders again. I have to take care of my son, who has just been admitted to high school and has a heavy academic load, and I have to take care of my sick mother-in-law. I am busy like a spinning top every day, and my physical condition is getting worse and worse.

Sometimes, I wonder why my life is so miserable. But looking at a pair of sensible children, I told myself that no matter how hard and tired I am, I have to hold on.

I still remember that during the Chinese New Year this year, the sound of firecrackers outside crackled non-stop, and everywhere was filled with a festive atmosphere.

But I discussed with my husband with a sad heart: "When my son is admitted to university, let's take your mother to live with you in the city." For so many years, I have been taking care of the family in my hometown alone, I am really tired, I hope you can take care of my mother, otherwise I can't hold it on my own. ”

The husband frowned and said impatiently: "Taking care of the elderly is originally a woman's business, you just stay in your hometown and take care of his mother honestly, don't think about so much." ”

I endured the grievances in my heart and tried to tell him about my difficulties: "Husband, I really don't have the strength to move my mother, and my physical condition is getting worse and worse, and I really can't stand it anymore." ”

But he didn't have the patience to listen to me at all, so he interrupted me, scolded me for being unfilial, and lost his temper at me: "What are you talking about? It wasn't easy for my mother to raise me, and you should take care of her! ”

My husband slapped the table loudly, poked my nose and scolded, my son couldn't bear to help me speak, and he was scolded by my husband, I was so aggrieved that I shed tears but was helpless.

At the end of this memory, my son looked at me and said with a distressed face: "Mom, Dad's ruthlessness and unrighteousness are in our eyes, you have paid so much for this family for so many years, but he doesn't know how to cherish it, we are not worth it for you." You deserve to be liberated to live your life and let your dad take on his own responsibilities. ”

After a while, my daughter also called me, her voice full of concern: "Mom, I also support your divorce, you have sacrificed too much for us and this family, and you have to live for yourself for the rest of your life." ”

When I heard this, I couldn't hold back my tears anymore and burst out of my eyes like a flood that burst its banks. After thinking about it, I decided to file for divorce from my husband.

At first, my husband looked at me incredulously, thinking that my brain was in water, and shouted at me: "Don't make trouble, can't you live a good life?" ”

But I was resolute, and my sons and daughters were firmly on my side. When he saw this situation, he felt that he couldn't get off the stage, so he had to say ruthlessly: "If you leave, you will leave, who is afraid of whom!" ”

Half a month passed, my husband suddenly called me, his tone softened, and begged me for mercy: "Wife, I was wrong, I am willing to hand in my salary card and take care of my mother with you, don't divorce." After you left, my mother had no one to take care of, and I was alone and lacking skills, which was really unbearable. ”

At this time, my life was quite comfortable, and after I came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, I simply packed up my things and went to my daughter with my son.

My daughter's city is bustling and lively, which is very different from the tranquility of her hometown. With the help of my daughter, I got a job. The busy and fulfilling life of every day makes me feel more free and happy than I have ever been.

Hearing my husband's words, I thought of the old days, I got up before dawn every day, I went to sleep when it was dark, my mother-in-law had a lot of things, she could call me four or five times a night, I couldn't have a good rest, and I had to take care of her three meals a day, eating, drinking, and Lazar. She has been sick in bed for a long time, and she is in a bad mood, so she uses me as a punching bag and scolds me whenever she wants, I am wronged, exhausted, no one to tell, and I can't get time to rest.

Now, I go to work at 8 a.m. and leave work at 5 p.m. every day, and when I get home, I can make a good dinner and treat myself, and then I can rest the rest of the time. My daughter took me to the doctor, got me medicine, and I plan to take good care of my body.

My monthly salary is more than 3,000, which is not much, but it is enough for me to spend. My son is very sensible, and he went to work for the summer to save for college, and his daughter and son-in-law also said that they would help their son, so I didn't have to worry about it.

In that case, why should I go back to live a hard life? Forget it, I'll stick to the divorce to the end, that's, it's time for him to serve.

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