
Nanzhang: The septuagenarian fainted on the street, and the people's auxiliary police warmly rescued

author:Nanzhang release

Since the beginning of summer, the continuous high temperature weather has had a great impact on the outdoor activities of the elderly. Recently, a septuagenarian in Changping Town, Nanzhang County, suddenly fainted while outdoors, and the nearby people's auxiliary police quickly stepped forward to rescue him, staging a heart-warming scene.

Nanzhang: The septuagenarian fainted on the street, and the people's auxiliary police warmly rescued

Recently, the heat wave on the streets of Changping Town, Nanzhang County. When the septuagenarian Liu Zhaoxiu went out alone, she suddenly felt dizzy, and then her legs went weak, and she hurriedly asked for help from passers-by around her when she was unsteady on her feet.

Liu Zhaoxiu, a resident of Changping Town, Nanzhang County: "When I walked here, I called someone to help me sit quickly, my eyes were dark, and I didn't know what was going on." ”

(At that time, I fainted when I said that I was dizzy)

Fortunately, the auxiliary police, who were carrying out a safety publicity campaign nearby, discovered the situation in time and quickly rushed to the old man. At this time, the old man was pale, confused and vomiting, and his condition was critical. The auxiliary police immediately moved him to a cool and ventilated place and called the 120 emergency number.

He Jiamin, an auxiliary police officer from the Changping Police Station of Nanzhang County Public Security Bureau, said: "In order to facilitate the care of the elderly, we helped the elderly to lie down on the bench, because the temperature was high that day, and I was afraid that the elderly would suffer from heat stroke. ”

Nanzhang: The septuagenarian fainted on the street, and the people's auxiliary police warmly rescued

During the waiting period, the police kept fanning the elderly to cool down to relieve their discomfort.

He Jiamin, an auxiliary police officer from the Changping Police Station of Nanzhang County Public Security Bureau, said: "It was not until the ambulance came that another colleague and I helped the old man into the car and went to the hospital for treatment. ”

Nanzhang: The septuagenarian fainted on the street, and the people's auxiliary police warmly rescued

After the doctor's examination and treatment, the elderly Liu Zhaoxiu was no longer in serious trouble and returned home on the same day. But the policeman He Jiamin, who couldn't rest assured of the old man, visited her again the next day.

Nanzhang: The septuagenarian fainted on the street, and the people's auxiliary police warmly rescued

He Jiamin, an auxiliary police officer at the Changping Police Station of the Nanzhang County Public Security Bureau, said: "You are sick now and your health is not good. If you want to buy something, when you are the only one in the house, you tell us that we will help you buy it, which is very convenient. ”

The police reminded the general public that the weather is hot in summer, and the time spent in the hot environment should be minimized. If you want to do outdoor activities, try to do it in the morning or in the evening, when it's cooler. At the same time, you should pay attention to self-protection when outdoor activities to avoid accidents.

Source: Hubei Daily Client News (correspondent Nanrong Media, Zhang Pengliang, Xie Bowen)