
Load B! Older international students said: Nothing can be done, relying on Japanese wives to support them!

author:Only with the breeze

The 30-year-old "waste wood" international student is supported by his Japanese wife, and he is a winner in life because of this trick!

Japan, a country known as the "land of cooking", has a rich and diverse food culture, but surprisingly, Japanese women have unique views and expectations about what men cook at home.

Load B! Older international students said: Nothing can be done, relying on Japanese wives to support them!

Today, let's listen to the self-description of a 30-year-old Japanese student and see what he sees as Japanese women's attitudes towards men's cooking.

In the video, the man said, I am 30 years old this year, and it has been almost 10 years since I came to Japan.

Load B! Older international students said: Nothing can be done, relying on Japanese wives to support them!

Then the man continued, there is no job now, but the number one object is me, I just got married this year, and found this Japanese daughter-in-law, her name is Fenghua, and the two of us have lived together for more than two and a half years.

Since he doesn't have a stable job now, he is raised by Fenghua most of the time, and when my visa arrives, I will go to deliver food.

Load B! Older international students said: Nothing can be done, relying on Japanese wives to support them!

However, he did not feel depressed by this, but found his "specialty" - cooking, he said: "I think the biggest advantage of Chinese men is in this cooking!" ”

The man said proudly: "The two of us ate this spicy tang yesterday, he rested yesterday, and then made a meal for him, he was clamoring to eat it, it has been several days." ”

He even revealed that cooking for Japanese girls is a big score, and he often takes the opportunity to chat with Japanese girls about the topic of cooking. Then he would brag that he was very good at cooking and that it was delicious, and he would definitely bring it to them next time he had the chance.

And guess what? He really brought it over! Buy a lunch box from the business supermarket, and then the fried rice or anything that doesn't come with soup, it's easier to bring, put it in that lunch box, and send it over.

Load B! Older international students said: Nothing can be done, relying on Japanese wives to support them!

Speaking of which, you may have to ask, what is this international student making so delicious that can make the Japanese daughter-in-law so fascinated? Don't worry, he has already given the answer - scrambled tomatoes with eggs, spicy hot, braised chicken rice...... These Chinese home-cooked dishes are rare in Japan. Japanese daughters-in-law are accustomed to eating the "Japanese version" of Japanese cuisine and Chinese cuisine, and as soon as they taste this authentic Chinese taste, they are immediately conquered.

It's these things, if she doesn't associate with a Chinese, he won't be able to eat at all!

The man also revealed that his daughter-in-law especially likes to eat that egg scrambled tomato, basically always have to eat this, every other time you have to eat this, Japan it does not have eggs to scramble this tomato, there is no such practice.

Load B! Older international students said: Nothing can be done, relying on Japanese wives to support them!

What's more interesting is that the man also revealed an "inside story", he said that whenever he cooks at home, his daughter-in-law's mother will be very happy, she feels that it is great that her daughter has found a Chinese man who can cook, and she will also admonish her daughter to do her "duty", that is, to cook for her husband.

Load B! Older international students said: Nothing can be done, relying on Japanese wives to support them!

Netizens are hotly discussed

The man's story has sparked heated discussions online. Some netizens ridiculed: "This young man is really a talent, he can still live so nourishingly with his wife!" Some netizens also expressed envy: "I also want to find a Japanese woman as a wife!" Of course, some netizens thought that Xiao Li's behavior was a little inappropriate: "A big man is supported by a woman, isn't that right?" ”

Some people lament the gap between Chinese women and Japanese women, thinking that Japanese women are more simple, do not pursue material things, and do not want bride price.

Load B! Older international students said: Nothing can be done, relying on Japanese wives to support them!

Seeing this, then why is the Chinese boyfriend's cooking so popular in the eyes of Japanese women?

There is a deep cultural difference behind this, as men are generally not good at cooking in Japan, while women are seen as the masters of the family.

Therefore, when a Chinese boyfriend is able to skillfully cook a variety of cuisines, it will undoubtedly leave a deep impression on Japanese women, and they will feel that this boyfriend is attentive and considerate, so that they will cherish the relationship even more.

In addition, the Chinese boyfriend's cooking skills also reflect the unique charm of Chinese culture, and China's food culture is rich and profound, and when these dishes are presented to Japanese women, they will feel a new taste experience.

This experience not only made them love their Chinese boyfriend's cooking skills even more, but also made them have a strong interest in Chinese culture.


Finally, I want to say that this international student is really admirable, he not only found such a beautiful Japanese daughter-in-law, but also let his daughter-in-law raise him willingly without a job. It seems that it is not difficult to conquer Japanese women, as long as you can cook!

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