
Congratulations to all the owners of mobile phone factories, everyone is the 618 sales champion


As we all know, there are only two top 2 universities in mainland China, but there can be more than a dozen in the third place.

With different criteria, geographical preferences, professional expertise, etc., more than half of the 985 colleges and universities can find some way to put themselves on the throne of the top 3.

Thanks to the profundity of Chinese culture, this phenomenon has been infected to mobile phone manufacturers, 618 has just passed, all kinds of war reports are overwhelming, take a brief look:

All phones are Top1.

There are too many good news, and Silicon Jijun excerpts some courseware for you to evaluate and learn.

Episode 1: Schrödinger's Statistical Period

Since the cancellation of the pre-sale system on various e-commerce platforms this year, the 618 front has been extraordinarily long, and it has become a good opportunity for vivo and Xiaomi to send a few more battle reports.

At two o'clock in the morning on June 1, vivo took the lead in issuing a "good start report". In order to achieve a perfect balance between true data and good-looking data, vivo's statistical cycle is extremely rigorous:

The statistical period on the official mall and Pinduoduo list is from May 20 to May 31.

The statistical period of Douyin and Kuaishou is May 31.

The data of Jingdong and Tmall platforms is interesting, only the 4 hours after 20:00 on May 31 are counted.

Congratulations to all the owners of mobile phone factories, everyone is the 618 sales champion

Under such a fine calculation, vivo's sub-brand IQOO Z9 Turbo won the top 1 sales volume in the 1500-1999 yuan price segment of the Jingdong platform in those wonderful 4 hours.

Congratulations to all the owners of mobile phone factories, everyone is the 618 sales champion

If the timeline is extended to the full cycle from May 20th to June 18th, the sales champion at the price of 1500-1999 yuan has changed hands and become Redmi.

Congratulations to all the owners of mobile phone factories, everyone is the 618 sales champion
Congratulations to all the owners of mobile phone factories, everyone is the 618 sales champion

Of course, Xiaomi next door is not far behind,Xiaomi"Good start"In the report,On the Jingdong platform, two statistics were used on the Jingdong platform5month31day,5month20day20:00-May 31。

On the Douyin platform, Xiaomi circled the 7-day data after the start of May 24, instead of the one-day data circled by vivo.

Congratulations to all the owners of mobile phone factories, everyone is the 618 sales champion

After a meal, Silicon Jijun finally saw a total of 22 "firsts" in Xiaomi's opening report, such as:

Congratulations to all the owners of mobile phone factories, everyone is the 618 sales champion

Episode 2: Price Points

Continue to look, in vivo's good start report, vivo X100 Ultra won the double championship in sales and sales in the 6-8k price segment of Android phones on the Kuaishou platform.

Silicon base Jun is a little puzzled, generally speaking, more than 6000 yuan are collectively referred to as high-end machines, vivo has sealed an upper limit of 8000 yuan, and also brought an Android machine, this time drove away a few opponents?

Congratulations to all the owners of mobile phone factories, everyone is the 618 sales champion

This is not the best, Xiaomi's 618 full-cycle battle report, each price segment is actually finely divided to the range of 500 yuan.

In fact, according to Counterpoint Research, mobile phones are divided into low-end (under $150), low-mid ($150-$249), mid-range ($250-$599), mid-to-high-end ($600-$799) and high-end (over $800), which is already very fine.

But according to Xiaomi's division, it is estimated that the score is: ultra-low-end (below 500 yuan), a little low-end (500-999 yuan), not so low-end (1000-1499 yuan)......

Congratulations to all the owners of mobile phone factories, everyone is the 618 sales champion

Episode 3: Confusing Categories

What is particularly interesting is that in the 618 full-cycle battle report, Oppo's small folding screen mobile phone won the "Tmall folding screen category sales champion", and vivo won the "Tmall large folding screen mobile phone sales champion".

Folding screen is actually a large category, which can be divided into two types, one is a "small folding screen" mobile phone that is equivalent to the size of a straight mobile phone in the expanded state; The other is a "big folding screen" mobile phone the size of a straight phone in the folded state.

The OPPO mobile phone that won the Tmall championship in the folding screen category is actually a small folding screen mobile phone, with an extra "big" word, and the trophy is immediately divided into two ways, and the flowers fall to OPPO and vivo.

Sijijun decided to give Tmall a trophy as well: the Duanshui Master Champion.

Congratulations to all the owners of mobile phone factories, everyone is the 618 sales champion
Congratulations to all the owners of mobile phone factories, everyone is the 618 sales champion

Writing this, Silicon Jijun almost thought that he had found a bug: Didn't you say that oppo's small folding screen is the champion of Tmall folding screen, how can Glory also claim the champion of Tmall small folding screen?

Take a closer look,It turned out to be the fault of "Schrödinger's Statistical Cycle",The statistical time on the glory certificate is 6month1720:0028 hours after that,And oppo from 5month20Statistics618Full cycle is different。

Congratulations to all the owners of mobile phone factories, everyone is the 618 sales champion
Congratulations to all the owners of mobile phone factories, everyone is the 618 sales champion

Episode 4: Platform Battles

There is also a kind of competition, that is, on different e-commerce platforms, mobile phone brands are blooming, each with its own merits, and there is nothing that can be studied in detail in this regard.

Although the old bottom of vivo was revealed at the beginning of this article, judging from the 618 full-cycle battle report, vivo has really won the first place in sales on the Douyin platform.

Congratulations to all the owners of mobile phone factories, everyone is the 618 sales champion

Xiaomi, on the other hand, shines on Tmall, taking the first place in the cumulative sales and sales of domestic mobile phones. (I still haven't forgotten to avoid a certain fruit)

Congratulations to all the owners of mobile phone factories, everyone is the 618 sales champion

Episode 5: Unspeakable Data

However, in addition to the brands we are most familiar with mentioned above, do netizens still remember those "tears of the times"? In fact, there is a brand that also issued a good start report on June 1, earlier than vivo, it is Meizu. Silicon Jijun is also puzzled, what track can Meizu win a championship on:

It turned out to be a word-of-mouth list... Does it mean that we don't talk about data, we only talk about feelings?

Congratulations to all the owners of mobile phone factories, everyone is the 618 sales champion

Meizu's full-cycle war report is even more exaggerated, looking at these two certificates, the length of this sentence, and the accuracy of the statistical time, but if there is a lack of words, this commendation cannot be issued.

Congratulations to all the owners of mobile phone factories, everyone is the 618 sales champion
Congratulations to all the owners of mobile phone factories, everyone is the 618 sales champion

However, this kind of list that makes use of Chinese is not only in the battle report, but also in the car rim where everyone is a Top1 symptom.

For example, in the newly submitted prospectus of Nezha Automobile, its ranking in the Southeast Asian market gave itself a "No. 1 sales volume among companies that only produce new energy passenger vehicles", and steadily picked out several bigwigs with a wide range of businesses.

Congratulations to all the owners of mobile phone factories, everyone is the 618 sales champion

There are also various weekly sales, regional sales lists, etc., we will not list them one by one.

However, your list is still a little straightforward, remember the 2016 Hurun Report, titled:

2016 Country Garden Forest City • Hurun Report

Congratulations to all the owners of mobile phone factories, everyone is the 618 sales champion

(Reprinted from: NewGeek)

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