
The scholar opened a pawnshop, and on Chinese New Year's Eve, someone was a dead body, and he received a golden bodhisattva


In that year, in our Gada, there was a talented man named Li Moxuan, who was nicknamed "Extremely Smart", and he was good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but he was in the middle of the road and was so poor that he was dinging. In order to eat with a mouthful of food, he slapped his head and opened a pawnshop, called "Moxiang Pawnshop", thinking that with his own ink, he could distinguish the real and fake of the baby, and by the way, he could also make a few like-minded buddies. As soon as this pawnshop opened, it was amazing, and people from all over the neighborhood came to join in the fun. Li Moxuan treats people warmly, has enough eyesight, and can see the truth of the baby at a glance, and it didn't take long to win the trust of everyone.

But in the work of opening a pawnshop, there are always some strange things. On the day of the thirtieth day of the Chinese New Year's Eve, the family was busy reuniting for Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, but the Moxiang pawnshop was as cold as anything. Li Moxuan was sitting behind the counter, holding an ancient book in his hand, fascinated by it. Suddenly, there was a sharp knock on the door, breaking the silence of the night. He put down the book, walked over and opened the door, only to see a man in black standing outside the door, wearing a hat, covering most of his face, and he couldn't see his appearance clearly. Holding a heavy package in his hand, he said, "Boss Li, I have a baby here, and I want to make a price for you." When Li Moxuan saw this posture, his heart beat a drum. For the Chinese New Year, who still comes out to be a thing? This man in black is mysterious, and at first glance he is not a good bird. But when he thought about it, he opened a pawnshop, and what he did was this business, how could he refuse people thousands of miles away because of his own preferences? So, he politely invited the man in black into the house and asked him to put the package on the counter.

The man in black carefully unwrapped the package, and it turned out to be a corpse inside! When Li Moxuan saw it, he was so frightened that he almost screamed. He steadied himself and examined the corpse carefully, and found that the corpse had no scars on it, and its face was still ruddy, as if it had just fallen asleep. Seeing Li Moxuan's surprised look, the man in black smiled and said, "Boss Li, don't be afraid. This corpse was not the remains of a murder scene, but the corpse of a living person. Li Moxuan was confused when he heard this, and asked puzzledly: "The corpse of a living person?" What does this mean? The man in black explained, "You may not know that I dug up this body from an ancient tomb. It is said that the owner of the tomb was a wealthy man who buried countless treasures after his death. This corpse was a substitute for him, which was used to accept incense offerings in his place. Because the funeral goods were so precious and there were many organs in the tomb, it took me a lot of effort to get this stand-in out. When Li Moxuan heard this, he understood a rough idea in his heart. He looked at the man in black in front of him and felt that this person was not simple, he must be a master tomb robber. Since this corpse can be brought out, it means that this corpse is indeed a treasure. Li Moxuan steadied himself and asked, "Then how much do you want to be?" The man in black stretched out five fingers and said, "Five thousand taels of silver." When Li Moxuan heard this price, he chuckled in his heart. Five thousand taels of silver, this is not a small amount of money, and his pawnshop may not be able to earn it in a year. But this corpse in front of me is really rare, if you don't do it this time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to encounter it again in the future. He pondered for a while, and said, "Five thousand taels of silver, this is not a joke, I have to see if this corpse is worth the price." The man in black nodded and said, "Cheng, just look at it, if you think it's not worth it, I'll leave immediately." ”

The scholar opened a pawnshop, and on Chinese New Year's Eve, someone was a dead body, and he received a golden bodhisattva

Li Moxuan walked to the corpse and looked up and down. This corpse is wrapped in a bells and whistles brocade robe, and the dragon and phoenix embroidered on it are auspicious, and it is not a vulgar thing at first glance. He reached out again and touched the corpse's skin, which was delicate and smooth, as if it were elastic. His heart moved, and he felt that this corpse was not simple. He asked the man in black again, "What else is so special about this corpse?" The man in black smiled mysteriously and said, "Take a good look at what this corpse has in its hands." ”

Li Moxuan looked down and saw that the corpse was clutching something in his hand. He carefully broke the fingers of the corpse, and found that what he was holding in his hand was actually a golden bodhisattva! This golden bodhisattva is finely carved and vivid, and you can see that it is priceless at a glance. Li Moxuan's heart blossomed, and he felt that the five thousand taels of silver were worth it! He looked up at the man in black and said, "Okay! I want this corpse! Five thousand taels of silver, I'll get it for you!" The man in black was also overjoyed when he saw Li Moxuan agreeing so happily. He took the money, gave him a few more instructions on how to preserve the corpse, and then turned and left.

After Li Moxuan sent the man in black away, he returned to the house, looked at the corpse and the golden bodhisattva in front of him, and began to mumble in his heart. What the hell is this corpse coming from? Why is it in the tomb? What secrets does the golden bodhisattva hide? He was determined to find out......

The scholar opened a pawnshop, and on Chinese New Year's Eve, someone was a dead body, and he received a golden bodhisattva

In this teahouse, there is everyone, and the old tea customers are all well-informed masters. As soon as Li Moxuan entered the door, he went straight to the old tea customers, he lowered his voice and said everything about it. When the old tea customers heard this, their eyes were as wide as copper bells, and they began to talk about it. An old man, rubbing his beard, said slowly, "This corpse, maybe it's a zombie?" I heard that zombies can be preserved for thousands of years without rotting, and they still hold treasures in their hands, isn't this the characteristic of zombies? A young man next to him immediately retorted: "Old man, you are all old yellow calendars." This corpse looks like a stand-in, what's a zombie? I think this golden bodhisattva is the key, maybe there is some ulterior secret. Li Moxuan was confused when he heard this, and his heart was even more bottomless. He thought to himself, this matter must be asked by someone who understands. This matter has to start from the beginning, Li Moxuan, this young man, slapped his head and decided to go to the city to find the old Taoist priest, trying to find out what was behind this corpse and the Golden Bodhisattva. As soon as the old Taoist priest glanced at the things in Li Moxuan's hand, his face was as if he had eaten a bitter gourd, and he immediately changed. He circled around the corpse a few times, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, and he stared at the Golden Bodhisattva for a long time, and then he spoke slowly: "This corpse is not an ordinary person, it is a ghost for the dead." That golden bodhisattva is a baby pimple that suppresses evil spirits. However, as soon as this stand-in was dug up, the evil spirit in the tomb was like a wind. When Li Moxuan heard this, his face turned green with fright, and he hurriedly asked, "Dao Chief, you have to save me, what's going on?" The old Taoist priest sighed and said, "Let's do this, it's not difficult to say, it's not easy to say, it's not easy to say." You have to find a feng shui treasure place, bury this stand-in, and then find a high monk to use Buddhism to purify the evil spirit of the Golden Bodhisattva, and this matter is over. ”

When Li Moxuan heard this, the stone in his heart finally landed. He thanked the old Taoist priest and went home to get busy. First, he found a piece of feng shui treasure land and buried the stand-in, and then asked someone to invite a senior monk to purify the evil qi of the golden bodhisattva. The monk arrived at the Moxiang pawnshop, holding the Buddha beads in his hand, chanting words in his mouth, circling the golden bodhisattva a few times, and suddenly drinking, a puff of black smoke came out of the golden bodhisattva, and it dissipated in the air in a blink of an eye. The high monk told Li Moxuan that the black smoke was evil qi, and now that it had been purified, the golden bodhisattva could be worshiped with confidence.

Li Moxuan was so grateful that tears were about to fall, and after sending the monk away, he carefully placed the Golden Bodhisattva in the most conspicuous place in the pawnshop. Strange to say, since the Golden Bodhisattva was purified, the business of the Moxiang pawnshop has become more and more prosperous day by day, and people say that this is the manifestation of the Golden Bodhisattva. But Li Moxuan knew in his heart that this was all the credit of the old Taoist priest and the monk. He secretly vowed to do more good deeds in the future and repay the society.

The scholar opened a pawnshop, and on Chinese New Year's Eve, someone was a dead body, and he received a golden bodhisattva

As the days passed, the reputation of the Moxiang pawnshop became more and more famous. One day, a wealthy merchant came to the door and said that he was willing to pay a high price for the Golden Bodhisattva. When Li Moxuan heard this, he was entangled in his heart, although this golden bodhisattva is valuable, it is a treasure used to suppress evil spirits, how can he say that he will sell it? Seeing Li Moxuan's hesitation, the wealthy businessman increased the price. But Li Moxuan still refused, he told the rich businessman: "This golden bodhisattva means a lot to me, I can't sell it." Seeing Li Moxuan's resolute attitude, the rich businessman didn't say anything more and left stupidly.

Li Moxuan had mixed feelings in his heart, he knew that although this golden bodhisattva brought him wealth and fame, it also put him under a lot of pressure. He often worries that this golden bodhisattva will attract some evil again. So, Li Moxuan decided that he would guard this golden bodhisattva until the end of his life. He used his actions to interpret the righteousness and responsibility of a Northeast person. And the story of the Moxiang pawnshop and the Golden Bodhisattva has become a legend that everyone talks about after dinner. Li Moxuan's life, like a delicate painting, slowly unfolded on the stage of Moxiang Pawnshop. With wisdom and courage, he has resolved countless crises and won people's admiration and love. The golden statue of the Bodhisattva has always quietly guarded the pawnshop and the peace and harmony of this land. As the years passed, the door of the pawnshop finally closed slowly, and Li Moxuan passed away peacefully. However, his story, as well as the mysterious golden bodhisattva, are like a glass of old Northeast wine, the older it gets, the more fragrant it becomes, making people have a long aftertaste.

Not long after Li Moxuan's death, the Moxiang pawnshop was also quietly closed, and the golden bodhisattva still stood quietly in the empty pawnshop, as if guarding the legend of an era. Miracles in the world are always endless, and the story of the Golden Bodhisattva does not end there. One day, a young man from a foreign country happened to pass by this town and was fascinated by the legend of the Moxiang pawnshop and the Golden Bodhisattva. He walked into the empty pawnshop, only to see that the golden bodhisattva still exuded a mysterious and charming light in the dim light.

The scholar opened a pawnshop, and on Chinese New Year's Eve, someone was a dead body, and he received a golden bodhisattva

The young man was attracted by this mysterious power, and stepped forward to take a closer look. Suddenly, he felt a strong attraction, as if the Golden Bodhisattva was calling him. His heart moved, and he reached out to touch the Golden Bodhisattva. At this moment, the golden light shone brightly, enveloping the young man's whole body in it. When the golden light dissipates, the young man finds that he is no longer a pawnshop, but has come to a new world. The mountains and rivers here are beautiful, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, just like a fairyland on earth.

He looked around and saw an old man with a fairy wind and bones walking towards him. The old man smiled and said to him, "Young man, since you are destined to touch the Golden Bodhisattva, you are destined to be a person. This golden bodhisattva was cast by my own hands many years ago to suppress an evil spirit. Now that you're here, you're here to carry on its mission. When the young man heard this, he was both surprised and excited. He hurriedly knelt down and asked the old man for advice.

The old man nodded and began to tell the origin and mission of the Golden Bodhisattva. It turns out that this golden bodhisattva is not an ordinary thing, but was carefully cast by a high monk with thousand-year-old bronze and rare gold sand, which contains powerful Buddha power, which can suppress evil spirits and protect the people. But with the passage of time, the evil in the world is becoming more and more rampant, and the Buddha power of the Golden Bodhisattva is gradually weakening. In order to reactivate the Buddha power of the Golden Bodhisattva, it is necessary for someone who is destined to bring him back to the world and receive offerings and incense from the world.

The scholar opened a pawnshop, and on Chinese New Year's Eve, someone was a dead body, and he received a golden bodhisattva

After listening to the old man's story, the young man's heart was full of enthusiasm and he felt that he was shouldering a great mission. He decided to set out immediately and bring the Golden Bodhisattva back to earth. Seeing this, the old man sent him back to the Moxiang pawnshop. After the young man returned to the pawnshop, he carefully wrapped the golden bodhisattva and carried it on his back, ready to embark on a new journey. The young man said goodbye to the old and young masters in the town one by one, and set out on the road back to our hometown. Along the way, he suffered a lot of crimes, but in the end, he still invited the golden bodhisattva back to our village. When he got home, the young man found a temple and offered the golden bodhisattva. He burns incense and kowtows every day, hoping that the golden bodhisattva can manifest and bring good luck to our village.

It didn't take long for the people in our village to find that since the Golden Bodhisattva came, those messy evil spirits were gone. The crops grow well, and the people live comfortably. Everyone ran to the temple and kowtowed to the Golden Bodhisattva to thank it for the blessings and peace it brought. But the good times didn't last long, and the reputation of the Golden Bodhisattva became bigger and bigger, and it also attracted some ill-intentioned guys. They want to steal the Golden Bodhisattva and take it for themselves. But every time they approached the temple, they felt a powerful force that frightened them so much that they couldn't even enter the temple gate.

When the young man heard this, his heart was anxious and hard. He knew that he had to defend the Golden Bodhisattva and not let it be hurt in the slightest. So he stayed in the temple every day, not leaving a single step. As the days passed, the Buddha light of the Golden Bodhisattva became brighter and brighter, illuminating the entire temple and the surrounding ground. The people of our village also felt the compassion and strength of the Golden Bodhisattva, and burned incense and kowtowed more diligently, asking for peace.

The scholar opened a pawnshop, and on Chinese New Year's Eve, someone was a dead body, and he received a golden bodhisattva

Under the protection of the young man, the golden bodhisattva has been living in the temple in peace. It has become the patron saint of the hearts of our people and a symbol of faith. The young man has also become a hero in everyone's mouth and a legend. The story of this golden bodhisattva has been passed down in our town for a hundred years. Every time it is mentioned, people think of that brave young man and his mission. The legend of the Moxiang pawnshop and the Golden Bodhisattva has also become an eternal memory and belief in the hearts of our villagers.