
5 melons in 1 day, Li Zonghan posted an article to refute the rumors of plastic surgery, Wan Qian's husband is suspected of cheating, and they are all big melons

author:The master of the Bayu Hall

As the saying goes, there is no wind and no waves, in recent days, the melons in the entertainment industry have been stubble after stubble, two days ago, the overturned car, the collapsed house, and the apologetic melons were dazzling, and only one day has passed, and several melons have been exposed in the circle one after another, and they are all big melons!

1, the paparazzi broke the news that Wan Qian's husband was suspected of cheating, and no one has responded so far

Yesterday, the paparazzi released a trailer, saying that they wanted to break the news about the celebrity couples in the circle, but the paparazzi broadcast live this afternoon, and it was Wan Qian and his wife who broke the news.

5 melons in 1 day, Li Zonghan posted an article to refute the rumors of plastic surgery, Wan Qian's husband is suspected of cheating, and they are all big melons

According to the paparazzi's revelations and videos, the paparazzi said that Wan Qian's husband was having dinner with a beautiful woman in a hotel, the woman was wearing a hat and a mask, and there was an assistant on the side.

The paparazzi said that the reason why Wan Qian's husband was suspected of cheating was that Wan Qian was still filming in the crew at that time, so who was the girl next to him.

5 melons in 1 day, Li Zonghan posted an article to refute the rumors of plastic surgery, Wan Qian's husband is suspected of cheating, and they are all big melons

After netizens turned up the definition of the video, they found that the woman's appearance was very similar to Wan Qian, could it be that the paparazzi saw it wrong, but because Wan Qian seemed to be filming at the time, she was not sure of the woman's identity.

5 melons in 1 day, Li Zonghan posted an article to refute the rumors of plastic surgery, Wan Qian's husband is suspected of cheating, and they are all big melons

In addition, many netizens said that they didn't know that Wan Qian was already married, and some people angrily scolded the paparazzi for bringing the woman's name.

5 melons in 1 day, Li Zonghan posted an article to refute the rumors of plastic surgery, Wan Qian's husband is suspected of cheating, and they are all big melons

To say that Wan Qian's husband is an outsider and a photographer by profession, at present, no one has come forward to respond to this matter, and I don't know what the truth is.

2, Li Zonghan issued a clarification denying his plastic surgery, which sparked heated discussions

Recently, there have been rumors on the Internet that actor Li Zonghan seems to have undergone "medical beauty", and his face looks very incongruous, and the result is on the hot search.

5 melons in 1 day, Li Zonghan posted an article to refute the rumors of plastic surgery, Wan Qian's husband is suspected of cheating, and they are all big melons

Today, Li Zonghan himself issued a response to the matter, saying that in recent years, he has lost a lot of weight because he has been sick, not plastic surgery, and he also took out a case.

If you want to say that Li Zonghan is also a powerful actor, everyone should be familiar with it, and he has participated in works such as "Mr. Love" and "Out of Court".

5 melons in 1 day, Li Zonghan posted an article to refute the rumors of plastic surgery, Wan Qian's husband is suspected of cheating, and they are all big melons

Li Zonghan used to have a strong body, his appearance was also quite online, and his facial features were tough, but now it seems that his face is actually thin, there should be no plastic surgery, and he is also close to 50 years old this year, so there is no need at all.

5 melons in 1 day, Li Zonghan posted an article to refute the rumors of plastic surgery, Wan Qian's husband is suspected of cheating, and they are all big melons

In addition, in fact, there are very few male actors who do medical beauty, unless there is a big problem with their facial features, and Li Zonghan's original appearance is online, presumably the plastic surgery turmoil is just a random suspicion of some people.

3. Li Xueqin's test scores caused controversy, and her classmates refuted the rumors and did not pass the sports project to add points

Recently, Li Xueqin suddenly became a hot search, because some people questioned that she went to Peking University because she added 20 points to sports, which also caused heated discussions.

5 melons in 1 day, Li Zonghan posted an article to refute the rumors of plastic surgery, Wan Qian's husband is suspected of cheating, and they are all big melons

To say that the college entrance examination has just opened for score checking recently, many people are also particularly interested in the scores of celebrities, and they also want to check whether they are true or false.

As for why Li Xueqin was controversial, first of all, Li Xueqin once said on the show that she couldn't swim, but some netizens found that Li Xueqin was a second-level swimmer, which was a little different from her own statement.

5 melons in 1 day, Li Zonghan posted an article to refute the rumors of plastic surgery, Wan Qian's husband is suspected of cheating, and they are all big melons

Soon, Li Xueqin's classmates also came forward to clarify for Li Xueqin, saying that Li Xueqin's score is mainly composed of two parts, but it does not involve the bonus points of the second-level certificate.

5 melons in 1 day, Li Zonghan posted an article to refute the rumors of plastic surgery, Wan Qian's husband is suspected of cheating, and they are all big melons

To tell the truth, Li Xueqin entered the entertainment industry by relying on the character of a scholar, and there should be no problem in entering Peking University with a score of 630, and she was not popular at all back then, and there was no need to fake.

5 melons in 1 day, Li Zonghan posted an article to refute the rumors of plastic surgery, Wan Qian's husband is suspected of cheating, and they are all big melons

To be reasonable, it is easy to find out the college entrance examination results of celebrities now, but there is a problem with constant questioning, not to mention such high scores, after all, this is also the result of more than ten years of hard work.

4, the eighth episode of "Singer" song list was released, which sparked heated discussions

Two days ago, "Singer" officially announced the guests of the eighth issue, including Tan Weiwei and Ding Dang, which also sparked heated discussions, and this morning, the eighth episode of "Singer" was released.

5 melons in 1 day, Li Zonghan posted an article to refute the rumors of plastic surgery, Wan Qian's husband is suspected of cheating, and they are all big melons

The playlist includes Carpenter's "Close to You", Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flower", Tao Zhe's "Twenty-Two", "The best" Tina, "Hear the Sound of Rain" Wei Ruyun, Alan Tam's "Infinite Gratitude", Deng Ziqi's "The Devil from Heaven" and You Changjing's "Night of a Star".

5 melons in 1 day, Li Zonghan posted an article to refute the rumors of plastic surgery, Wan Qian's husband is suspected of cheating, and they are all big melons

According to the speculation of netizens, Huang Xuan or Yuan Yawei will sing Tao Zhe's "Twenty-Two" in a similar style, while Fan Xiya may sing Deng Ziqi's "The Devil from Heaven" is shocking, and Wang Sulong may sing "Hear the Sound of Rain".

5 melons in 1 day, Li Zonghan posted an article to refute the rumors of plastic surgery, Wan Qian's husband is suspected of cheating, and they are all big melons

To be honest, the playlist looks pretty good this time, but it's hard to imagine how these songs would have performed on stage if they weren't for the original songs.

Tonight, the eighth episode of "Singer" will be broadcast live, so stay tuned!

5. Sun Yang's studio responded that it was being educated and accepted corrections, which aroused heated discussions among netizens

In the past two days, maybe Sun Yang has become popular, because two days ago, some netizens broke the news that Sun Yang and netizens quarreled on the Internet, and they also posted the chat records of Sun Yang to retain fans afterwards, which is incredible.

5 melons in 1 day, Li Zonghan posted an article to refute the rumors of plastic surgery, Wan Qian's husband is suspected of cheating, and they are all big melons

The reason was that some netizens left a message in Sun Yang's comment area saying that he would be hot if he wore black clothes, but Sun Yang replied to netizens, and his words seemed to be somewhat understanding, which once made him on the hot search.

I thought it was a joke, but I didn't expect Sun Yang to seriously quarrel with netizens, but Sun Yang also sent a private message to fans later, hoping to keep it.

5 melons in 1 day, Li Zonghan posted an article to refute the rumors of plastic surgery, Wan Qian's husband is suspected of cheating, and they are all big melons

And just today, a large number of netizens poured into Sun Yang's comment area, and some netizens said that Sun Yang has been deleting comments, which once again sparked heated discussions.

5 melons in 1 day, Li Zonghan posted an article to refute the rumors of plastic surgery, Wan Qian's husband is suspected of cheating, and they are all big melons

In this regard, the studio couldn't sit still, and hurriedly spoke, saying that it was already carrying out education, and also said that it would accept corrections without deleting comments.

5 melons in 1 day, Li Zonghan posted an article to refute the rumors of plastic surgery, Wan Qian's husband is suspected of cheating, and they are all big melons

I have to say that Sun Yang's matter is a very small matter, as can be seen from the chat records, but maybe Sun Yang's wording makes netizens feel uncomfortable, and this is why the current situation has occurred.

5 melons in 1 day, Li Zonghan posted an article to refute the rumors of plastic surgery, Wan Qian's husband is suspected of cheating, and they are all big melons

Well, the above is a few melons exposed in the entertainment industry in one day today, which involves plastic surgery turmoil, derailment turmoil, and apology statement, which can only be said to be outrageous!

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