
Tsugi 骄傲

author:Little Tiger is reluctant to go vegetarian anymore

In the vast land of China, there is a place that shines with a unique light, and that is Zhecheng County. Zhecheng County, with its outstanding achievements in the diamond industry, has attracted the attention of the world.

Tsugi 骄傲

Our diamond production in Zhecheng County has ranked first in the world. What an impressive achievement! Once considered a rare treasure, diamonds were prohibitively expensive for many. However, it is precisely because of the unremitting efforts and hard work of Zhecheng people, through advanced technology and innovative spirit, that we have successfully turned this seemingly unattainable gem into no longer so mysterious and expensive, and truly dried the diamond into a cabbage price.

Tsugi 骄傲

This great achievement not only brings benefits and surprises to global consumers, but also demonstrates the wisdom and strength of the Chinese. We are proud because we are Chinese, and we have perseverance and pioneering spirit to create miracles on the world stage.

Tsugi 骄傲

As a Zhecheng person, this pride is deeply rooted in the bone marrow. Zhecheng, a land of hopes and dreams, has witnessed our struggle and growth. With our own hands, we have written a glorious chapter belonging to Zhecheng. We are proud of the prosperity of our hometown and honored to be able to contribute to the development of our country.

Tsugi 骄傲

In the days to come, we Zhecheng people will continue to carry this pride and pride, continue to move forward and innovate, so that the diamond industry in Zhecheng will continue to flourish, and the world will feel the power of China and the charm of Zhecheng more deeply. We are proud, we are Chinese, we are even more proud, we are Zhecheng people!

Tsugi 骄傲

Let's cheer for Zhecheng and cheer for China!

Tsugi 骄傲