
How did Geely Xingyue L Zhiqing convince Japanese hybrids?


In last month's Sino-Japanese dual-engine competition, Geely Xingyue L Zhiqing won wide attention with its excellent power performance and advanced technology. The 1.5T turbocharged four-cylinder hybrid engine of this model, with a maximum power of 120kW and a peak torque of 255Nm, is by no means empty talk, and its excellent power output and high efficiency performance have become the focus of the competition.

How did Geely Xingyue L Zhiqing convince Japanese hybrids?

The engine technology of Xingyue L Zhiqing is eye-catching. It uses the technical configuration common to high-end cars, and achieves a thermal efficiency of up to 44.26%. The mid-mounted direct injection and high-pressure overhead direct injection systems ensure the full atomization of the fuel, while the ultra-high compression ratio of 14:1 further enhances the explosiveness of the power. In addition, the application of Miller cycle system and LP EGR exhaust gas circulation technology makes the car achieve a good balance between power and energy saving and emission reduction.

How did Geely Xingyue L Zhiqing convince Japanese hybrids?

In particular, it is worth mentioning that the typhoon-style airflow Ailos combustion technology adopted by Xingyue L Zhiqing. This technology can complete a combustion in less than 0.4ms, and the flame propagation speed is astonishing. This rapid combustion not only improves the efficiency of the engine, but also further enhances the stability of the power output.

How did Geely Xingyue L Zhiqing convince Japanese hybrids?

Geely Xingyue L Zhiqing's outstanding performance in the Sino-Japanese dual-engine competition is precisely due to its strong technical strength and excellent performance. For consumers who are looking for speed and passion, this car is undoubtedly a choice not to be missed.

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