
After Lai Qingde uttered wild words, Senior Colonel Wu Qian put down eight big characters to solve the problem of "Taiwan independence."

author:Paitou International Station

At present, cross-strait relations continue to be tense because the DPP authorities have stubbornly insisted on going their own way and refusing to accept the "consensus of '92." A few days ago, during the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Whampoa Military Academy on the island, Lai Ching-te, leader of the Taiwan region, made wild remarks, claiming that he would not accept "the first battle is the final war" and that he had also seized the opportunity to smear the mainland.

After Lai Qingde uttered wild words, Senior Colonel Wu Qian put down eight big characters to solve the problem of "Taiwan independence."

Lai Qingde

On 27 June, Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesman for China's Ministry of National Defense, clearly pointed out at a news conference that there is only one China in the world, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, the Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legitimate government representing the whole of China, and the one-China principle is the universal consensus of the international community. No matter how distorted and denied by the DPP authorities, they will not be able to change this basic fact, and they will not sever the blood ties of the compatriots on both sides of the strait. Lai Qingde and his ilk vainly attempt to tamper with history and split the country will inevitably be judged by history and severely punished by law.

Senior Colonel Wu Qian also warned "Taiwan independence" forces not to attempt to provoke the mainland. What needs to be emphasized is that once the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces provoke us, our countermeasures will be pushed one step further, and this is a progressive and prelude to the final settlement of the Taiwan issue. In smashing the "Taiwan independence" forces, the PLA has always been a turtle in an urn and a man of arms. It can be said that this is the first time that the mainland Ministry of Defense has mentioned the words "catch a turtle in an urn and catch it with your hands," and it also shows its firm determination to smash "Taiwan independence."

After Lai Qingde uttered wild words, Senior Colonel Wu Qian put down eight big characters to solve the problem of "Taiwan independence."

Senior Colonel Wu Qian

At the same time, the United States has recently continued to collude with the Taiwan authorities, and the United States has accelerated the delivery of weapons and equipment to Taiwan, while also wantonly interfering in Taiwan Strait affairs. A few days ago, the commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command said that the U.S. military will implement a plan called "Hell Landscape" to turn the Taiwan Strait into an unmanned hell through the large-scale use of drones, unmanned boats and unmanned underwater vehicles to deal with "attacks from the mainland." You must know that some anti-China forces in the United States have hyped up a "plan to destroy Taiwan" and are now clamoring for turning the Taiwan Strait into a "hell", which sends a very dangerous signal and fully exposes the true intention of the United States to destroy Taiwan in order to safeguard its own interests.

In response to this remark by the US side, Senior Colonel Wu Qian directly put aside his harsh words, saying that those who clamored to turn other people's homes into hell must first be prepared to go to hell first. In order to "use Taiwan to contain China," some people in the United States do not hesitate to turn the Taiwan Strait into a "hell on earth." Taiwan belongs to China, and China brooks no separation. In defending national sovereignty and territorial integrity and countering interference by external forces, the Chinese People's Liberation Army has always dared to fight tough battles and can win battles. We never accept the threats and intimidation of some people.

After Lai Qingde uttered wild words, Senior Colonel Wu Qian put down eight big characters to solve the problem of "Taiwan independence."

PLA military aircraft

Since Lai Qingde came to power, he has unabashedly revealed his true face of "Taiwan independence" and made a series of remarks that have seriously damaged cross-strait relations. A few days ago, a number of departments on the mainland jointly issued a 22-point opinion document on punishing "Taiwan independence," which clearly mentioned that the death penalty can be imposed on the leading diehard "Taiwan independence" elements in accordance with the law. In this regard, Lai Qingde shouted that "the mainland has no right to sanction the people of Taiwan, let alone the right to trace the Taiwan people across borders." It can be said that it is extremely rampant.

In this regard, the PLA resolutely launched an action. Recently, PLA military planes have been constantly patrolling around Taiwan Island, which has also worried the island. According to Taiwan media, from 7 a.m. on June 26, a total of 26 sorties of various types of military aircraft such as the PLA J-16, Y-8 and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) flew around the Taiwan Strait, of which 24 crossed the so-called "middle line of the strait" and sandwiched Taiwan Island from the "northern, central, and southern three breads." As for the so-called "median line of the strait," the mainland has clearly stressed that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, and there is no so-called "median line of the strait."

After Lai Qingde uttered wild words, Senior Colonel Wu Qian put down eight big characters to solve the problem of "Taiwan independence."

Zhu Fenglian

Just as Senior Colonel Wu Qian said, as long as the "Taiwan independence" forces continue to provoke, then the PLA's countermeasures will continue to move forward until the Taiwan issue is finally completely resolved. The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council pointed out that if "Taiwan independence" forces take the initiative to abandon their "Taiwan independence" separatist stance and no longer carry out "Taiwan independence" separatist activities, then the mainland can not pursue some or even all of their criminal responsibility in accordance with the law, and this is undoubtedly a warning to a small number of "Taiwan independence" forces on the island to abandon their "Taiwan independence" stance at an early date, so that the two sides of the strait can usher in real peace.