
Taboos at home: The bathroom door can't be facing 4 places! Too many families have been tricked, let's take a look at the comparison

author:Retired foreman
Taboos at home: The bathroom door can't be facing 4 places! Too many families have been tricked, let's take a look at the comparison

As the saying goes: "Golden kitchen and silver bathroom", the bathroom is a very important area in our home.

Although the bathroom can bring convenience and cleanliness to our lives, if you decorate it in the wrong way, it will inevitably affect the user experience and even cause a lot of home troubles.

Taboos at home: The bathroom door can't be facing 4 places! Too many families have been tricked, let's take a look at the comparison

The structure of the bathroom is very complex, and in the minds of the older generation, it itself belongs to the "dirty area".

Although the current bathroom is different from the previous toilet, it is still very particular when decorating.

Taboos at home: The bathroom door can't be facing 4 places! Too many families have been tricked, let's take a look at the comparison
Taboos at home: The bathroom door can't be facing 4 places! Too many families have been tricked, let's take a look at the comparison

The bathroom cannot face the dining room

The restaurant is the area where we usually eat, and three meals a day will be served here.

When decorating the house, if you find that the bathroom door in the house is facing the dining room, you should make changes in advance!

Taboos at home: The bathroom door can't be facing 4 places! Too many families have been tricked, let's take a look at the comparison
Taboos at home: The bathroom door can't be facing 4 places! Too many families have been tricked, let's take a look at the comparison

People outside smell unpleasant odors when eating, which will definitely affect appetite,

And every time I eat, I can look up and see the inside of the bathroom, and I feel uncomfortable.

Taboos at home: The bathroom door can't be facing 4 places! Too many families have been tricked, let's take a look at the comparison

If your home is like this, we need to change the position of the bathroom door to make sure that the door is not aimed at the dining room, but don't be careless.

Taboos at home: The bathroom door can't be facing 4 places! Too many families have been tricked, let's take a look at the comparison

The bathroom is not facing the bedroom door

The bedroom is originally a place for us to sleep and rest, and the environment here is good to ensure the quality of sleep!

If a person sleeps poorly, or is affected by the environment, it will cause you to become less energetic, which will cause some damage to the body.

Taboos at home: The bathroom door can't be facing 4 places! Too many families have been tricked, let's take a look at the comparison

If your bathroom door is facing the bedroom, bacteria and dirt in the bathroom will enter the bedroom when it is hot, and small flying insects will appear from time to time.

Taboos at home: The bathroom door can't be facing 4 places! Too many families have been tricked, let's take a look at the comparison

In addition, the bathroom is relatively humid, and the moisture in it will gradually enter the bedroom, and after entering the wardrobe and bed, it will also produce an unpleasant musty smell and breed mold.

Unless we have to close the bedroom door and bathroom door every day to solve it, it is very troublesome.

Taboos at home: The bathroom door can't be facing 4 places! Too many families have been tricked, let's take a look at the comparison

The bathroom door is facing the entrance door

The design of the bathroom door facing the entrance door is also unreasonable, which is very chicken and affects the use experience.

Taboos at home: The bathroom door can't be facing 4 places! Too many families have been tricked, let's take a look at the comparison

Netizen @小萌萌:

The bathroom door of my house is aimed at the entrance door, because it was not changed at that time, which now affects the privacy of the room.

When guests come to the house, the first thing you can see is the location of the bathroom.

Taboos at home: The bathroom door can't be facing 4 places! Too many families have been tricked, let's take a look at the comparison

The bathroom itself is a relatively private space, and it will inevitably look awkward when it is completely exposed to others.

If your home is designed like this,

Taboos at home: The bathroom door can't be facing 4 places! Too many families have been tricked, let's take a look at the comparison

The bathroom cannot face the kitchen

The bathroom in the home can't face the kitchen, which is also very particular.

After all, the bathroom is the area where we usually go to the toilet and wash, and with frequent water use, bacteria and smells will inevitably occur.

Taboos at home: The bathroom door can't be facing 4 places! Too many families have been tricked, let's take a look at the comparison

The kitchen is a place where food is made, and there are a lot of tableware and food.

If the bathroom is facing the kitchen, the bacteria in the bathroom will enter the kitchen, and you will inevitably feel uncomfortable.

And over time, these dirty things will adhere to the kitchenware, posing a threat to our health, so don't be careless.

Taboos at home: The bathroom door can't be facing 4 places! Too many families have been tricked, let's take a look at the comparison

Recommendations for the renovation of the bathroom

If your bathroom has the above problems, you should make changes when decorating:

(1) Change the position of the bathroom door and aim it at the insensitive area, which can be convenient to use without affecting life.

Taboos at home: The bathroom door can't be facing 4 places! Too many families have been tricked, let's take a look at the comparison

(2) Make a partition in advance, and the bathroom door is aligned with the above sensitive area, and the partition can be designed in the middle position.

Such a design can not only change the pattern, but also have a decorative effect.

Taboos at home: The bathroom door can't be facing 4 places! Too many families have been tricked, let's take a look at the comparison

(3) Develop a good habit of cleaning, in life, we must ensure that the bathroom is dry and clean,

Taboos at home: The bathroom door can't be facing 4 places! Too many families have been tricked, let's take a look at the comparison

(4) Open the window regularly for ventilation, the bathroom often uses water, the inside is relatively humid, and regular ventilation can make the home environment better.

Write at the end:

When you decorate the house, if your bathroom is aligned with the above 4 positions, we have to make changes, otherwise life will not go well, don't be careless.


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