
A number of doctors appealed: The elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat steamed buns at home than eat these

author:Suzhou financial media

A number of doctors appealed: The elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat steamed buns at home than eat these

Aunt Wang, who is 70 years old this year, has to mention her special hobby - eating pickled food, every time I go to her house, I can always see a room of pickled vegetable jars, which are soaked in all kinds of colorful pickles.

A number of doctors appealed: The elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat steamed buns at home than eat these

Every time she eats, Aunt Wang will serve a large plate of pickled vegetables, and then serve a bowl full of rice, and eat with relish.

But to be honest, her body has always been bad, and she has always had minor illnesses, no, just half a month ago, she was diagnosed with serious liver disease.

After learning about Aunt Wang's eating habits, the doctor sighed and said, "Auntie, although this pickle is delicious, it is not good for the body, especially for an elderly person like you, all body functions are declining, and you must pay more attention to a healthy diet." ”

In fact, elderly people like Aunt Wang are prone to physical problems, and many times it is because of poor eating habits.

So, why are people over the age of 70 more likely to get sick? What should we pay attention to when it comes to diet?

A number of doctors appealed: The elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat steamed buns at home than eat these


As we age, the body's natural physiological deterioration is inevitable.

Cardiopulmonary function, kidney function, and nervous system decline gradually, making older people more susceptible to infections and recovering much more slowly than they did when they were younger.

Many elderly people will find themselves feeling out of breath after doing light household chores, or feeling tired and sore easily in their backs and lower back, which are the physiological changes that come naturally with aging.

A number of doctors appealed: The elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat steamed buns at home than eat these

In addition to natural aging, the elderly are more likely to get sick after the age of 70, which is also related to the following reasons:

1. Weakening of the immune system

A weakened immune system means that older people are less able to fight off pathogens and are susceptible to a variety of viruses and bacteria.

For example, influenza and pneumonia are much more common and fatal in older people than in younger people.

This requires us to pay special attention to personal hygiene in our daily lives and to get vaccinated appropriately to boost our immunity.

A number of doctors appealed: The elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat steamed buns at home than eat these

2. Living habits

Poor diets, such as those high in salt, fat and sugar, may increase the incidence of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Maintaining a healthy diet can delay physiological deterioration, strengthen resistance, improve quality of life, and help prolong life.

A number of doctors appealed: The elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat steamed buns at home than eat these

3. Lack of exercise

Moderate exercise not only strengthens the heart and lungs, but also improves joint flexibility and muscle strength, preventing osteoporosis and muscle atrophy.

However, many elderly people often ignore the importance of exercise due to their declining physical strength or lack of exercise habits.

A number of doctors appealed: The elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat steamed buns at home than eat these

4. Changes in mood and mentality

Old age is a major life transition, and many older people may feel lonely, anxious, or depressed due to retirement, independence from children, loss of spouse, or decline in physical ability.

These changes in mental state can affect not only their mental health, but also their physical health, such as sleep quality and immune system function.

A number of doctors appealed: The elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat steamed buns at home than eat these


For people over the age of 70, there are several foods that should be avoided as much as possible, as these foods may pose a greater threat to their health.

1. Pickled vegetables

High levels of salt and nitrite in preserved foods can seriously affect the function of the liver and kidneys, increasing the risk of cancer.

Long-term consumption of pickled vegetables may also lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.

A number of doctors appealed: The elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat steamed buns at home than eat these

2. Fried food

Although fried food has an attractive taste, it is high in calories, fat and contains substances that may cause cancer (such as phenylpropylene) to be very bad for health.

These foods may also exacerbate the cardiovascular burden in older adults and lead to arteriosclerosis.

A number of doctors appealed: The elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat steamed buns at home than eat these

3. Raw food

Raw foods can contain bacteria and parasites that have not been killed, which can lead to food poisoning or indigestion in older people who already have fragile digestive systems.

A number of doctors appealed: The elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat steamed buns at home than eat these

4. Deeply processed food

This type of food usually contains a lot of salt, sugar and artificial additives, and long-term consumption of this kind of food can easily lead to obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases.

A number of doctors appealed: The elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat steamed buns at home than eat these

5. Crude fiber food

While fiber is very important for gut health, the digestive system of older adults may not be able to process large amounts of crude fiber, and eating too much of it may cause gastrointestinal upset.

A number of doctors appealed: The elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat steamed buns at home than eat these


1. Eat small meals often

As people age, the stomach capacity decreases and digestive function weakens.

Eating smaller, more frequent meals not only reduces the burden on your stomach, but also keeps your blood sugar and energy levels stable.

A number of doctors appealed: The elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat steamed buns at home than eat these

2. Chew and swallow slowly

Chewing slowly not only helps food to be better digested and absorbed, but also prevents choking and other food-related risks, especially for older adults with reduced chewing ability.

This way of eating helps to improve digestion efficiency and reduce the workload of the stomach and intestines.

A number of doctors appealed: The elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat steamed buns at home than eat these

3. Ensure sufficient moisture

Older people tend to be insensitive to the feeling of thirst and are very easy to neglect water intake, but drinking water in moderation is essential for maintaining bodily function and metabolic balance.

Staying well hydrated can help improve digestion and prevent constipation, while also helping to maintain the health of your kidneys and other vital organs.

A number of doctors appealed: The elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat steamed buns at home than eat these

For people over the age of 70, eating healthy doesn't mean eating how rich and expensive it is, on the contrary, sometimes simple, light foods are more nourishing.

No matter how old we are, it's never too late to start focusing on health, as long as we are willing to change and take positive action, health will go with us.

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