
One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? Reminder: 5 bad habits when washing dishes, many families still do it

author:Suzhou financial media

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? Reminder: 5 bad habits when washing dishes, many families still do it

Some time ago, Mr. Liu's colleague invited him to dinner, and a bottle of wine was in his stomach, and the colleague suddenly became slumped, and it turned out that he wanted to borrow 50,000 yuan.

My colleague explained with a bitter face that he had recently renovated his home, and he thought that 200,000 yuan was more than enough, but in the end, it was far from enough, for example, his wife recently fell in love with a set of dishwashers imported from Europe, which cost nearly 20,000!

"What? Dishwashers are so expensive? Mr. Liu's eyes widened.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? Reminder: 5 bad habits when washing dishes, many families still do it

The colleague smiled wryly: "My wife said that 'one person washes the dishes, the whole family causes cancer', and she thinks that this dishwasher is cleaner and can avoid many health risks." ”

After hearing this, Mr. Liu was even more puzzled: "One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer?" Where did this come from? ”

"I don't know, but my wife said that spending money on a dishwasher is better than spending money on a hospital in the future." The colleague shook his head helplessly.

Mr. Liu muttered in his heart, is this true or false? Could it be that the dishes that are hand-washed at home every day hide such a big health hazard?

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? Reminder: 5 bad habits when washing dishes, many families still do it

When it comes to washing dishes, this seemingly simple daily housework actually hides a lot of knowledge.

Is there really any truth to the saying that "one person washes the dishes, the whole family causes cancer"?

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? Reminder: 5 bad habits when washing dishes, many families still do it


Washing dishes, a small thing in daily life, can also hide health risks? This is not alarmist, but a real fact.

Many families have some misconceptions when washing dishes, which may seem insignificant, but in the long run, they may have a great impact on the health of the family.

Myth 1: As long as the dishcloth is clean, it can be used all the time

Did you know that dishcloths are actually a breeding ground for bacteria, and research data shows that the number of bacteria on some dishcloths can be as high as billions, even including pathogenic bacteria such as E. coli?

So, don't underestimate this small dishcloth, it is a hidden danger to household hygiene, remember to replace it regularly, don't let it become a "bacterial bank" at home.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? Reminder: 5 bad habits when washing dishes, many families still do it

Myth 2: Put away the dishes and chopsticks without drying

Many people may think that this is nothing, but in reality, a humid environment is the best place for mold to grow.

In particular, if wooden chopsticks are left wet for a long time, there is a high risk of producing harmful substances such as aflatoxin, which poses a threat to the health of family members.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? Reminder: 5 bad habits when washing dishes, many families still do it

误区三:洗碗省landing water

While saving water is a good thing, it can be worth the cost if chemicals such as dish soap don't rinse clean.

Long-term intake of these residues may increase the burden on the liver and pose a potential threat to the health of family members.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? Reminder: 5 bad habits when washing dishes, many families still do it

Myth 4: Soak the dishes and chopsticks for a long time and then wash them

Some people may think that this way is cleaner, but in reality, it gives bacteria a chance to multiply.

Bacteria can multiply rapidly under the right conditions, so it is best to wash the dishes and chopsticks in time after meals to avoid soaking for a long time.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? Reminder: 5 bad habits when washing dishes, many families still do it

Myth 5: Stack the dishes after washing

This may seem like a space-saving, but it can actually lead to cross-contamination of bacteria between the dishes.

The correct way to do this is to place the dishes and chopsticks in a ventilated and dry place upright to reduce the growth of bacteria.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? Reminder: 5 bad habits when washing dishes, many families still do it


In our daily lives, sometimes saving too much can be costly.

Mrs. Zhang in Guangxi was reluctant to throw away the moldy corn, which led to the hospital's intensive care unit (ICU) as a result.

It turned out that Mrs. Zhang's corn was moldy, and she made the moldy corn into breakfast for her family to eat in line with the principle of not wasting it.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? Reminder: 5 bad habits when washing dishes, many families still do it

She didn't realize that these moldy corns contained high amounts of aflatoxins.

As a result, the whole family was poisoned by ingesting a large amount of aflatoxin, and finally had to spend tens of thousands of dollars to be admitted to the ICU.

Mrs. Zhang's case reminds us that saving is important, but it must not come at the expense of health.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? Reminder: 5 bad habits when washing dishes, many families still do it

Aflatoxin is a metabolite produced by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus and is a highly toxic substance.

It has been classified as a Class I carcinogen by the World Health Organization and is extremely toxic, even surpassing arsenic and certain carcinogens.

Studies have shown that aflatoxin can cause cancer in very small amounts and can be fatal if ingested in large amounts.

In daily life, we should pay special attention to preventing the harm of aflatoxin, and it is recommended to do these 3 points:

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? Reminder: 5 bad habits when washing dishes, many families still do it

1. Do not hoard food, especially food that is prone to mold and spoilage, and store food in a ventilated and dry place.

2. Avoid using moldy chopsticks, cutting boards and other kitchen utensils, and disinfect the kitchen regularly.

3. Once the food is found to be moldy and spoiled, it should be discarded immediately, even if the moldy part is cut off, the remaining part may have been contaminated and therefore not safe.


The kitchen, where we cook our daily meals, also hides some potential carcinogenic risks.

In addition to the problem of washing dishes, there are 3 things that we always have at home that can also pose a threat to our health.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? Reminder: 5 bad habits when washing dishes, many families still do it

1. Refrigerator

Many people are accustomed to stuffing all kinds of food into the refrigerator, thinking that this will ensure that the food is fresh and safe.

But you know what? According to the survey, refrigerators are second highest on the household pollution list.

Not only is the refrigerator a breeding ground for bacteria, but it can also be a breeding ground for mold, which is a strong carcinogen.

It is recommended that the refrigerator be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected every month to ensure food safety.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? Reminder: 5 bad habits when washing dishes, many families still do it

2. Oil pot

When the oil runs out, we tend to add new oil directly to the oil pot, resulting in the oil pot not being cleaned for a long time.

However, studies have found that the residual oil in the oil pot used for a long time is prone to oil oxidation and rancidity, resulting in carcinogens.

At ordinary times, the oil pot must be kept away from the high temperature area of the stove, and cleaned regularly to ensure the safety of the oil.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? Reminder: 5 bad habits when washing dishes, many families still do it

3. Range hood

Long-term use of the range hood will accumulate a large amount of oil stains, which will not only affect the exhaust effect, but also may produce carcinogens after the oil scale volatilizes when exposed to heat.

Long-term inhalation of this harmful substance may cause harm to the respiratory system and even induce lung cancer.

It is recommended to do a deep cleaning of the range hood every 6 months, and after cooking, do not turn off the range hood immediately, and let the machine continue to run for 3-5 minutes to ensure that the harmful gases are completely discharged.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? Reminder: 5 bad habits when washing dishes, many families still do it

From now on, let's take responsibility for the health of our families and stay away from those seemingly insignificant but actually harmful misconceptions of life.

Remember, a healthy lifestyle requires attention to every detail.

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