
Red agent Lu Jiuzhi, married the daughter of Lao Jiang in 1946, and failed to plot against Tang Enbo, and died at the age of 106

author:Cosmic Knight Lin Daiyu

He came from a wealthy background, but he loved revolutionary ideas and devoted himself to the cause of communism. He lurked in the enemy camp, took risks to rebel, and made great contributions to the founding of New China.

In 1946, at the age of 44, he tied the knot with Chiang Kai-shek's daughter Jiang Yaoguang and became the only son-in-law of the Chiang family.

However, the legendary agent separated from his wife in his later years and lived alone until he was 106 years old.

Red agent Lu Jiuzhi, married the daughter of Lao Jiang in 1946, and failed to plot against Tang Enbo, and died at the age of 106

Abandon the rich and noble from the revolution

Lu Jiuzhi was born in 1902 in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, to a prominent family. His father, Lu Han, was a staff member of Lu Yongxiang, a warlord in Zhejiang at the time, and held important positions in the army.

The Lu family is well-off, and Lu Jiuzhi has lived in affluence since he was a child. However, instead of indulging in a comfortable life, he was full of curiosity and yearning for new ideas.

In 1919, the May Fourth Movement broke out in China.

This movement was like a spring thunder, awakening the long-dormant land of China, and also deeply affecting the young Lu Jiuzhi. He began to read progressive publications such as New Youth and was influenced by Marxist thought.

Red agent Lu Jiuzhi, married the daughter of Lao Jiang in 1946, and failed to plot against Tang Enbo, and died at the age of 106

Despite his superior family background, Lu Jiuzhi resolutely chose to give up a comfortable life and devote himself to the revolutionary torrent.

In order to win his father's support, he had many heart-to-heart talks with his father, hoping that his father would understand his choice.

Although Lu Han is in a warlord group, he is also a visionary. Seeing his son's determination, he finally chose to acquiesce.

After leaving his hometown, Lu Jiuzhi came to Shanghai and started a new life. In order to penetrate into the working class, he resolutely gave up his superior living conditions and chose to work as an ordinary worker in a factory.

In the factory, Lu Jiuzhi personally experienced the hard life of the working class, and strengthened his determination to seek happiness for the toiling masses.

Red agent Lu Jiuzhi, married the daughter of Lao Jiang in 1946, and failed to plot against Tang Enbo, and died at the age of 106

While in Shanghai, Lu Jiuzhi became acquainted with Cai Shuhou, an underground member of the Chinese Communist Party.

Cai Shuhou was a staunch communist fighter who founded an electrical company, but the company was actually an underground liaison point for the CCP in Shanghai.

Lu Jiuzhi and Cai Shuhou hit it off at first sight and quickly established a deep revolutionary friendship.

Under the guidance and help of Cai Shuhou, Lu Jiuzhi began to assist the CCP in carrying out underground work.

Red agent Lu Jiuzhi, married the daughter of Lao Jiang in 1946, and failed to plot against Tang Enbo, and died at the age of 106

At the beginning of 1926, under the introduction of Xu Meikun, a member of the Communist Party of China, Lu Jiuzhi entered the secretariat of the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions and became one of Zhou Enlai's liaisons.

From then on, Lu Jiuzhi officially embarked on the revolutionary road. Although the organization did not approve Lu Jiuzhi's application to join the party in consideration of his safety, this did not shake Lu Jiuzhi's determination to fight for the revolutionary cause in the slightest.

In April 1927, Chiang Kai-shek staged the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup d'état, massacring communists and progressives.

In the face of the White Terror, the party organization decided to send Lu Jiuzhi as a trade union investigator to penetrate the trade union organizations under the control of the Kuomintang and spy on the enemy.

Lu Jiuzhi happily accepted this arduous task and began a thrilling undercover career.

Red agent Lu Jiuzhi, married the daughter of Lao Jiang in 1946, and failed to plot against Tang Enbo, and died at the age of 106

In danger, information was obtained

In order to obtain information, Lu Jiuzhi had to go deep into the tiger's den and deal with the Kuomintang reactionaries. He used his family background and connections to quickly gain a firm foothold within the Kuomintang.

However, it also brought him great psychological pressure. Many Communists did not know about his undercover identity and mistakenly thought that he had betrayed the revolution and became a lackey of the Kuomintang.

Lu Jiuzhi could only silently bear these misunderstandings and accusations and continue to adhere to his mission.

During his undercover period, Lu Jiuzhi took many risks to spy on intelligence.

Red agent Lu Jiuzhi, married the daughter of Lao Jiang in 1946, and failed to plot against Tang Enbo, and died at the age of 106

In June 1929, he received the task of covering the transfer of the Japanese Communist Party leader Sano's transfer from Shanghai.

Lu Jiuzhi arranged Sano's house and lied that he was a Japanese teacher.

However, just as Sano-hin was about to leave for his home, he was discovered and arrested by spies.

When Lu Jiuzhi learned the news, he immediately realized that his identity had also been exposed. He made a quick decision, quickly packed his bags, and fled to Japan overnight.

During his time in Japan, Lu Jiuzhi relied on his talent and learning to be admitted to the prestigious Waseda University and became an excellent international student.

Red agent Lu Jiuzhi, married the daughter of Lao Jiang in 1946, and failed to plot against Tang Enbo, and died at the age of 106

He was soon appreciated by the Kuomintang ambassador to Japan, Hsu Shih-ying.

Lu Jiuzhi took advantage of this opportunity to establish contacts with Liao Chengzhi, a Chinese revolutionary aspirant in Japan, and others, and organized revolutionary groups such as the "Reading Club," which provided an important cover for the party to carry out underground work.

In 1932, with the approval of the party organization, Lu Jiuzhi joined the Far East Bureau of the Comintern.

He served as the head of the Tokyo station, mainly responsible for gathering intelligence on Japanese militarism. This is an extremely dangerous job, and the slightest mistake may be discovered by the enemy, and the consequences are unimaginable.

However, Lu Jiuzhi did not hesitate at all, and he used his connections in Japanese military and political circles to penetrate into the enemy and obtain a large amount of valuable information.

Red agent Lu Jiuzhi, married the daughter of Lao Jiang in 1946, and failed to plot against Tang Enbo, and died at the age of 106

During his stay in Tokyo, Lu Jiuzhi risked his life to infiltrate the National Library of Japan and successfully secretly photographed a map of Japan's military fortresses.

He also collected a large amount of secret information on Japan's military and political aspects, and reported it to the party organization in a timely manner.

In 1938, Lu Jiuzhi was sent by the party organization to return to Shanghai from Japan. By virtue of his special status, he entered the Shanghai Station of the Kuomintang's "Institute of International Studies" and served as a commissioner in Chongqing.

In order to better cover his identity and carry out underground work, Lu Jiuzhi also founded the "Haian Company" and the "Xuangong Dance Hall" and other institutions, using these legal covers to provide a place for the party's underground activities and exchange intelligence.

Red agent Lu Jiuzhi, married the daughter of Lao Jiang in 1946, and failed to plot against Tang Enbo, and died at the age of 106

Enter the wealthy family, unswerving

In 1945, Japan announced its unconditional surrender, and the War of Resistance against Japan was a great victory. However, the contradictions between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party became increasingly acute, and the dark clouds of civil war began to loom over the land of China.

Lu Jiuzhi once again accepted the secret mission of the party organization, and as a member of the Kuomintang, he was responsible for the propaganda and education of overseas Chinese and Japanese prisoners.

This is an extremely important position, and Lu Jiuzhi needs to use this identity to win more hearts and minds for the party.

With his talents and connections, Lu Jiuzhi soon made a name for himself within the Kuomintang.

He took advantage of his position to have extensive contacts with people from all walks of life, collect intelligence for the party, and carry out united front work.

He also used his influence to persuade many KMT officials to put aside their prejudices and support the path of peace and democracy.

Red agent Lu Jiuzhi, married the daughter of Lao Jiang in 1946, and failed to plot against Tang Enbo, and died at the age of 106

In 1946, at a high-level banquet of the Kuomintang, he became acquainted with Chiang Kai-shek's daughter, Jiang Yaoguang. The two fell in love at first sight and soon fell in love.

At that time, Lu Jiuzhi was 44 years old, and Jiang Yaoguang was only 22 years old, and the age gap between the two caused many people to criticize.

However, sincere love broke through all obstacles, and Lu Jiuzhi and Jiang Yaoguang finally tied the knot and became the only son-in-law of the Jiang family.

After marriage, Lu Jiuzhi's identity became more special. He was both a secret intelligence agent for the Communist Party and the son-in-law of a Kuomintang leader.

Red agent Lu Jiuzhi, married the daughter of Lao Jiang in 1946, and failed to plot against Tang Enbo, and died at the age of 106

This unique identity brought great convenience to Lu Jiuzhi's revolutionary work. He had easier access to the KMT's top echelons to gather first-hand information.

However, the contradictions between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party eventually turned into a full-scale civil war.

Faced with the cruel reality, Lu Jiuzhi was not trapped in the identity of the son-in-law of the Jiang family, but continued to adhere to his revolutionary ideals. He continued to use his special status to serve the party's revolutionary cause.

At the critical moment of the KMT-CPC negotiations, Lu Jiuzhi served as a secret liaison between the two parties on many occasions and made important contributions to the smooth progress of the negotiations.

In 1947, the Kuomintang launched a large-scale civil war. Lu Jiuzhi resolutely stood on the side of the people and continued to serve the party's revolutionary cause.

Red agent Lu Jiuzhi, married the daughter of Lao Jiang in 1946, and failed to plot against Tang Enbo, and died at the age of 106

Strategies for high-ranking officials, late separation

In 1948, the War of Liberation entered a critical phase. At this critical juncture, the Party Central Committee decided to send Lu Jiuzhi to accomplish an extremely important but also extremely dangerous task -- to plot against Tang Enbo, a senior Kuomintang general.

Tang Enbo was the commander of the Kuomintang Beijing-Shanghai-Hangzhou garrison, and controlled the Kuomintang's heavy forces in East China. If he succeeds in plotting against Townenburg, it will have a major impact on the victory of the Liberation War.

After Lu Jiuzhi accepted the task, he immediately began to formulate a plan for rebellion. He secretly contacted Tang Enbo's cronies and learned about Tang's movements and state of mind.

After many inquiries and analysis, Lu Jiuzhi decided to adopt a roundabout strategy, starting with Tang Enbo's family first.

Red agent Lu Jiuzhi, married the daughter of Lao Jiang in 1946, and failed to plot against Tang Enbo, and died at the age of 106

He secretly visited Tang's wife many times, patiently analyzed the current situation with her, and persuaded her to support her husband in abandoning the darkness and turning to the light.

However, the rebellion did not go well.

Tang Enbo still had illusions about the Kuomintang and was unwilling to betray Chiang Kai-shek.

Lu Jiuzhi was not discouraged and continued to exert influence on the soup through various channels. He even took the risk of secretly sending Tang a handwritten letter from the Party Central Committee, hoping to touch his heart.

However, just when Lu Jiuzhi was about to make a breakthrough, his identity was unfortunately exposed. Tang Enbo was furious and ordered Lu Jiuzhi to be arrested.

Red agent Lu Jiuzhi, married the daughter of Lao Jiang in 1946, and failed to plot against Tang Enbo, and died at the age of 106

In the face of the crisis, Lu Jiuzhi had to evacuate urgently.

The party organization decided to send him to Japan to continue his intelligence work.

Lu Jiuzhi secretly left the mainland and came to Tokyo. During his stay in Japan, Lu Jiuzhi used various channels to get in touch with members of the Kuomintang military delegation in Japan, and tried to influence the main fighting faction within the Kuomintang through them to create conditions for peace talks.

After Lu Jiuzhi's unremitting efforts, some members of the Kuomintang military delegation in Japan began to waver. Some of them privately expressed their willingness to broker peace talks.

Red agent Lu Jiuzhi, married the daughter of Lao Jiang in 1946, and failed to plot against Tang Enbo, and died at the age of 106

On October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China was proclaimed. However, Lu Jiuzhi did not have time to celebrate this great victory.

The party organization soon gave him a new task, asking him to go to Korea to assist in resisting US aggression and aiding Korea.

Lu Jiuzhi didn't say a word, and immediately set off for the Korean battlefield.

There, he fought side by side with Peng Dehuai, Deng Hua and other old comrades-in-arms, and contributed his strength to the great victory of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea.

After the war, Lu Jiuzhi returned to the motherland and successively served in the Central Party School, the National Defense University, and other units.

He selflessly passed on his life's experience to the younger generation and cultivated a large number of outstanding talents for the party's revolutionary cause.

At this time, Lu Jiuzhi's married life had problems.

Red agent Lu Jiuzhi, married the daughter of Lao Jiang in 1946, and failed to plot against Tang Enbo, and died at the age of 106

Due to the lack of gathering and leaving for many years, coupled with the differences in the ideological concepts of the two, there was a rift in the relationship between Lu Jiuzhi and Jiang Yaoguang. In the end, the two agreed to separate, and from then on, they were separated.

On June 22, 2008, the legendary revolutionary died suddenly at the age of 106.


Jiefang Daily, "Sent by the Party to Fight Against Tang Enbo -- Interview with Lu Jiuzhi, a Retired Cadre, Ninety-Nine Old Man", June 6, 2001

Red agent Lu Jiuzhi, married the daughter of Lao Jiang in 1946, and failed to plot against Tang Enbo, and died at the age of 106

Speed Reading (Legendary Years) "Lu Jiuzhi: The Legend of Chiang Kai-shek's Son-in-law" 2016 No. 6

Red agent Lu Jiuzhi, married the daughter of Lao Jiang in 1946, and failed to plot against Tang Enbo, and died at the age of 106

Northern News, "Chiang Kai-shek's Son-in-law Lu Jiuzhi's Policy Against Tang Enbo", 2009.04.10

Red agent Lu Jiuzhi, married the daughter of Lao Jiang in 1946, and failed to plot against Tang Enbo, and died at the age of 106