
Why has Yu'e Bao, whose income has fallen to 1.5%, become a safe haven for young people

author:One Zero Society loves science

The daily interest of 10,000 yuan is less than 0.5 yuan, and young people who are accustomed to making some breakfast money by Yu'e Bao can find a replacement product?


An era has passed

Five years ago, I had just stepped out of university and entered the workforce with a vision for the future. At that time, I didn't know anything about financial management, but I knew that it would be difficult to gain a foothold in this society if I didn't learn to manage my money. So, with the recommendation of my colleagues, I decided to invest more than 50,000 yuan in the savings of more than 50,000 yuan saved by these years of work-study and the first two years of part-time work into Yu'e Bao, which was very popular at that time.

I remember that at the beginning, the rate of return of Yu'e Bao was really pleasantly surprised, with an annualized rate of return of more than 6%. Every morning when I wake up, I can see that about 10 yuan has increased in my account, and I have been happy for a long time with an income of nearly 300 yuan a month. I even excitedly shared this "money-making secret" with my parents, and they were also moved by me to invest part of their funds in Yue Bao. At that time, almost all of the water and electricity bills at home were earned by me through Yue Bao, and I felt a special sense of accomplishment.

Why has Yu'e Bao, whose income has fallen to 1.5%, become a safe haven for young people

However, with the passage of time, the yield of Yu'e Bao began to decline slowly. I watched my daily income decrease from 10 yuan, 9 yuan, and 8 yuan to a little bit, and I began to mumble in my heart. But I still console myself that it may be a temporary fluctuation in the market, and maybe one day yields will recover.

However, the reality is always cruel. Today, Yu'e Bao's yield has fallen below 1.5%, and it can't even compare with the one-year fixed deposit rate. I have to face the fact that the era of making easy money with Yue Bao is gone. ”

Wang Rui sits in the corner of his office, his computer screen displaying complex financial statements. She sighed lightly, remembering that when she first joined the company, she was an energetic young man who was always passionately discussing the latest financial products with her colleagues. At that time, Yue Bao was their first choice, which was simple and convenient, and almost did not require any operation to make the funds increase steadily.

Why has Yu'e Bao, whose income has fallen to 1.5%, become a safe haven for young people

"Wang Rui, have you heard? Now that young people are starting to play with off-site deposits and speculating in treasury bonds, Yu Bao is outdated for them. Colleague Xiao Zhang walked past her desk and said casually.

Wang Rui smiled slightly, of course she knew. Times are changing, and so is the way you manage your money. Yu Bao used to be her enlightenment teacher, but now, she has also begun to learn from young people and look for the "replacement" of Yu Bao.


Hold on to your money bags

Cargo base is actually very popular with young people

Of course, this does not mean that such an ultra-low-risk and convenient financial management method as Yu'e Bao has completely withdrawn from the historical stage, but that young people seeking stability have begun to abandon venture capital and pour into this relatively stable money market fund.

In the past 2023, the stock market fluctuated, interest rates fell, and the appreciation of buying a house, which has always been regarded as "making a lot of money", could not be played. At present, the seven-day annualized rate of return of many money market funds connected to the Yu'e Bao platform continues to be stable at about 2%. Money market funds have higher returns than deposits, but the risks are much lower than equity funds and stocks, and the liquidity is also good, making them a "safe haven" for young people to alleviate financial anxiety.

Why has Yu'e Bao, whose income has fallen to 1.5%, become a safe haven for young people

Although the income has been declining, however, according to the monthly data disclosed by the Asset Management Association of China, from January to April this year, cargo-based products still undertake the investment needs of most investors, and the number of new fund shares of cargo-based products has exceeded 2.2 trillion yuan, an increase of nearly 20%, whether it is an absolute increase or a relative increase, the cargo-based is in a leading position compared with stock funds, hybrid funds, bond funds, and QDII funds.

"In the past, I also analyzed the stock trend, paid attention to market dynamics, and was busy with trading operations before 3 o'clock every day, but now I feel that Yue Bao can at least protect the capital." Zhao Tao, a loyal user of Yu'e Bao, said helplessly.

Capital preservation has become the key to attracting young people for Yu'e Bao products. In the current economic environment, young people have a growing demand for financial investment, but they also have a high sensitivity to risks. They hope to be able to obtain certain benefits on the premise of ensuring the safety of funds. Therefore, Yu'e Bao products have become the first choice for young people to manage their finances by virtue of their capital preservation characteristics.

"Nowadays, young people choose to buy piggy banks and put cash directly into them in order to keep their money bags," Zhang Wei, a financial expert in the office, analyzed in a lunch "lecture". Therefore, the emergence of Yu'e Bao products provides young people with a new financial choice that can not only protect their capital but also obtain certain income. ”

Combined with the disclosure of the fund's regular report, in the first quarter of this year, the number of new fund shares of Tianhong Yue Bao and GF Current Treasure B reached more than 40 billion, and the shares of new funds such as Bosera Hehui B, Huaxia Income Treasure B, Huaxia Xinjinbao, Yinhua Hui Tianyi A, and Guotai Money B exceeded 20 billion.

Why has Yu'e Bao, whose income has fallen to 1.5%, become a safe haven for young people

Not long ago, the annual user money saving data released by the Yu'e Bao platform showed that in 2023, Yu'e Bao will earn 54.5 billion yuan for users, with an average daily income of 149 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 20%. Among the Yu'e Bao users, the post-90s account for 4 percent, of which the number of post-95s has increased significantly year-on-year, becoming the "main force" of saving money.

For young people looking for stability, Yu Bao is becoming a safe haven for them again.


Pursue high returns

There are also plenty of options to choose from

Of course, the rate of return of Yu'e Bao, which is dominated by money market funds, is indeed not high, and young people who want more income and have undergone Yu'e Bao's "enlightenment" financial knowledge have begun to focus on some financial management methods that are also very low risk and have good returns.

At the end of 2023, the inter-provincial "special forces deposit" is very popular among young people. A young man made a special trip from Jiangsu to Hangzhou on the weekend to save 3.3% of the 150,000 yuan deposit for a three-year fixed deposit. In this way, spending 330 yuan on a trip will cost 1,800 yuan more than the 2.9% interest rate of local banks.

"I'm from a small city in Jiangsu Province, where my family lives. They have always been frugal and worked hard to provide better living conditions for me and my sister. In the second half of last year, I found a bank with a higher deposit rate, located in Hangzhou. They offer a three-year fixed deposit rate of 3.3%, while the interest rate of local banks is only 2.9%. Although the difference is not much, for a large deposit like ours, it can bring considerable additional interest. So, I persuaded my family to take the high-speed train to Hangzhou on the weekend and deposit my family's 150,000 yuan deposit into that bank. With such a toss, I can earn nearly 2,000 yuan more in interest a year, and my parents are very happy when they understand it. ”

Young people who have tasted the sweetness of remote deposits have begun to communicate in groups on various social platforms to obtain more accurate and transparent information.

Netizen Wang Cheng shared that because he learned that the interest rate on large-value certificates of deposit in a certain bank was high, in March this year, Wang Cheng flew 3,000 kilometers back and forth and spent 9 hours to deposit money there. At that time, the bank's annual interest rate could reach 3.95%, and Wang Cheng deposited 410,000 yuan, and the total interest on hand could be 20,000 yuan more than that deposited in the local bank, and he was obviously able to earn back more than 1,000 yuan for the same day round-trip air ticket.

Why has Yu'e Bao, whose income has fallen to 1.5%, become a safe haven for young people

For the problem of the inflexibility of large time deposits, smart young people quickly came up with a solution - the "12 certificates of deposit method", that is, every month in the bank with a deposit period of one year, starting from the 13th month, take out the principal and interest of the certificates of deposit that have matured one year ago, and continue to deposit a new certificate of deposit together with the amount to be deposited in the current month, so as to ensure that the depositor has 12 certificates of deposit in hand. When the money needs to be urgently needed, the depositor can withdraw the recently deposited certificate of deposit to avoid losing interest.

In fact, there are risks associated with making such cross-city deposits. After all, this kind of high interest rate usually only exists in local small and medium-sized banks, and the safety of deposits in such local small and medium-sized banks is the most unassuring. Last year's thunderstorm incident in Henan's village and town banks, 40 billion yuan of deposits disappeared out of thin air, and this incident is still fresh in the memory of the Chinese people. So transferring deposits to local small and medium-sized banks is obviously risk-taking.

In order to minimize the risk, the deposit amount must be controlled within 500,000 yuan. This is the scope that deposit insurance can cover, and if this amount is exceeded, in case of a bank crash, the excess deposit will be lost. Therefore, this kind of interest rate high is not only difficult to find, but even if it is found, it cannot be saved, and can only be controlled at the upper limit of 500,000 yuan. So for a cross-city deposit "special soldier" like Xia Fei, it is not easy to earn more money for a bottle of wine.

However, it is a pity that after entering 2024, such "spreads" will become less and less, but this does not prevent young people who want to earn more - 30-year government bonds have become the new darling of young people.

In a voice of doubt that "people are still making money", the 30-year treasury bonds represented by "511090" have come out of a slow bull trend in the market.

Why has Yu'e Bao, whose income has fallen to 1.5%, become a safe haven for young people

The trading threshold of the 30-year treasury bond ETF is low, and individual investors can buy it directly, with a minimum trading unit of 100 shares, about 10,000 yuan. Secondly, the transaction efficiency is high, the transaction is instantaneous, and the T+0 intraday rotation transaction can be realized. Of course, such a transaction is not particularly suitable for young people who are "moving bricks" most of the time, so some "money market fund + bond base" combination products began to appear, continuing the stability and flexibility of "baby" products, and at the same time, through the bond base to pull high returns, to meet the pursuit of high returns for young people.

Why has Yu'e Bao, whose income has fallen to 1.5%, become a safe haven for young people

Taking as an example, its JD Finance side launched "Live Money +", which is a combination of money market funds and pure bond funds, suitable for investors who expect an annualized rate of return of 2.5%-3.0%. This yield is higher than that of most of all money market funds.

In fact, whether it is a "deposit special soldier" or a "little fan of national bonds" or a "gold bean" before, young people seem to be becoming "financial kings", they will not be "loyal" to a single product like their predecessors, but through "fancy financial management" to earn that three or five pieces of silver, more often it is a "stability" mentality driven.

As for saving money and managing money, the young people of the company said frankly: "This is not because of the love of money, but for the pursuit of that sense of independence." ”