
Jiang Dawei's "oolong daughter", Jiang Xiaohan, a glass beauty who was favored by Yang Ma, what happened now

author:Ye Ning Wantang said entertainment

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Text: Yening Wantang said entertainment

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Jiang Dawei's "oolong daughter", Jiang Xiaohan, a glass beauty who was favored by Yang Ma, what happened now


Have you ever wondered where all the child stars who used to shine on the screen have gone?

Are they still chasing their dreams?

Today, let's walk into Jiang Xiaohan's world and see how this "glass beauty" continues to transform and grow in the long river of time, and finally finds her own stage in life.

Jiang Dawei's "oolong daughter", Jiang Xiaohan, a glass beauty who was favored by Yang Ma, what happened now

1. A natural stage elf

In 1989, 7-year-old Jiang Xiaohan suddenly broke into the public's sight like a dazzling new star.

With the support of her father Jiang Han, she released her first solo album "March 90".

This album not only shows the amazing musical talent of Jiang Xiaohan at a young age, but also opens the door to a bigger stage for her.

Jiang Dawei's "oolong daughter", Jiang Xiaohan, a glass beauty who was favored by Yang Ma, what happened now

In this year, CCTV was selecting child stars for the August 1st Gala.

Jiang Xiaohan successfully stood out with his outstanding performance.

When she stood on the stage of CCTV and sang "To the Distance" and "Read Read" with a young but clear voice, the national audience was impressed by the talent and charm of this little girl.

Jiang Dawei's "oolong daughter", Jiang Xiaohan, a glass beauty who was favored by Yang Ma, what happened now

From that moment on, Jiang Xiaohan seemed to have found his own stage.

Her eyes were as bright as glass beads, her smile was sweet and smart, and she soon earned the reputation of "glass beauty".

This title not only expresses her external beauty, but also hints at the purity of her heart and the transparency of her talent.

Jiang Dawei's "oolong daughter", Jiang Xiaohan, a glass beauty who was favored by Yang Ma, what happened now

2. "Regulars" on the CCTV stage

In 1992, 10-year-old Jiang Xiaohan appeared on the CCTV stage again to participate in the New Year's Day party and the March Eighth party.

This time, she not only sang songs, but also tried her hand at sketch performances.

Versatile, she is like a treasure chest full of surprises, always able to bring unexpected and wonderful performances to the audience.

Jiang Dawei's "oolong daughter", Jiang Xiaohan, a glass beauty who was favored by Yang Ma, what happened now

In the next 9 years, Jiang Xiaohan became a "frequent guest" on the CCTV stage.

She is active in well-known children's programs such as "Tangram", "Big Windmill", and "Happy Station".

For the young Jiang Xiaohan, CCTV seems to have become her second home, more familiar than her own home.

Jiang Dawei's "oolong daughter", Jiang Xiaohan, a glass beauty who was favored by Yang Ma, what happened now

However, just when his career was in full swing, Jiang Xiaohan made a decision that many people did not expect.

3. Dream Abroad: Study in the UK

At the end of 2001, 19-year-old Jiang Xiaohan resolutely embarked on the road of studying abroad.

She chose to major in drama, film and television at the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom and started a new journey in life.

Jiang Dawei's "oolong daughter", Jiang Xiaohan, a glass beauty who was favored by Yang Ma, what happened now

This decision has undoubtedly puzzled many people.

After all, in China, Jiang Xiaohan already has a career and fame that many people dream of.

But for Jiang Xiaohan, what she longs for is not only applause on the stage, but also the real growth and transformation of her heart.

Jiang Dawei's "oolong daughter", Jiang Xiaohan, a glass beauty who was favored by Yang Ma, what happened now

Life in a foreign country is not easy.

Language barriers, cultural differences, and academic pressure have all brought great challenges to Jiang Xiaohan.

But with her tenacious character and outstanding talent, she quickly adapted to her new environment.

Jiang Dawei's "oolong daughter", Jiang Xiaohan, a glass beauty who was favored by Yang Ma, what happened now

Not only did she excel academically, but she also served as the vice president of the student union and was commended by the Cultural Office of the Chinese Embassy in the UK.

This study abroad experience not only broadened Jiang Xiaohan's horizons, but also made her heart more mature.

She began to think about the meaning of life and began to explore what she really wanted.

Jiang Dawei's "oolong daughter", Jiang Xiaohan, a glass beauty who was favored by Yang Ma, what happened now

4. Return to CCTV: Return after metamorphosis

In 2005, Jiang Xiaohan, who returned from school, stood on the stage of CCTV again.

This time, she is no longer the immature little girl, but a mature woman full of intellectual charm.

With a solid professional foundation and unique personal charm, Jiang Xiaohan soon became the host of columns such as "A Date with a Good Film".

Jiang Dawei's "oolong daughter", Jiang Xiaohan, a glass beauty who was favored by Yang Ma, what happened now

Her elegant and generous hosting style is deeply loved by the audience.

However, just when his career was taking off again, an unexpected "oolong" incident brought some trouble to Jiang Xiaohan.

5. "Oolong Daughter" turmoil

Because Jiang Xiaohan's surname is "Jiang" and she is a child star who sings well, rumors began to circulate on the Internet that she was the daughter of the famous singer Jiang Dawei.

Jiang Dawei's "oolong daughter", Jiang Xiaohan, a glass beauty who was favored by Yang Ma, what happened now

For a time, the title of "Jiang Dawei's daughter" was very popular, and some people even asserted that her success was because of such a father.

In the face of such rumors, Jiang Xiaohan chose to respond in a humorous way.

In a show, she took a photo with Jiang Dawei with the caption: "I took the first photo with my legendary father in my life. This relaxed and ridiculous attitude not only resolved the troubles caused by rumors, but also showed Jiang Xiaohan's mature mentality of not being surprised.

Jiang Dawei's "oolong daughter", Jiang Xiaohan, a glass beauty who was favored by Yang Ma, what happened now

6. Love and Family: A New Chapter in Life

In 2017, Jiang Xiaohan ushered in another important moment in her life - she and her boyfriend who had been in love for many years entered the palace of marriage.

In the second year after marriage, at the age of 36, she welcomed her first child.

Although she is already an advanced maternal age, Jiang Xiaohan still chooses to bravely welcome the arrival of a new life.

Jiang Dawei's "oolong daughter", Jiang Xiaohan, a glass beauty who was favored by Yang Ma, what happened now

In order to devote herself to family life, she made a decision that surprised many - she quit her job at CCTV.

This decision is undoubtedly an important turning point in Jiang Xiaohan's life.

She has transformed from a much-anticipated host to an ordinary wife and mother.

Jiang Dawei's "oolong daughter", Jiang Xiaohan, a glass beauty who was favored by Yang Ma, what happened now

But in Jiang Xiaohan's view, this is the life she really wants.

7. Poetic dwelling: Finding inner peace

After leaving CCTV, Jiang Xiaohan did not stop pursuing art.

She began to devote more energy to writing poetry.

Jiang Dawei's "oolong daughter", Jiang Xiaohan, a glass beauty who was favored by Yang Ma, what happened now

In this new field, she gradually found her own voice and gradually became famous.

For Jiang Xiaohan, writing poetry is not only an artistic creation, but also an attitude towards life.

Through poetry, she expresses her perception of life and observation of the world.

Jiang Dawei's "oolong daughter", Jiang Xiaohan, a glass beauty who was favored by Yang Ma, what happened now

This way of creating has allowed her to find inner peace and satisfaction.


From a child star to a host, to a wife, mother and poet, Jiang Xiaohan's life has undergone many transformations.

At every turn, she chose to listen to her inner voice and bravely pursue the life she really wanted.

Jiang Dawei's "oolong daughter", Jiang Xiaohan, a glass beauty who was favored by Yang Ma, what happened now

Jiang Xiaohan's story tells us that there is no fixed pattern in life, and everyone has the right to pursue what they think is most valuable.

Whether you are standing in the spotlight or in the blandness of life, the most important thing is to maintain your love for life and persistence in your dreams.

Today's Jiang Xiaohan may no longer be the "glass beauty" who shines on the stage, but she is still interpreting the beauty of life in her own way.

Jiang Dawei's "oolong daughter", Jiang Xiaohan, a glass beauty who was favored by Yang Ma, what happened now

Her story will undoubtedly inspire more people to bravely follow their hearts and create their own wonderful lives.

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