
Tian Liang took his son and daughter to visit Cambridge University, netizen: The 13-year-old son looks the same as Tian Liang

author:Lin Ruoxin

Just now, a netizen posted on the Internet that at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, he met Tian Liang, the prince of diving, with his 16-year-old daughter Sen Die and his 13-year-old son Tian Chenyu, and the three of them took a group photo under the Newton apple tree.

Tian Liang took his son and daughter to visit Cambridge University, netizen: The 13-year-old son looks the same as Tian Liang

I didn't see Tian Liang's wife Ye Yiqian, this family of three is really super good-looking, all wearing sunglasses, Sendie's height immediately surpassed Tian Liang, and 13-year-old Tian Chenyu, curled up and not standing up straight, is already as tall as Tian Liang, I have to say that this family of three looks really like,

Tian Liang took his son and daughter to visit Cambridge University, netizen: The 13-year-old son looks the same as Tian Liang
Tian Liang took his son and daughter to visit Cambridge University, netizen: The 13-year-old son looks the same as Tian Liang

As soon as the photo came out, it sparked heated discussions on the whole network, and it was directly on the hot search, and many netizens said: "That little son is more like Tian Liang than Tian Liang, isn't it exactly the same as when Tian Liang was young, how did this family of three manage to share a face?" ”

Tian Liang took his son and daughter to visit Cambridge University, netizen: The 13-year-old son looks the same as Tian Liang
Tian Liang took his son and daughter to visit Cambridge University, netizen: The 13-year-old son looks the same as Tian Liang
Tian Liang took his son and daughter to visit Cambridge University, netizen: The 13-year-old son looks the same as Tian Liang

I have to say that time flies so fast, it has been 11 years since Tian Liang took Sendie to participate in "Where Are You Going, Dad", and that cute little girl Sendie has now grown into a big girl!

Tian Liang took his son and daughter to visit Cambridge University, netizen: The 13-year-old son looks the same as Tian Liang

44-year-old Tian Liang is really happy, he is an Olympic champion, his wife Ye Yiqian is beautiful, can sing, and can tz, both children and daughters, and his 16-year-old daughter is already a well-known tennis player, a proper winner in life, which is enviable!

Tian Liang took his son and daughter to visit Cambridge University, netizen: The 13-year-old son looks the same as Tian Liang
Tian Liang took his son and daughter to visit Cambridge University, netizen: The 13-year-old son looks the same as Tian Liang


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