
Love is a failed course, do you still believe in love?

author:Little Red loves code words

I've always been a person who pursues beauty and romance.

In this increasingly noisy and ever-changing era, everything is changing, although I no longer demand perfection, but my love and pursuit of beauty has never faded.

As Liang Yongan, a professor at Fudan University, said:

"The biggest feature of this era is that it is metabolized every day, and what looks solid today will spread like fireworks tomorrow.

...... Rapid development has made everything decay quickly, and eternity seems to have become a mythical dream. ”

But at the same time, "love is just a desire to pursue eternity, and in a world where everything is changing rapidly, we yearn for an unchanging emotion." ”

So, how do we deal with it? Soothe it? In the face of this contradiction, is love still worth believing?

Don't treat love as the only one, self-consistent

I had a happy childhood, and I didn't suffer from cold or hunger in that time of material scarcity. Perhaps it is precisely because of the happiness of my childhood that I still have a positive and sunny attitude after encountering a series of ups and downs and tribulations in adulthood.

Love is a failed course, do you still believe in love?

I have always been labelled as a beautiful, kind, and really good person.

I also don't think I'm a bad person.

I am naturally soft at heart, and I can't see the misfortunes of others. Seeing the requests for help from those who are seriously ill, I will not turn a blind eye, and I will definitely do my part.

I respect my in-laws, treat my family well, and live in harmony with my sisters-in-law, and my mother-in-law praises me as a good daughter-in-law when I meet people, but I am such a recognized good daughter-in-law but I have suffered a failure in my marriage.

I was in pain and confused, but I finally reconciled with myself and with the past.

I came out because there was more to my life than just love.

I can maintain a kind of "pampering and not being shocked, watching the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court; Go and stay unintentionally, looking at the clouds in the sky. Indifferent.

Of course, it's not that I don't care about this relationship and let others speculate, but I think that feelings are just a way of life in life, but not the whole of life.

There is a passage in "What Can You Put in the Basket of Marriage":

Perhaps one of the secrets of a successful marriage is not to take love as everything. Love can't bear all the trust of a woman, and if you get it, life will be more gorgeous; If you lose it, your life will not collapse.

We are serious about finding a lover who is satisfied, working hard, carefully caring for each other's feelings, hoping that the promise can last forever and the companionship can last forever. And once the person who once loved each other is gone, how to face the changes will determine the happiness and misfortune in the future.

Risk theory always says that it is safer to put your eggs in several baskets than in one.

I don't mean to say that we must learn to "empathize and don't fall in love", but when building the edifice of life, we must not regard love as the only pillar.

This is how when I am betrayed, I suffer for a short time, and then I can be lost in time, like a proud lonely fox turning away.

I don't get stuck in the mire of pain, I have my own self-consistent ways, such as reading books and learning new skills;

For example, every day I code words on the health plate and paint that piece of scenery that belongs to me......

Love is still credible, don't worry

I have passed the age of longing for a beautiful love, but it does not mean that I no longer believe in love and no longer like romance.

Love is a failed course, do you still believe in love?

On the contrary, he has a deeper and more mature insight into love.

I understand better,

hastily finalized the major events of his life, and in the end, it was himself who suffered.

The water in the brain before marriage will become tears of regret after marriage.

Every woman should understand that there is no love that can make you gamble your whole life for it.

Recognizing one's heart and making a calm choice is not only responsible for others, but also cherishing one's own life.

Although I have failed this course, if I have the opportunity to retake the exam, I will definitely be able to hand in an answer sheet that will satisfy myself and my family.

Even if no one accompanies me at dusk, no one asks me about porridge and warmth, I still enjoy the good time of being alone;

Even if I may be lonely and single forever, don't worry!

Because it's not a shame, it's really embarrassing to meet the wrong person.

True happiness is not elsewhere, but in our hearts, which is what Schopenhauer said:

"The blessings and misfortunes in life depend not so much on what we encounter as on how we encounter them."

There is no need to live a "second-hand" life, and you can enjoy yourself

Life should not be a second-hand copy, but a first-hand creation. I don't need to look for myself in the shadow of others, and I don't need to get lost in other people's evaluations.

Love is a failed course, do you still believe in love?

We chant Tang poems and Song poems every morning, we recite the Tao Te Ching and the Analects, and we study the classics of Chinese culture such as the Book of Changes, Zeng Guofan, and the Art of War.

The more we learn, the more we can feel the pursuit and yearning for beauty, and we don't have to envy the prosperity of others, because our hearts have a peaceful world.

In this complex world, let's learn to be at ease. Whether it's sipping a cup of tea or enjoying a good book, we can find a moment of peace after being busy. We feel every moment of life with our hearts, let happiness gush out from the bottom of our hearts, and warm our every day.

All this is due to the fact that we have learned time management, efficiency management, and we have mastered the skills of goal management and energy management.

We don't need to live a "second-hand" life because our life itself is unique.

Self-esteem has become a way of life for me.

May you and I cherish every moment, embrace every beauty, and smile at life!