
On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

author:Good gravitational force

People will always age, everyone wants to slow down, especially female celebrities, because aging will affect their careers, so many people will choose to age slowly through medical beauty.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

However, in recent years, we have frequently seen that many actresses have collapsed their faces due to excessive medical beauty, and even many directors are now trying not to have plastic surgery, so many people have joined the army of health preservation.

Some people are completely a walking health encyclopedia, and even acupuncture and moxibustion are already in a state of madness in terms of health preservation, but can health care really delay their aging?

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

In fact, it can be seen from the facts that excessive health not only cannot delay aging, but also ages even faster than those who do not maintain health, their eyes bulge out one by one, and their skin is saggy.

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On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

Sun Li

Sun Li can be said to be maintaining health all the time, which is not an exaggeration.

Now that it is summer, I believe that cold drinks and air conditioning are things that everyone has nothing to leave, and since Sun Li started to maintain her health, she has never touched cold drinks.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

And she doesn't turn on the air conditioner like this, unless the temperature is as high as 40 degrees, she will turn it on, but even if it is turned on, it will not be lower than 27 °C.

Maybe Sun Li has been used to it for so long, but Deng Chao really can't stand it, he complained on Weibo that eating in a restaurant was so hot that his chest was tight and short of breath, and it turned out that Sun Li adjusted the air conditioner to 27 degrees.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

Being able to do this in the summer, does it feel like Sun Li is really a ruthless person? She's actually even more ruthless.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

She believes that the cold invades her body from her neck and feet, so in order to prevent the cold from entering her body, she always wears a scarf no matter what season it is.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

There are also socks, as long as she doesn't need to wear a dress for work, she will definitely wear long socks, and the socks must cover the Sanjiao acupoint, that is, to cover the ankle, since the feet are so important, she also insists on soaking her feet in warm water every day.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

Of course, in addition to nourishing the body, the body also has to take into account, she once shared her diet on the show, and she summed up such a theory: eat buds in spring, melons in summer, fruits in autumn, and roots in winter.

She never touches some greasy things, and often eats vegetarian food, which is healthy enough, but she still thinks that eating will increase the burden on her body, so she often fasts.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

In addition, in order to make her skin slower and looser, she often does some yoga, because she can easily complete many difficult movements after doing yoga for a long time.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

Sun Li not only wants to maintain her own health, she will also pull Deng Chao with her and supervise him to lose weight every day, before he also said to Sun Li: "You have such a good health, you say that you will prolong your life, you will be lonely."

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

As soon as this sentence came out, Sun Li almost fainted with laughter, but Sun Li's excessive health preservation not only did not help her delay aging, but even accelerated it a little.

Sun Li was 30 years old when she filmed "The Legend of Zhen Huan" before, but when she played the girl Zhen Huan, she really had no sense of disobedience, and her aura was compelling, which was no different from when she first debuted.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

Only three years have passed, and she has become like this on "The Legend of Miyue", the flesh on both sides of her cheeks is a little sagging, and her eyes are a little dull, and she looks uncomfortable when she plays a girl again.

Even her state is not better than Liu Tao, who is several years older than herself, maybe everyone thinks that Sun Li is just in a bad state in this drama, just watch her next drama.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

Three years later, in "The Flowers Bloom and the Moon is Full That Year", no matter how young Sun Li is, no matter how girly she is, she can't cover her rapidly aging face, and it seems that Sun Li has completely bid farewell to the girl role in this drama.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

followed by "Settle Home" and "Ideal City" three years later, with sunken eye sockets, bulging eyeballs, and loose skin on her cheeks, Sun Li has almost aged off a cliff over the years.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

Sun Li is so obsessed with health preservation, in fact, it is also related to her body, because she has been very weak since she was a child, so she often gets sick, so gradually she embarked on the road of health preservation, but she did not expect to become more and more addicted to it after that.

Although health is good, excessive health is actually a kind of damage to the body, just like she ages faster than her peers, in fact, it may also be because she controls her diet and lacks protein.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

Zhang Jingchu

Ah Fen in "Disciple" believes that many people are very impressed, but in recent years, she has not been seen on the big screen at all, and her dynamics can only be seen in her short video account.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

She has also joined the ranks of health preservation, 44-year-old Zhang Jingchu has been tossing her body, as can be seen from her video, she is a vegetarian, and she, like Sun Li, often fasts.

But she is not fasting at all, she is six days at a break, I really can't imagine how a person can go six days without eating, but for such a fast, she still feels very happy.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

She also shared in the video that after fasting, she felt very good, her eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and she often cooked some medicinal meals and some strangely colored drinks.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

Today's Zhang Jingchu no longer has the appearance of the goddess of the past, although there is a thick filter, you can also see the tiredness on her face and the sagging of her skin.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

Just looking at her face, she may not feel that her skin is very loose, but when she ties her hair in front of the camera, her state is completely exposed.

The flesh on her chin, layer by layer, felt like it had slackened to the extreme, and her face was swollen.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people


Haiqing has a nickname called "Doctor Hai", because she can not only treat dogs, but also give people needles, and she is completely an "old Chinese medicine doctor".

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

In order to maintain her health, she also deliberately learned the techniques of acupuncture, every time she came to a solar term, she would come to a set of moxibustion for herself, why her acupuncture techniques are so good, it is because she often experiments with others.

Among them, her teacher Huang Lei is a "guinea pig" under her, and after being pierced, he actually went straight out to nourish blood.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

Haiqing's summer is the same, she doesn't eat something to cool herself down, but drinks ginger soup and other things to make herself sweat, she thinks that summer is to sweat.

Even the fruit taken out of the refrigerator, she has to scald it with hot water before eating, and she can't eat it cold.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

She is also very particular about eating, even if she is a vegetarian, even broccoli can only be eaten, she eats like this every day, and she has to go on a diet.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

She has her own set of hunger treatments, which is to cook for others, watch by herself, look at the results of Haiqing's health, and be with nursery rhymes 7 years younger than herself, and there is no problem at all to be a mother.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

Her hairline is also indescribable, and she feels that if she continues like this, in a few years, Haiqing will be able to play the role of her grandmother directly.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

Zhou Xun

Zhou Xun is really concerned about aging, and she has also talked about it in public that she was really sad about aging before, and even often cried at home.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

She didn't want plastic surgery, so she could only join the ranks of health preservation, but they didn't know what it meant at all.

Zhou Xun rarely participates in reality shows, and only by participating in "Longing for Life" before did people have an understanding of her life, which is really not something that ordinary people can imitate.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

She gets up at 5:30 a.m., massages her skin and stretches it, and then drinks a cup of coffee with ginger slices.

Go to bed at 9 o'clock at night and go to bed at 10 o'clock, most people should only be able to go to bed at 9 o'clock in her day.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

She also likes to read some health books very much, and even books like "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" she can read, and the result of her health care is the effect of being ridiculed by the group in "The Biography of Ruyi".

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

Her excessive health not only did not help her maintain her appearance, but even made her age faster, and even she was famous for her aura, but she also lost her aura.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

Tao Hong

When she was young, Tao Hong was not only very good-looking, but her eyes were also very charming, and she would be attracted to her after seeing it.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

However, she was also obsessed with health preservation after that, and it can be seen from the meals she posted daily that she is really a vegetarian, and she herself said that she never eats meat, but then she was slapped in the face.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

She also often Bigu, in addition to Bigu, she is even fascinated by meditation, and she can often be seen meditating with Zhang Jingchu.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

She can also do acupuncture like Haiqing, and once in the show, Deng Chao felt very uncomfortable, Tao Hong directly took out the needles she was carrying and gave Deng Chao a set.

Unlike Haiqing, Deng Chao was not pierced with blood, but was very comfortable.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

But she is also very seriously aging due to excessive health, and the previous pair of eyes have long been gone, and she even looks like she can't open her eyes, and her skin is sallow and loose.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people


Health preservation is a good thing, but all things will lose their original effect if they are excessive, and it is a pity to think that they can make themselves age slowly, but they did not expect to be self-defeating.

In fact, there are many people who can be very good at health preservation, such as Zhang Junning, although she is healthy, she pays more attention to sports.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

will not deliberately diet, the intake of sugar, water, protein, etc. is very balanced, and the massage is also very researched, and he Jiong has been pressed on the show before.

42-year-old Zhang Junning now looks like a girl in her twenties, with firm and smooth skin, which is enviable.

On the surface, they are health experts, but they are actually bald and bulging, and the state of these 5 actresses is not as good as ordinary people

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