
Summer children's health secrets, adhere to 3 simple little things, so that children's spleen and lungs are as strong as cattle

author:Chinese medicine pediatric Ye Donglan

Hello everyone, I am Ye Donglan, a pediatric TCM practitioner.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the temperature of the air conditioner at home is getting lower and lower.

But many parents report a common problem:

Every morning, the child sneezes and has a runny nose frequently, and at night he sleeps with a stuffy nose and a dry mouth accompanied by snoring sounds. More worryingly, some children also experience itchy noses, itchy eyes, and recurrent coughing.

Causes of allergic rhinitis

Once the above symptoms appear, the conclusion of allergic rhinitis is inseparable. This condition is often related to spleen, lung qi deficiency, and unstable health and appearance.

Summer children's health secrets, adhere to 3 simple little things, so that children's spleen and lungs are as strong as cattle

Especially in an air-conditioned environment, or improper clothing, the spleen and lungs are susceptible to the invasion of cold evils, which in turn affects the health of the nasal cavity, resulting in nasal congestion, dry nose, dizziness, runny nose and loss of appetite.

My top 3 tips for strengthening the spleen and lungs

In order to help parents solve this problem, I have shared three tips for strengthening the spleen and lungs in the summer. These methods are simple and easy to implement and adhere to for a long time, which can make the child's spleen and lungs as strong as a cow, and are of great help to improve rhinitis, digestion and spleen and lung function.

  1. Control your intake of cold foods and beverages

Although the summer is hot, children's greed for ice cream, cold drinks, iced watermelon and other foods often causes headaches for parents.

Summer children's health secrets, adhere to 3 simple little things, so that children's spleen and lungs are as strong as cattle

Being in an air-conditioned room for a long time, or blowing directly on the air conditioner or fan, is easy to let the cold evil invade the body, aggravate the deficiency of cold in the body, and promote the onset of rhinitis. Therefore, parents should guide their children to stay away from cold foods and maintain a balanced temperature inside and outside.

  1. Drink astragalus mint water

The hot climate in summer, coupled with the air conditioning environment, can easily make the child's nasal discomfort. I recommend a small tea recipe suitable for rhinitis remission - Astragalus Mint Water.

Summer children's health secrets, adhere to 3 simple little things, so that children's spleen and lungs are as strong as cattle

Put the astragalus and mint in a thermos cup, brew with boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes, then drink. This tea recipe helps to cleanse the nasal passages, reduce inflammation and make your child's breathing easier.

  1. Perform pediatric acupressure massage

In addition to dietary therapy, parents can also try to perform pediatric acupressure for their children.

Summer children's health secrets, adhere to 3 simple little things, so that children's spleen and lungs are as strong as cattle

By kneading the acupoints of the lungs, Fengchi and Dazhu, it can play a role in strengthening the spleen, harmonizing the viscera and improving immunity. This non-pharmacological treatment is safe and effective, making it ideal for self-administered at home.

Examples of medical cases

A 5-year-old girl I was treated with had allergic rhinitis due to a cold the previous summer. Every time the air conditioner is blown or the cold is blown, the girl will have symptoms such as itchy nose, runny nose, and nasal congestion.

When you sleep at night, you can breathe with your mouth open and you will also snore. After observation, I found that the girl had obvious manifestations of spleen and lung qi deficiency:

Summer children's health secrets, adhere to 3 simple little things, so that children's spleen and lungs are as strong as cattle

In response to the girl's condition, I prescribed her a prescription composed of ephedra, perilla, and Qianhu.

These herbs can dispel cold evils, promote the lungs and dissolve phlegm, strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, and clear away heat. After 10 doses of treatment, the girl's nasal congestion symptoms were significantly reduced, her nasal discharge was also reduced, and her sneezing was basically gone.

After adjusting the prescription according to the symptoms, the girl's rhinitis symptoms disappeared completely. Considering that it is difficult for young children to take medicine, I also made a special sweet paste with medicine, which is easy to use and easy to accept.

Later, I followed up on the feedback from parents and learned that

Through the combined application of these methods, it is believed that children will be able to spend a healthy and comfortable summer.

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