
If you want to live forever, your intestines will always be clear, reveal the secret of intestinal cleansing, and subvert your concept of health

author:And Ze Walker

"Immortality" is the dream of countless people in ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad. On the road to pursuing this goal, the ancients have already left us valuable health wisdom.

Wang Chong, a thinker of the Han Dynasty, clearly pointed out in his book "On Balance": "If you want to live forever, your intestines must always be pure; If you want to die, there is no water in your intestines. This sentence not only speaks to the importance of intestinal cleansing for a long and healthy life, but also reveals the ancient and modern concept of detoxification.

If you want to live forever, your intestines will always be clear, reveal the secret of intestinal cleansing, and subvert your concept of health

So, why is intestinal cleansing so crucial? Why did the ancients associate intestinal cleansing with immortality? What kind of science is behind this?

Intestinal cleansing is an important rule of health preservation in ancient times

In ancient times, health preservation was seen as an important way to pursue immortality. Intestinal cleansing is an important part of health preservation. Zhang Zhongjing, a great physician of the Han Dynasty, referred to the stool that remains in the human body for a long time as "lodging food" in his medical work, and pointed out that constipation can cause great damage to the body. Zhu Danxi, one of the four masters of Jin Yuan, also said: "The five flavors enter the mouth, that is, enter the stomach, and the poison does not disperse, and it accumulates for a long time, causing injuries and diseases." These statements all show that if the waste toxins in the intestines are not excreted in time, the human body will experience discomfort and even cause various diseases.

If you want to live forever, your intestines will always be clear, reveal the secret of intestinal cleansing, and subvert your concept of health

Zhu Danxi

There is also a health care practice in Taoist culture, called the "inverted warehouse method", the core of which is to pay attention to daily stool, or multiple stools, in order to live a long life. This practice embodies the ancient people's deep understanding of the relationship between intestinal cleansing and healthy longevity. They believe that only by keeping the intestines clean can the body be healthier and thus achieve the goal of immortality.

Demystifying the relationship between gut cleansing and health

With the development of modern science, we have a deeper understanding of the relationship between gut cleansing and health. Metabolism is the process of converting matter and energy in the human body, and the intestine is a key link in this process. Under normal circumstances, the food that people eat passes through the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small intestine, large intestine, and finally excreted from the body from the anus, and the whole process can generally be completed within 12~24 hours. In this way, waste products do not stay in the intestines for too long, which reduces the production and absorption of toxins.

However, due to fatigue, tension, or other physiological reasons, the body's metabolic functions are sometimes dysregulated, resulting in waste products remaining in the body for a long time. These residual wastes begin to decay in the intestines, forming as many as 22 kinds of spoilage substances, such as amines, ammonia, indoles, hydrogen sulfide, nitrosamines, etc., which are commonly known as enterotoxins.

If you want to live forever, your intestines will always be clear, reveal the secret of intestinal cleansing, and subvert your concept of health

After these toxins are absorbed by the body, they will enter various organs in the body with the blood circulation, causing extensive damage to the body. They can cause not only appearance problems such as dull complexion, rough skin, pigmented spots, acne, bad breath, and body odor, but also various serious diseases such as constipation, diarrhea, cancer, and high blood pressure. To make matters worse, these toxins also accelerate the body's aging process.

Therefore, modern research has found that human aging is closely related to "self-poisoning". If the toxins produced by putrefactive food and bacteria in the large intestine cannot be discharged in time, they can be absorbed by the body and cause chronic poisoning, and the function of internal organs will also be impaired due to the effect of toxins.

Combination of discharge and supplementation, adjusting the ventilator

How can we deal with the threat of intestinal endotoxins?

Obviously, just taking some laxatives won't work. The scientific detoxification method is the adjustment of the entire detoxification system of the human body, which includes the regulation of the function of the human organs, the dredging of blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, trachea, urinary tract, digestive tract and other detoxification channels, as well as the regulation of qi and blood operation.

Among them, restoring the body's righteousness is the key to treating constipation and promoting detoxification. If the body's righteous qi is insufficient, it will not be able to push food to move normally in the small and large intestines. Therefore, in the treatment of constipation, the first thing to do is to restore the body's righteous qi and adjust the body's qi and metabolic functions, so as to "transport away" the garbage retained in the intestines.

If you want to live forever, your intestines will always be clear, reveal the secret of intestinal cleansing, and subvert your concept of health

The scientific detoxification method emphasizes the combination of "detoxification" and "replenishment". It is not only necessary to discharge waste toxins, but also to regulate the body's righteous qi. The four aspects of detoxification, detoxification, qi regulation, and qi regulation should be organically combined to form the safest and most effective detoxification method.

For example, for people with constipation, choosing foods that are rich in wood fiber is a good choice. These foods can promote gastrointestinal motility, which in turn promotes bowel movements and maintains good health. At the same time, it can also promote intestinal peristalsis and detoxification through proper exercise and massage.

If you want to live forever, your intestines will always be clear, reveal the secret of intestinal cleansing, and subvert your concept of health

How to combine ancient wisdom with modern science?

The ancient wisdom of "if you want to live forever, your intestines are always clean", under the interpretation of modern science, reveals the close relationship between intestinal cleanliness and health and longevity. So, in modern life, how can we combine this ancient wisdom with modern science to better practice detoxification and health preservation?

First of all, we need to recognize the importance of intestinal cleansing as an important part of our daily regimen. Secondly, we need to keep our intestines clean and healthy through scientific diet and living habits. This includes eating more fiber-rich foods, maintaining adequate hydration, and avoiding overeating and overeating.

At the same time, we can also learn from ancient health care exercises, such as the "Reverse Position Method", to promote intestinal peristalsis and detoxification through proper exercise and massage. In addition, modern technology has also provided us with more options for detoxification and health, such as intestinal hydrotherapy, detoxification equipment, etc.

However, no matter which method you choose, let's be clear: detoxification is not an overnight process, but requires long-term persistence and patience. Only in this way can we truly achieve "intestinal purity" and move towards a healthy and long life path.

If you want to live forever, your intestines will always be clear, reveal the secret of intestinal cleansing, and subvert your concept of health

Both ancient wisdom and modern scientific research have revealed the close relationship between intestinal cleansing and healthy longevity. In this process, we should not only learn from the ancient wisdom of health preservation, but also through scientific diet, lifestyle habits and detoxification methods, we can better keep the intestines clean and healthy, so as to achieve overall physical and mental health.

Finally, we look forward to more people being able to join the ranks of health and wellness, and at the same time, we also welcome everyone to share their detoxification and health experience and experience in the comment area. Do your lifestyle habits contribute to detoxification? Are you willing to put in the effort to live a long and healthy life?

Let's take action together and start with bowel cleansing.

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