
If you have a dry and itchy throat and an "old cough", you often drink these 4 health soups to moisten your lungs and stop coughing, and the more you drink, the more comfortable you are

author:Recipes to relieve worries

When the seasons change, do you always feel like there is a thorn in your throat, dry, itchy, and always coughing? Sometimes, it's not just a cold, it's our respiratory system that is sending us a distress signal. This is especially true on days when the climate is dry or the air quality is poor.

If you have a dry and itchy throat and an "old cough", you often drink these 4 health soups to moisten your lungs and stop coughing, and the more you drink, the more comfortable you are

Of course, faced with this situation, many people's first reaction may be to run to the pharmacy for help. But don't forget, "medicine is three parts poison", frequent dependence on drugs, in the long run may have unnecessary side effects on the body. So, why not try a more natural approach to conditioning? Health through daily diet is not only safe and has no side effects, but also can fundamentally improve physical fitness.

If you have a dry and itchy throat and an "old cough", you often drink these 4 health soups to moisten your lungs and stop coughing, and the more you drink, the more comfortable you are

Today, I would like to share with you four special health soups, which are not only ordinary delicacies, but also good medicines that can moisten the lungs, relieve coughs and soothe the throat. With their unique combination of ingredients and simple cooking, these soups will not only treat your respiratory system gently, but also delight your taste buds.

Recommended recipe 1: Spring bamboo shoots and three fresh pork rib soup

If you have a dry and itchy throat and an "old cough", you often drink these 4 health soups to moisten your lungs and stop coughing, and the more you drink, the more comfortable you are

The sweetness of spring bamboo shoots is paired with three fresh seafood and stewed pork ribs, and this soup not only provides rich protein and minerals, but also clears away heat and helps relieve itchy throats. The rich gum of pork ribs is a good choice for moisturizing the lungs, so that you can feel nourished in every bite.

Main ingredients: spring bamboo shoots, pork ribs, shrimp, fresh shellfish

Here's how:

If you have a dry and itchy throat and an "old cough", you often drink these 4 health soups to moisten your lungs and stop coughing, and the more you drink, the more comfortable you are

Wash the ribs and blanch them with boiling water to remove the fishiness.

Peel and slice the spring shoots, wash the shrimp and scallops and set aside.

Put the pork ribs in a saucepan, add plenty of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low and simmer.

When the soup is simmered until the pork ribs are soft and tender, add the bamboo shoots, shrimp and scallops and continue to cook for 10 minutes.

After seasoning, cook for another 5 minutes and then remove from the pan.

Recommended recipe 2: Tomato meatball soup

If you have a dry and itchy throat and an "old cough", you often drink these 4 health soups to moisten your lungs and stop coughing, and the more you drink, the more comfortable you are

This soup is based on fresh tomatoes and homemade meatballs, which are rich in vitamin C, which not only whitens the skin, but also moisturizes the lungs and relieves coughs. The meatballs are soft and tender, easy to digest and absorb, and provide good nutritional support for weak and sick times.

Main ingredients: tomato, minced pork, eggs

Here's how:

If you have a dry and itchy throat and an "old cough", you often drink these 4 health soups to moisten your lungs and stop coughing, and the more you drink, the more comfortable you are

Wash the tomatoes and cut them into cubes, add the eggs and starch to the minced pork and stir well.

Squeeze the minced meat into small balls and set aside.

Add water to a pot and bring to a boil, and cook the meatballs in the pot first.

Add the tomato cubes and cook until the soup is bright red.

Finally, season with salt to taste, bring to a boil and enjoy.

Recommended recipe 3: Crucian carp tofu soup

If you have a dry and itchy throat and an "old cough", you often drink these 4 health soups to moisten your lungs and stop coughing, and the more you drink, the more comfortable you are

The combination of crucian carp and tofu is not only delicious, but also has the effect of clearing heat and removing fire, moistening the lungs and relieving cough. Crucian carp can replenish the middle and invigorate qi, and tofu is rich in vegetable protein, the two are matched with balanced nutrition, which is a good health product in autumn and winter.

Main ingredients: crucian carp, tofu, green onion, ginger

Here's how:

If you have a dry and itchy throat and an "old cough", you often drink these 4 health soups to moisten your lungs and stop coughing, and the more you drink, the more comfortable you are

Clean the crucian carp and cut the tofu into cubes for later use.

Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add the sliced ginger and green onions, and then add the crucian carp to boil to remove the smell.

Remove the crucian carp, re-add water and bring to a boil, then add the tofu and crucian carp.

Simmer over low heat for 20 minutes, add salt to taste.

Recommended recipe 4: Spinach and pork liver soup

If you have a dry and itchy throat and an "old cough", you often drink these 4 health soups to moisten your lungs and stop coughing, and the more you drink, the more comfortable you are

The combination of spinach and pork liver is a classic combination for iron and blood supplementation. Pork liver is rich in iron and vitamin A, and spinach contains a lot of iron and vitamin C, which can effectively relieve cough caused by dryness, and also has an excellent effect on eye protection.

Main ingredients: spinach, pork liver, ginger slices

Here's how:

If you have a dry and itchy throat and an "old cough", you often drink these 4 health soups to moisten your lungs and stop coughing, and the more you drink, the more comfortable you are

Slice the pork liver, soak it in lightly salted water to remove the smell and wash it.

Wash the spinach and cut into sections.

Add water to a pot and bring to a boil, add ginger slices and pork liver, and cook quickly.

Add the spinach, cook until the spinach is tender, add salt to taste and serve.

If you have a dry and itchy throat and an "old cough", you often drink these 4 health soups to moisten your lungs and stop coughing, and the more you drink, the more comfortable you are

These four health soups will not only help you resist the dryness of autumn and winter, but also bring taste enjoyment. Drinking these soups often can not only moisten the lungs and relieve cough, but also make your body healthier and healthier, and the more you drink, the more comfortable you are! Give these delicious soups a try and make them your winter protection tips!

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