
(End) The husband's room, holding up his stomach and laughing that I couldn't give birth, I didn't laugh angrily, and I also helped her raise the baby

author:Entertainment has melons

This story is fictional, please do not sit in the right seat, please read it rationally

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Wedding Night,

The husband's room was painful and pulled the husband for a spring supper.

Since then, my husband has never set foot in my room.

Later, she came to me with a big belly to show off her might:

"I'm pregnant, I don't know when my sister's stomach will move?"

Hearing this, I didn't laugh angrily, turned around and told the doctor to keep her child.

What they don't know is that I'm just waiting for this day.

Leave the child behind, so that I can sit firmly in the throne completely.

(End) The husband's room, holding up his stomach and laughing that I couldn't give birth, I didn't laugh angrily, and I also helped her raise the baby


On the night of his wedding to Xie Zhaoyuan, he was called over by Lin Yinong, a concubine who was raised in the mansion, on the grounds of palpitations.

"Sui An, Yi Nong has always been frail, I'll go over and take a look......"

"Husband, since you and I are married, there is no need to be so polite, you can go over."

Before he could finish, I immediately interrupted.

Try to make your voice sound more empathetic.

At that time, he had not lifted my hijab.

Immediately afterward, the sound of him hurriedly pushing the door was heard.

"Miss, why are you so troubled, that fox is obviously deliberate, you let the little marquis go like this, and spread it out to attract jokes."

My maid Qiu Yue whispered while washing me.

When I saw her look of being upset for me, I couldn't help but chuckle, scratched the tip of her nose and said:

"What's the matter?"

"I'm not here to compete for favor, as long as I'm still the young lady of this Hou Mansion for a day, what can she do to me?"

My father, Su Guogong, and Xie Zhaoyuan's father, Andinghou, were old friends.

As early as when Mrs. Andinghou had just given birth to him, they agreed to marry my sister to him.

However, after the new emperor ascended the throne, I fell in love with my sister during the draft, and this in-law fell on my head.

Before I married him, I knew that he had a very favored concubine in his court.

His name is Lin Yinong, and he has known the little marquis since childhood.

Because she is a distant relative of Mrs. Houfu, she has the opportunity to follow them into Beijing and stay by Xie Zhaoyuan's side to serve.

However, it is not appropriate to say that she is a concubine.

Because the little marquis has never married a wife, how dare he take a concubine?

So, she had to follow him without a name or a point.

I asked my mother worriedly,

Since the little marquis already has someone he likes, wouldn't it ruin the marriage between the two of them if I married him, will he hate me?

Hearing this, my mother didn't speak, but just looked at me with the same gentle eyes as ever.

As the second daughter of the Guogong Mansion, my mother taught me from a young age,

Today's world is very difficult for women, and the fate of women in the family is even more so, and they can't make their own decisions at all.

So, on the first day I learned that I was going to marry in,

I knew exactly what I was trying to grasp.

It's not Xie Zhaoyuan's worthless feelings, but the real power of the entire Hou Mansion.


On the night of the wedding, I couldn't have a room with Xie Zhaoyuan, but I slept very well.

In the early morning of the second day, I was supposed to serve tea to the elders with Xie Zhaoyuan.

But he didn't return overnight, so I had to go alone.

Who knows, as soon as I stepped into the courtyard door, I saw Lin Yinong kneeling in the main hall.

Xie Zhaoyuan, who was on the side, was holding his mother-in-law's hand to lift the board, trying his best not to let the board fall on Lin Yinong's body.

"You don't know whether you live or die, what are you, and you dare to use these shady means to compete for favor, see if I don't kill you."

The mother-in-law saw that the son beside her was holding her hand tightly, and the board in her hand could not fall, so she had to curse loudly angrily.

Actually, I wasn't surprised to see this this morning.

Since the old marquis left, Xie Zhaoyuan inherited the position of marquis, and the status of the entire Anding Marquis Mansion in Beijing has already plummeted.

It was my father who cared about the old relationship and didn't want to be deducted from the hat, so he didn't withdraw from the marriage with the Hou Mansion.

In the final analysis, now that I am married to Xie Zhaoyuan, it is considered a low marriage, and it is not surprising that my mother-in-law will stand up for me.

When my mother-in-law saw me coming, she immediately threw down the wooden plank in her hand and walked briskly towards me:

"Sui An, we can't help you, let you stay alone on the wedding night, I will send her out of the house, I will not make you feel bad."

"Madame, don't, I know it's wrong, don't drive me away, I already have the child of the little marquis in my belly."

Hearing this, Lin Yinong, who was still lying in Xie Zhaoyuan's arms aggrievedly, suddenly got up and cried.

Xie Zhaoyuan was also so distressed that he pleaded repeatedly, and hurriedly hugged Lin Yinong, who was still kneeling, into his arms.

Seeing that the mother-in-law was still indifferent,

She looked at me again as if asking for help, hoping that I could say something.

Looking at the dramatic scene in front of me, I had no intention of interfering, but when I heard that Lin Yinong was pregnant with the child of the Xie family, I admitted that I had moved my mind to leave her at this moment.

Even if she is raised as a concubine, it is not impossible.

Just because I understand that there is no relationship between men and women between me and Xie Zhaoyuan, it is unknown whether we can have children in the future.

But in order to secure the position of the main mother, I must have children in my name.

Thinking of this, I took my mother-in-law's hand, patted it comfortingly, and said with a smile:

"Mother, if she is at fault in yesterday's incident, then punish her, if she is pregnant with her husband's child, we will still drive her out of the house, and let her husband's flesh and blood be left outside, I am afraid it is not appropriate."

After speaking, my mother-in-law showed a look of surprise as if she had changed her face, as if she had been pardoned, and took my hand and apologized repeatedly.

Seeing this, I couldn't help but sneer in my heart.

How could I not know what she was thinking, this morning's actions were just a show for me.

Once I took a stand, they didn't hurry down the steps.

However, it doesn't hurt to accompany them in acting.

Leaving Lin Yinong, whether for me or for them, is the same path after all.

After this incident, Lin Yinong was punished by her mother-in-law to go to the ancestral hall to think about it.

Before leaving, Xie Zhaoyuan pulled her to my room to thank me.

"You don't have to say thank you, the punishment will also be punished, as long as you are disciplined in the house in the future."

At that time, I was looking through the ledger in my room, and I never raised my head in the face of her thanks.

"Sui An, thank you for your understanding of today's events, you can rest assured, this kind of thing will never happen again in the future."

After speaking, I turned my head to look at Xie Zhaoyuan and smiled at him:

"Husband, you don't have to be so polite, since you and I are married, we are one."

Maybe my smile was too gentle, and I could clearly see a hint of surprise flashing across Xie Zhaoyuan's face, and he replaced it with a knowing smile.

Lin Yinong on the side saw this, his eyes were like quenched poison, staring at me,

Then he threw the handkerchief in his hand to the ground, turned around and left angrily.

Xie Zhaoyuan, who originally wanted to be a concubine immediately after marrying me, couldn't open his mouth because of the incident that happened on the wedding night, and only mentioned it after the child in her womb was born.


In the days to come,

I have been conscientiously in charge of the affairs of the Hou Mansion, and I have worked tirelessly for a stable life in the future.

And Lin Yinong's belly is getting bigger and bigger,

Xie Zhaoyuan has to accompany him every day, saying that in this way the child can be born safely.

Therefore, whenever Xie Zhaoyuan is busy with a day's official duties, he has to take time to guard her, and he never has time to come to me again.

But I'm happy to have a good time.

After finishing the affairs of the house, he began to take care of the shop under the name of the Hou Mansion.

Watching the foundation in my hands gradually thicken, I can't help but feel great pride and satisfaction in my heart.

By going back to my parents' house to visit relatives, I told my mother everything that had happened in the past few days.

When my mother saw that I thought so transparently and lived a relaxed life, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief for me.

"Your sister has been in the palace for many years, and she saw that she was pregnant with a dragon heir and was going to be established as a concubine."

"Your second brother has won the battle again, and he is hot in Beijing, but our family is now cooking oil on fire, and outsiders look at it as flowers and brocade, but in fact, they are walking on thin ice, lest they make a wrong step, and that will be the overturning of the family."

"All these are the reasons why your father insisted on fulfilling the marriage contract back then, and the marriage with the little marquis is already the best marriage that my father and I can ask for you, neither too high to provoke the suspicion of the saint, nor too low to wronged you."

After my mother finished speaking, I shrunk into my mother's arms like when I was a child, and said softly: "I know, I know that you and Daddy have thought enough about our brothers and sisters, and now let my daughter protect you and Daddy." ”

I thought that the days would pass smoothly in the direction I expected, but after Lin Yinong learned the news that Xie Zhaoyuan and I had never had a round of sex so far, he swayed in my courtyard from time to time with a big belly.

At first, I thought about the child in her womb and didn't care about her, so I sent her away.

But she took my ignorance as a concession.

On this day, I was basking in the sun in the courtyard while looking through the ledger of the shop under my name.

One didn't notice, and let her go straight into my yard.

"I thought that my sister's stomach has not been able to move so far, because she was unwell and failed to conceive, but I don't know that my sister has never had a round sex with Yuanlang, do you not want to, or can't?"

When Lin Yinong said this, he raised his voice extremely high, for fear that the people in the courtyard would not hear it.

The meaning of banter in the words is self-evident.

I sneered in my heart, I really don't want to.

Lin Yinong was no longer able to serve him after he became pregnant, Xie Zhaoyuan didn't come to me,

But I pushed them back because I was unwell.

After all, there are ready-made children to take over, so why should I bother to give birth to them myself.

Besides, it's too difficult for me to reluctantly have sex with someone I don't love.

"Sister Yinong, although you have not been able to become your husband's concubine, outside, you still don't want to learn from those prostitutes in the Qin Lou Chu Pavilion, and call your husband Yuanlang."

Lin Yinong was frozen by my sentence that had no beginning or end.

After I glanced at Qiu Yue beside me, Qiu Yue and I smiled heartily and said:

"Xu is the little marquis who has been in the Yingyue Building recently, and he is used to hearing the girls' calls, so let Lin Xiaoniang call him Yuanlang in the mansion."

I know about Xie Zhaoyuan going to Yingyue Tower.

He kept the prostitute in a side yard outside, and I knew it.

Last month, I learned that the prostitute was pregnant, and Xie Zhaoyuan also pleaded with me to take her back to the house for sex because of this incident.

After my explicit refusal, he didn't say anything more.

And there is only one reason why I refuse him, the daughter of a dignified princess, no matter how much she does not care about her husband, will never allow herself to fall into the position of calling each other sisters with a prostitute.

Because Xie Zhaoyuan only kept it quietly outside the mansion, Lin Yinong didn't know about it.

She is still immersed in her dream of being favored alone, thinking that as long as she is pregnant with a child, she can keep his heart forever.

Unfortunately, the most unreliable thing in the world is the love of others.

If I were her,

I will give birth to the child in my belly safely, and try to find as much advantage as possible for myself.

But what she wanted was Xie Zhaoyuan's affection, and she wanted to let his eyes fall on her all the time.

It's stupid.

However, she wants to be stupid, and now she has to ask me to go into the water, so don't blame me for being rude!

(End) The husband's room, holding up his stomach and laughing that I couldn't give birth, I didn't laugh angrily, and I also helped her raise the baby


That's where I put my talk.

With Lin Yinong's possessiveness towards Xie Zhaoyuan, within two days, she would be able to know the cause and effect of the whole thing.

At that time, it will definitely be inevitable to have a big fight with Xie Zhaoyuan.

Sure enough, after Lin Yinong learned what happened, he hurriedly went to the courtyard where Xie Zhaoyuan placed the prostitute.

Not only that, but she was also forcibly poured with abortion medicine, and the prostitute became popular on the spot.

Xie Zhaoyuan was furious when he learned about this,

threatened to send her to her hometown in Youyang after she gave birth to a child, and she would never return to the Hou Mansion.

When I watched Qiu Yue's eyebrows dance to tell me about this, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in my heart.

I was still thinking about how to pass on her child to my name, but now I didn't have to work hard to get it.

At first, Lin Yinong didn't think that Xie Zhaoyuan would really ignore her because of a prostitute, so he wanted to use a hunger strike to attract Xie Zhaoyuan's attention.

Who knows, after Lin Yinong's maid informed Xie Zhaoyuan of this matter, she only got one sentence in exchange:

"If you want to die, you will die, and you will die after giving birth to a child."

Lin Yinong really died at this time.

Since then, Lin Yinong, who has been guarded in the courtyard all day, no longer has the arrogance of the past, and he does not talk to anyone with a sad expression.

And I came to visit her from time to time, if not for anything else, but for the child in her womb.

I repeatedly told the doctor to keep the child and not tolerate the slightest mistake.

As for Lin Yinong, after all, I am also a woman with her, I will not embarrass her, and when she gives birth, I will personally buy her luggage and ask someone to send her back to her hometown.

She was pregnant for ten months, and it was finally the day she was going to give birth.

Xie Zhaoyuan, Xie Zhaoyuan, and my mother-in-law waited outside Lin Yinong's delivery room.

Inside the room, Lin Yinong's howl of pain was one after another.

The mother-in-law who delivered the baby and the maid in the courtyard walked out with pots of bright red blood, and my heart couldn't help but pull up.

Suddenly, Wen Po rushed out sweating profusely and hurriedly asked:

"Maternal hemorrhage, Master Hou, Mrs., you see whether it is to protect the adult or the child."

Hearing this, the mother-in-law on the side yelled at the midwife: "Protecting the child, of course, is protecting the child, how important is it for adults to have children." ”

After speaking, Xie Zhaoyuan, who was standing beside me, also nodded his head again and again.

At that moment, it was as if a basin of cold water had poured me on my heart, and a chill gradually spread from my feet to my whole body.

Even though I hated Lin Yinong's stupidity and arrogance, I was still stumped when I heard that I had to make such a choice.

And the two people in front of her, one is her distant cousin, and the other is her pillow person, who can choose to abandon her without hesitation when they hear this choice.

At this moment, I sympathize with her, and I am glad that the person in the room is not me.

The midwife, who had received the order, turned around and entered the room, and in a short time a baby's cry was heard in the room.

"Little marquis, madam, the child is safe, he is a little son."

When Xie Zhaoyuan and his mother-in-law heard this, they immediately rushed into the room, took the child from the midwife's hand and laughed and teased.

I didn't care about Lin Yinong who was lying on the bed and dying.

I followed them into the delivery room.

The bloody gas from the shop made me suddenly surge in blood,

I suppressed my disgust and walked straight to her

I saw Lin Yinong lying on the bed like a mess of rotten meat, looking at me with his dying breath, his mouth slightly open as if he wanted to say something.

My heart moved, and I immediately called Qiu Yue to stew ginseng soup and give Lin Yinong a drink.

Fortunately, Lin Yinong was in good health, and the breath that he almost swallowed during childbirth was hung back by my bowl of ginseng soup, and then he stayed in the house to raise it, and after the confinement, he was sent back to his hometown to live.

The atmosphere between me and her has become less tense since she gave birth.

She volunteered to pass the child into my name, just hoping that I would be kind to him when I had a child of my own.

I nodded, reassuring her, but I thought in my heart that I was afraid that I would not have children with Xie Zhaoyuan in this life.

Time flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it is the day when Lin Yinong is leaving.

That day, she begged Xie Zhaoyuan to come and see her off.

But what everyone didn't expect was that just as Lin Yinong was about to get into the carriage, she suddenly pulled out the hairpin on her head and inserted it into Xie Zhaoyuan's neck with lightning speed.

Suddenly, the blood flowed like a torrent.

Xie Zhaoyuan stared at Lin Yinong's face incredulously, and said intermittently: "For...... Why. ”

Lin Yinong let out a maniacal laugh, and the voice was like a ghost on the verge of despair:

"Xie Zhaoyuan, you bastard, when you were fourteen years old, you forced me to force me against my wishes, and then I accepted my fate and followed you, but I ended up like this, I tell you, you want to live a free life by yourself after escaping from me, there is no door."

After speaking, Lin Yinong pulled out the hairpin inserted in his neck and inserted it into his heart.

For some reason, looking at my mother-in-law who was holding Xie Zhaoyuan's corpse and crying incessantly, there was no more turmoil in my heart.


Ten years later, His Majesty knighted the only concubine in the prince's mansion.

And I sent my mother-in-law away shortly after.

The actual control of the entire Hou Mansion has completely fallen into my hands. Even though there are gossips about me in this capital, the Hou Mansion in front of me and the Guogong Mansion behind me protect me like an iron bucket, and it is impossible for me to be bullied again.

On another spring day, I took Xie Zhixu to Lin Yinong's tomb to pay tribute to her.

Although the child is not big, he also knows that this is his biological mother.

He would always listen to me obediently, kowtow to her, and when he was done, he turned around and threw himself into my arms and comforted me softly:

"Although my mother didn't give birth to me, you are still my favorite mother."

Whenever this happens, I always smile and hug him and kiss him on the soft cheek:

"My mother also loves to know it the most."

Now, I am very happy, although I can't decide where I want to go in this life, but I still know what I want, why not think more about myself and let myself live a little more freely.


(End) The husband's room, holding up his stomach and laughing that I couldn't give birth, I didn't laugh angrily, and I also helped her raise the baby

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This content is fiction, and any name, place name, or other aspect of the text is not related to reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally.