
Today's Spotlight | China and Kazakhstan will join hands to be the pioneers of the Belt and Road Initiative

author:Xinjiang Radio and Television Station
Today's Spotlight | China and Kazakhstan will join hands to be the pioneers of the Belt and Road Initiative

Participate in the Asia-Europe event and draw a blueprint for development. On June 26, the 3rd China-Kazakhstan Local Cooperation Forum was held in Urumqi, focusing on the theme of "Good Neighborliness, Friendship and Win-Win Cooperation". What opportunities does the 8th China-Eurasia Expo bring to China-Kazakhstan cooperation? "Today's Focus" high-end interview interviewed Kazakh Deputy Prime Minister Zhumangarin.


During the interview, Rumangarin introduced that the China-Kazakhstan Local Cooperation Forum has been successfully held for two sessions, which has opened up new space for deepening exchanges and cooperation between China and Kazakhstan, especially between Xinjiang and Kazakhstan, and achieved mutual benefit and win-win results. This year, Kazakhstan has brought more than 40 enterprises to further strengthen cooperation on the basis of continuing to consolidate cooperation in traditional advantageous industries.


As one of the guest of honor at the China-Eurasia Expo, Kazakhstan's Deputy Prime Minister Zhumangarin said that China's economy and the Chinese market have an extremely important impact on Kazakhstan's economic development. Thanks to the good friendship between the two heads of state, the permanent comprehensive strategic partnership between Kazakhstan and China is growing day by day, and the two sides have successfully implemented a number of major cooperation projects. At present, Kazakhstan and China are making every effort to create the necessary conditions to accelerate the development of cooperation between the two countries, continue to promote the interconnection of railways and highways, and promote complementary advantages and mutual benefit in agriculture and other fields.

Today's Spotlight | China and Kazakhstan will join hands to be the pioneers of the Belt and Road Initiative

According to Chinese statistics, the trade volume between China and Kazakhstan started from $18 billion and reached $30 billion in 2022. In 2023, 41 billion US dollars will be completed, of which Xinjiang's trade volume accounts for nearly 50%, an increase of 32%, and the trade volume between the two countries has grown rapidly and is extremely dynamic.


During the interview, Kazakh Deputy Prime Minister Zhumangarin affirmed the "One Belt, One Road" initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping in Astana in 2013. He said that Kazakhstan was one of the first countries to immediately support the initiative, as it fully meets the living needs of the people of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan and China continue to deepen cooperation and make new progress in transportation construction, industrial development and other fields. China has become one of the main sources of investment in Kazakhstan, and there is great potential for the two sides to continue to deepen cooperation.

Today's Spotlight | China and Kazakhstan will join hands to be the pioneers of the Belt and Road Initiative

2024 is the year of China-Kazakhstan tourism, and in the past two days at the China-Kazakhstan Khorgos International Border Cooperation Center, border tours, cross-border tours, and shopping tours have attracted more and more tourists. More than 17,000 people enter and leave the cooperation every day, with a maximum of nearly 30,000 people a day. According to the data, from January to May, the number of people entering and leaving the China-Kazakhstan Cooperation Center in Khorgos exceeded 2 million, and the prospects for China-Kazakhstan tourism are broad.


At present, the two countries have implemented a policy of mutual visa exemption, and Kazakhstan welcomes more Chinese tourists to Kazakhstan to further promote economic, trade and people-to-people exchanges between the two countries through cross-border tourism cooperation. Kazakhstan has always maintained an open attitude and is willing to work together with everyone to take this forum as an opportunity to promote the implementation of more major projects and promote more fruitful cooperation between Kazakhstan and China.

Source: Xinjiang Radio and Television Station