
Are there any signs of illness before a serious illness? Warning: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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"What's wrong lately, my legs are soft when I wake up every day, it's like cooked noodles!" Li Ruihao complained while partying with friends.

Are there any signs of illness before a serious illness? Warning: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

In recent weeks, Li Ruihao has found that he wakes up every morning feeling weak, especially in his legs, and sometimes even a little numb. On this day, when Li Ruihao was walking in the park with several old friends, the situation seemed to be more serious.

"You're a precursor, be careful not to be a sign of a serious illness." Friend Wang Anqiang said. Wang Anqiang is a joker, and having said that, his concerns are not unreasonable.

Are there any signs of illness before a serious illness? Warning: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

"Don't scare me, maybe I just haven't had a good rest lately." Li Ruihao tried to understate it. However, Wang Anqiang insisted on persuading him to go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination, "Now that medicine is so developed, it is also safe to find out." ”

As soon as a friend told him, Li Ruihao also felt that the abnormality of his body during this time could not be ignored, so he decided to use the weekend to go to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination.

Are there any signs of illness before a serious illness? Warning: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

In the hospital, after a series of examinations, including blood tests, electrocardiograms, ultrasounds, etc., Li Ruihao waited for the results. During the examination, the doctor showed some concern about his symptoms, especially the numbness and weakness he mentioned in his legs.

"Mr. Li Ruihao, these symptoms of yours may be caused by a variety of factors, and we need to further analyze the results of the examination." Said the doctor in charge of the medical examination.

Are there any signs of illness before a serious illness? Warning: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

Eventually, the results of the examination showed that Li Ruihao had some problems with blood circulation, especially the poor blood flow in his lower limbs, which may have caused his leg weakness in the morning. In addition, his blood sugar and blood lipid levels are also slightly higher, which is equally detrimental to his vascular health.

Are there any signs of illness before a serious illness? Warning: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

When discussing the physical signs before a serious illness, we usually mention the more well-known symptoms such as chest pain and difficulty breathing. However, there are subtle changes that are not well taken into account and can also be alarms of health problems.

Next, I will introduce these unusual symptoms that the average person may overlook, which are very unique and often go unnoticed by the average person, but they may indicate the potential risk of some serious health problems.

Are there any signs of illness before a serious illness? Warning: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

Let's talk about fundus changes. You may think that there is a big connection between the fundus and physical health, in fact, the fundus is a window to peek into the condition of the blood vessels throughout the body.

Copper or silver wire changes in the fundus of the eye are signs of hardening of the arteries and may be associated with diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

Are there any signs of illness before a serious illness? Warning: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

Especially in the absence of vision loss, such changes are often overlooked. However, it is a very clear warning of vascular health that we may have a more serious systemic disease.

Are there any signs of illness before a serious illness? Warning: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

The second is the premature aging of the skin. Dryness, sagging, or hyperpigmentation of the skin may not simply be a sign of natural aging, but rather an outward manifestation of hormone changes, malnutrition, or a long-term inflammatory response.

For example, excessive dry skin may be associated with an underactive thyroid, while lax skin may be a signal of collagen loss, which is especially common in certain autoimmune diseases.

Are there any signs of illness before a serious illness? Warning: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

This is followed by changes in taste and smell. Many people may experience slight changes in their sense of taste or smell that they blame on aging or a simple cold.

However, a persistent loss of taste or smell can be a sign of a disease in our own nervous system. The appearance of such symptoms, especially in the absence of obvious nasal problems, should cause us to be highly alert.

Are there any signs of illness before a serious illness? Warning: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

Finally, there is night sweating. If you find yourself sweating frequently at night without over-covering or at high room temperatures, it may not just be because of "heat" but a sign of an abnormality in the lymphatic or endocrine system.

Nighttime sweating is a common symptom of certain types of cancer, such as lymphoma, or infections, such as tuberculosis, and can also be a response to chronic diseases such as diabetes.

Are there any signs of illness before a serious illness? Warning: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

People often feel helpless and anxious when faced with the signs of a serious illness. However, there are some very specific and unknown measures that can effectively alleviate this situation. Next, I will detail three unique approaches that can help individuals maintain their physical and mental health in the face of potential health threats.

First, let's explore an often overlooked approach: regular music therapy. Music therapy can significantly lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, and improve heart rate variability, which is especially important for patients with cardiovascular disease.

Are there any signs of illness before a serious illness? Warning: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

Studies have shown that certain types of music, such as classical or light music, are able to regulate the body's autonomic nervous system, which in turn helps the body cope better with stress.

By participating in music therapy on a regular basis, you can not only relieve daily stress and anxiety, but also maintain a more stable physiological state in the face of health threats.

Are there any signs of illness before a serious illness? Warning: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

Systematic sleep adjustment is also a very unique and effective measure. Most people may not directly associate sleep with the prevention of serious illness, but in fact, quality sleep is essential for maintaining the proper functioning of the immune system.

We can significantly improve the quality of sleep by adopting scientific sleep, such as avoiding the interference of caffeine and electronic screens, and using a suitable sleep environment.

Are there any signs of illness before a serious illness? Warning: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

In addition, proper sleep can also regulate hormone levels and reduce chronic inflammation, which has direct benefits for the prevention of some chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Let's talk about the role of an emotional diary. It is a simple but extremely effective way to better understand and manage one's emotional state by recording daily emotional changes.

Are there any signs of illness before a serious illness? Warning: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

Mood journals help people identify and deal with stressors, reducing potential psychological burdens. In addition, it is also a tool for self-reflection that can help people to maintain clear thinking and a positive mindset when facing a health crisis.

Are there any signs of illness before a serious illness? Warning: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

Each of these three approaches has its own characteristics, but what they all have in common is that they all promote physical and mental health in a non-pharmacological way and strengthen the body's resistance to underlying health problems. Today, when modern medicine is paying more and more attention to prevention, these methods provide new perspectives and possibilities, which are worthy of in-depth exploration and practice.

Are there any signs of illness before a serious illness? Warning: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

By implementing these specific measures, we can not only improve the quality of life, but also prevent the occurrence of diseases to a large extent, and protect our health.

(The above names are pseudonyms) #头条首发大赛#

What do you think about the signs that precede a serious illness? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Are there any signs of illness before a serious illness? Warning: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful


[1] Ju Yang, Nan Chen, Relationship between visceral fat area/leg muscle mass and elderly type 2 diabetes complicated by coronary atherosclerotic heart disease, Shandong Medicine, 2023-09-15

Are there any signs of illness before a serious illness? Warning: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful