
The master of the painting world was ruthlessly monked, and his wife waited for 15 years, and after returning to the vulgar, inspiration burst out, and a painting was 11.73 million

The master of the painting world was ruthlessly monked, and his wife waited for 15 years, and after returning to the vulgar, inspiration burst out, and a painting was 11.73 million

In order to find inspiration and improve his painting skills, he chose to become a monk for fifteen years, and with a "Turning Scripture Diagram", the price was as high as 11.73 million yuan, which once exceeded the price of Mr. Qi Baishi's paintings.

He is Shi Guoliang, who is not only a painter with potential, but also a monk.

The master of the painting world was ruthlessly monked, and his wife waited for 15 years, and after returning to the vulgar, inspiration burst out, and a painting was 11.73 million

"A monk's painting can be sold for tens of millions, which is higher than the price of Qi Lao's works, why?" For his works, the Internet is full of doubts, and everyone wants to see this so-called masterpiece.

So, let's take a look today, why can this painting of the monk sell for tens of millions of dollars?

The master of the painting world was ruthlessly monked, and his wife waited for 15 years, and after returning to the vulgar, inspiration burst out, and a painting was 11.73 million

Aspire to be a painter

He was born in 1956, at a time when the country's economy was sluggish, and even though he lived in the capital, his family was still poor.

For as long as he can remember, his family lived together with the workers on the construction site, he had five older brothers and one younger brother, and the population was so large that he could not eat enough every day, and he had to be in a constant state of hunger.

He always understood that poverty was the original sin, and he secretly resolved that when he grew up, he must get rid of this life.

The master of the painting world was ruthlessly monked, and his wife waited for 15 years, and after returning to the vulgar, inspiration burst out, and a painting was 11.73 million

Even though he was born in a family with no artistic atmosphere, Shi Guoliang was a genius at painting, he liked to paint everywhere, and after seeing interesting pictures outside, he would copy them according to his memories when he returned home.

He was in charge of most of the blackboard newspapers in the school, and at that time, because his family had no money, he worked everywhere, and his favorite thing was to paint portraits, because it didn't cost much paint.

In middle school, his art grades were excellent, but the cultural class was not interesting, so the teacher suggested that he practice painting well and enter the art class of a famous university.

The master of the painting world was ruthlessly monked, and his wife waited for 15 years, and after returning to the vulgar, inspiration burst out, and a painting was 11.73 million

Later, Shi Guoliang was successfully admitted to the art class of Beijing Normal University, and after entering the school, he learned about the various types of painting.

However, although there are many types of paintings, what suits you is the most important, and every day Shi Guoliang will draw fifteen sketches on the street to lay a good foundation.

In 1978, he was admitted to his dream college and became a graduate student of CAFA.

The master of the painting world was ruthlessly monked, and his wife waited for 15 years, and after returning to the vulgar, inspiration burst out, and a painting was 11.73 million

Many years after graduation, Shi Guoliang released "Engraved Scriptures", which won an international award, and the reason why he chose to paint this work was actually because of the yearning in his heart.

For Tibet, his heart is very longing, he has wanted to go to the local area many times, see the scenery there, record the sunset grassland, herdsmen grazing.

But he didn't have time to go, Shi Guoliang was too busy, in order to experience the scenes seen by different professions, he had been a soldier and a professional painter in Beijing.

But he still felt that his experience was not enough, and after that, he went abroad to study.

The master of the painting world was ruthlessly monked, and his wife waited for 15 years, and after returning to the vulgar, inspiration burst out, and a painting was 11.73 million

Study in a foreign country

Many people may think that Shi Guoliang went abroad to enjoy happiness, but in fact, his time in the United States was the most difficult period.

According to Shi Guoliang's recollection, the system abroad was very different from that at home, and the painters here could work three jobs a day, with little time to create.

Moreover, there are also differences in the status of painters at home and abroad, where painters are representatives of "poverty", but at home, painters are the envy of everyone.

The master of the painting world was ruthlessly monked, and his wife waited for 15 years, and after returning to the vulgar, inspiration burst out, and a painting was 11.73 million

Source: China Shanshui Network

In foreign countries, only particularly famous painters have a way to live, and other painters can only make a living while painting, and the same is true for Shi Guoliang.

Due to the language barrier, he was unable to do some of the work, and his job at that time was to sell some works in galleries, and he did not make much money, so he had to live in a damp basement.

Later, with the help of a friend, he was offered an opportunity to enter the museum, but at that time, he sold all the paintings in order to make ends meet.

The master of the painting world was ruthlessly monked, and his wife waited for 15 years, and after returning to the vulgar, inspiration burst out, and a painting was 11.73 million

However, Shi Guoliang relied on hard work and firmly seized this opportunity.

Completely ignoring the injuries caused by the car accident, he knelt on the ground every day to paint, and after three months, he rushed to produce several works.

There were many visitors to the exhibition, because Shi Guoliang was the only painter who won an award in the exhibition, so his works are also very eye-catching.

The master of the painting world was ruthlessly monked, and his wife waited for 15 years, and after returning to the vulgar, inspiration burst out, and a painting was 11.73 million

After the end, he was paid several thousand yuan, and his wife Liu Yumei rushed to Canada to take care of Shi Guoliang.

After his injuries were almost healed, Shi Guoliang gradually gained some reputation abroad, but at this time, he had a bold idea, he wanted to convert to Buddhism.

The master of the painting world was ruthlessly monked, and his wife waited for 15 years, and after returning to the vulgar, inspiration burst out, and a painting was 11.73 million

Rise to fame and become a monk

Shi Guoliang wanted to try a new subject, so he wanted to get in touch with Buddhist culture.

In 1995, despite the opposition of his friends and wife, he went to Xilai Monastery in the United States and became a monk.

At this time, he was only in his twenties, but he was able to cut off the earthly relationship, shave a monk and become a monk, in the practice, he used to be alone, during his practice, his wife has been waiting for him, this is fifteen years.

The master of the painting world was ruthlessly monked, and his wife waited for 15 years, and after returning to the vulgar, inspiration burst out, and a painting was 11.73 million

Source: CCTV

During his practice, after learning about Buddhist culture, he began to paint using this theme, and eventually created many classic works that won the praise of everyone.

Most of his works are realistic, using a unique interpretation method to vividly display the characters on the drawing paper.

In 2010, he returned to the world after 15 years of spiritual life, and after his return, he settled in Beijing and released many excellent works one after another.

The master of the painting world was ruthlessly monked, and his wife waited for 15 years, and after returning to the vulgar, inspiration burst out, and a painting was 11.73 million

Shi Guoliang's style is very unique, he uses simple lines and colors to paint vivid pictures for the audience.

Among his works, the most eye-catching is the "Turning Prayer Chart" released in 1989, which was precipitated for 25 years and finally sold for 11.73 million.

The master of the painting world was ruthlessly monked, and his wife waited for 15 years, and after returning to the vulgar, inspiration burst out, and a painting was 11.73 million

Source: People's Daily Online

This painting caused an uproar on the Internet at the time, and many netizens questioned Shi Guoliang, "You must know that even Mr. Qi Baishi's works are only in his early 10 millions, but he can exceed the price of Qi Lao, there must be a shady scene in it."

Netizens say this, in fact, it is not reasonable, I believe everyone knows the excellence of Qi Lao, it can be said that there are basically no people in the whole country, and even abroad, who do not know him.

The master of the painting world was ruthlessly monked, and his wife waited for 15 years, and after returning to the vulgar, inspiration burst out, and a painting was 11.73 million

After the death of Mr. Qi, the public recognized his works, and Shi Guoliang's reputation in China is obviously not as high as Qi Lao, and his attainments cannot be compared with Qi Lao, but the price of his works is so high.

In fact, Shi Guoliang's works can fetch high prices, there can be no shady, the two painters lived in different eras, and moreover, paintings have never been a currency in circulation.

The master of the painting world was ruthlessly monked, and his wife waited for 15 years, and after returning to the vulgar, inspiration burst out, and a painting was 11.73 million

The value of the work really depends on the collector, if no one wants to collect the painting, then no one will want to bid, and everyone has a different understanding of the collection.

Shi Guoliang's works have an unfathomable meaning, and his works can make people feel a different state of mind, perhaps his works cannot make everyone feel this feeling, but it is enough to be recognized by people of the same frequency.


1. China Network Television: "Ascetic Life, Ascetic Art", 2013-7-4

2. Landscape Painting Art Network: "Shi Guoliang's "Looking Back at the Red Dust" Serial 24: Being in a Foreign Country, Turning Point (Photos)" 2015-1-29

3. People's Daily Online: "Some people's works are sold at a higher price than Qi Baishi, which is not scientific" 2017-4-5

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