
Funny joke: The bride farted at the wedding, good luck!

author:That Man in Oman
Funny joke: The bride farted at the wedding, good luck!
Funny joke: The bride farted at the wedding, good luck!
Funny joke: The bride farted at the wedding, good luck!
Funny joke: The bride farted at the wedding, good luck!
Funny joke: The bride farted at the wedding, good luck!
Funny joke: The bride farted at the wedding, good luck!
Funny joke: The bride farted at the wedding, good luck!
Funny joke: The bride farted at the wedding, good luck!
Funny joke: The bride farted at the wedding, good luck!
Funny joke: The bride farted at the wedding, good luck!

Under the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, the city of Chang'an was very lively. Li Xiaobai, a young man known for his wit and humor, has become the focus of the city's attention today, because he is about to marry a beautiful and virtuous bride - Xiaolian. Preparations for the wedding are in full swing, and the whole city is looking forward to this grand wedding.

On the day of the wedding, the sun was shining and the flowers were blooming. Li Xiaobai was wearing a red wedding dress, full of energy, and his face was full of happy smiles. He stood at the door of the mansion and greeted the guests who had come to congratulate him. Xiaolian is in the inner room, carefully dressed by the maids, ready to be the most beautiful bride of the day.

As the guests arrived, the mansion was filled with laughter. Everyone praised Li Xiaobai and Xiaolian for their talented and beautiful appearance, which is a match made in heaven. Just as everyone was talking and laughing, suddenly, there was a slight "poof" sound from the inner room. The voice was small, but it was unusually clear in the silence of the mansion.

For a moment, the conversation of the guests came to an abrupt end, and everyone's eyes widened and looked in the direction of the inner room. Li Xiaobai was also stunned, he was shocked in his heart, and secretly thought: "What kind of sound is this?" Could it be ......" He didn't dare to think about it, so he could only smile awkwardly, trying to hide his uneasiness.

However, at this moment, the door of the inner room slowly opened, and Xiaolian walked out in a gorgeous wedding dress. She had a shy smile on her face, and she didn't seem to be aware of the voice. Seeing this, the guests were relieved and praised the bride's beauty.

However, just as Xiaolian walked up to Li Xiaobai's side, she suddenly let out another loud fart. The sound was like a thunderbolt from the sky, and everyone present was stunned. Li Xiaobai's face was even more flushed, his eyes widened, looking at Xiaolian, and he didn't know what to say.

Xiaolian also realized her gaffe, her face was red with shame, and tears were about to fall. She hurriedly lowered her head, not daring to look at the people around her. The guests also looked at each other, not knowing how to deal with this embarrassing scene.

Just as the atmosphere was about to freeze, Li Xiaobai suddenly burst out laughing. He patted Xiaolian on the shoulder and said loudly: "Haha, the bride farts, good luck!" This is a good sign for our wedding, and it is a sign that our marriage will be happy and full of children and grandchildren! ”

The guests couldn't help but laugh when they heard Li Xiaobai's words. They chimed in: "Yes, yes! The bride farts, good luck! It was truly the funniest wedding we've ever seen! ”

Xiaolian was also infected by Li Xiaobai's humor, she raised her head, wiped her tears, and showed a bright smile. She looked at Li Xiaobai gratefully, her heart full of warmth and happiness.

The wedding went off without incident. Li Xiaobai and Xiaolian walked the red carpet hand in hand with the blessings of the guests and became husband and wife. And that unexpected "fart sound" has become the most unforgettable memory of their wedding.

Afterwards, Li Xiaobai and Xiaolian talked about the embarrassing experience that day. Xiaolian said with emotion: "I was really nervous that day, that's why I was like that." Fortunately, you reacted quickly and used humor to resolve the embarrassment. ”

Li Xiaobai smiled and said, "Actually, I'm also very nervous." But I know that no matter what happens, we have to face it with optimism. So, when I heard that voice, I thought of using humor to defuse the embarrassment. I believe that as long as we have love in our hearts, we can overcome all difficulties. ”

Xiaolian listened to Li Xiaobai's words and was moved to tears. She hugged Li Xiaobai tightly and said affectionately, "Thank you, Xiaobai." You are not only my husband, but also the precious person in my life. I will always love you and support you! ”

Since then, Li Xiaobai and Xiaolian have lived happily ever after. They support each other, understand each other, and move forward hand in hand on the road of life. And that unexpected "fart sound" has also become one of the funniest episodes in their marriage, making them cherish their feelings for each other even more.