
Are European and American girls really beautiful?

author:Happy Coke..
Are European and American girls really beautiful?

Today's topic: "Are European and American girls really beautiful?" ”

Are European and American girls really beautiful?

Hot comments from netizens:

Foreigners generally have body odor, and perfume is used to cover up body odor

Are European and American girls really beautiful?

The body odor of Indians is really bad

Are European and American girls really beautiful?

They were really good-looking before they had children, but you have seen him not look good after giving birth

Are European and American girls really beautiful?

That's a national aesthetic, and the Cro-Saxons all have freckles for beauty,

Are European and American girls really beautiful?

They seem to be in their 30s and feel that they are getting older sooner

Are European and American girls really beautiful?

Which country has good-looking beauties? There are also girls who are not good-looking

Are European and American girls really beautiful?

Humans are different, we have very good genes that evolve, we don't have body odor, we don't have hair

Are European and American girls really beautiful?

Foreigners are cold white, and ours is warm white. Therefore, when I look at the skin color of my own people, I feel that it is still better for my own people

Are European and American girls really beautiful?

Just like Chinese stars, they also choose beautiful

Are European and American girls really beautiful?

Europeans and Americans like to bask in the sun, and if they get more sun, they will have freckles

Are European and American girls really beautiful?

It feels like their skin is not as delicate as the Chinese

Are European and American girls really beautiful?

I think it's still an oriental girl who is good-looking, and it's also attractive

Are European and American girls really beautiful?

I guess I will inherit the appearance of my parents

Are European and American girls really beautiful?

It's true that you're pretty when you're young, but the flowering period is particularly short

Are European and American girls really beautiful?

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(The source of the material is from the Internet, invaded and deleted)