
Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands


Introduction 丨 The Grand Ceremony of Influencing the World Chinese At last night's grand ceremony of "Influencing the World Chinese", Lin Qingxia, a legend in the film industry, appeared again, detonating the enthusiasm of the audience. This annual event not only brings together well-known Chinese from all over the world, but also attracts the attention of countless fans and media. In addition to Lin Qingxia, there were also many heavyweight guests at the scene, such as the great director Tsui Hark and the much-loved movie star Tang Wei. The whole venue was brightly lit and the atmosphere was warm, like a dizzying visual feast.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

Lin Qingxia and Tang Wei's appearance When it comes to the most amazing moment last night, it is undoubtedly the appearance of Lin Qingxia and Tang Wei. That night, Lin Qingxia wore a classic black long skirt with simple but elegant pearl jewelry, and she still looked beautiful. And Tang Wei chose a white lace dress, showing her ladylike temperament and intellectual beauty. When the two walked on the red carpet side by side, the beauty that transcended the ages made people feel as if time had stood still in them.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

The interaction between Tang Wei and Lin Qingxia In the group photo session of all the guests on the same stage, a warm vignette made the atmosphere more harmonious. Tang Wei took the initiative to greet Lin Qingxia, and the two cordially held hands and took a group photo. This scene not only kept the photographers busy, but also made the audience's eyes shine. When the photographer asked everyone to make a gesture of praise, Tang Wei and Lin Qingxia interacted with each other tacitly, smiling brightly. After the photo shoot, the two stood together and continued to chat, like girlfriends reunited after a long absence, and this natural intimacy made people feel warm.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

The warmth of netizens' reactions and comments quickly spread across the Internet, triggering a lot of discussions and praise from netizens. Many netizens said that when they saw Tang Wei treating Lin Qingxia like a little fan girl, they were also infected by this sincere emotion. At the same time, he spoke highly of Lin Qingxia's cordial and heart-warming behavior. Someone commented: "The eldest sister in the film industry is still so down-to-earth and very close to the people!" Other fans sighed: "Two generations of goddesses in the same frame, this is the real legend of immortality." ”

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

Looking back on the past丨 Lin Qingxia's reappearance Although Lin Qingxia has rarely appeared in the public eye in recent years, every time she appears, she can cause a sensation. As an important representative of the golden age of Hong Kong films, she has starred in classic films such as "East Evil and West Poison" and "Smiling Proud Jianghu", and her acting skills and charm have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In the hearts of many audiences, she is not only an outstanding actor, but also a film and television model who can bring infinite memories and touches.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

Tang Wei's new challengeAnd for Tang Wei, the leader of the younger generation of actors, she has always been challenging herself. From "Lust and Caution" to "Beijing Meets Seattle", each role shows her profound acting skills and unique charm. In this event, such a close contact with her idol Lin Qingxia is undoubtedly a rare life experience for her.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

Fun Facts Behind the Scenes丨 Hidden Version Story It is reported that in the backstage of the event, there are several vignettes that are also very interesting. A staff member revealed that the preparations were busy at the time, but when they saw Lin Qingxia and Tang Wei talking and laughing in the lounge, the relaxed and happy atmosphere seemed to make everyone's fatigue disappear. In addition, it is said that director Tsui Hark also came to congratulate and took a photo with the two, and this hidden version of the story also became a topic of conversation after dinner.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

Conclusion丨 Unmissable classic momentsAll in all, this grand ceremony of "influencing the Chinese people in the world" not only shows the sincere friendship between the top figures in the Chinese film and television industry through these shining moments, but also allows us to once again appreciate the irreplaceable style of the predecessors in the film industry. These images will forever be etched in our memory. As viewers, we can only hope that this excitement will continue, and thank all the participants again for this visual and emotional enjoyment.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

Last night's gala always replays in my mind, like a dream. In the brightly lit hall, I not only saw superstars like Lin Qingxia and Tang Wei, but also felt an indescribable warmth. This warmth comes not only from their cordial interaction, but also from the unity and harmony conveyed throughout the event.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

Especially when Lin Qingxia and Tang Wei walked on the red carpet side by side, the beauty that spanned time was breathtaking. They look particularly dazzling in the light, one black and one white dress, as if night and day are blending at this moment, making people unable to take their eyes off. When they held hands and took a group photo, that tacit understanding seemed to have been deeply rooted in each other's hearts.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

The camera captured every detail, Tang Wei took the initiative to greet Lin Qingxia, and the natural intimacy between the two made the atmosphere more harmonious. The photographer kept pressing the shutter to record this touching moment. When everyone made a gesture of praise, they interacted tacitly with each other, smiling brightly, which made people feel warm.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

This warmth quickly spread all over the Internet, triggering a lot of discussion and praise from netizens. After seeing this scene, some fans said that they were infected by this sincere emotion. A netizen even commented: "The eldest sister in the film industry is still so close to the people and very down-to-earth!" Another fan sighed: "Two generations of goddesses in the same frame, this is the real legend of immortality." ”

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

In fact, since Lin Qingxia gradually faded out of the showbiz, every appearance can cause a sensation. As an important representative of the golden age of Hong Kong films, her name has long become synonymous with classic film and television works. From "East Evil and West Poison" to "Smiling Proud Jianghu", every character is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. And this appearance once again made people see her ageless demeanor.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

In contrast, although Tang Wei is young, she also has remarkable achievements. From the bold attempt of "Lust and Caution" to the warm interpretation of "Beijing Meets Seattle", she has conquered countless audiences in front of the screen in her own way. In this event, close contact with idol Lin Qingxia is undoubtedly a rare life experience for her.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

There are also some interesting facts worth mentioning behind the scenes. A staff member revealed that when the preparations were busy, Lin Qingxia and Tang Wei were seen talking and laughing in the lounge, and the relaxed and happy atmosphere seemed to make everyone's fatigue disappear. It is reported that Director Tsui Hark also came to congratulate and took a photo with the two, and this hidden version of the story also became a topic of conversation after dinner.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

These shining moments not only show the sincere friendship between the top figures in the Chinese film and television industry, but also let us once again appreciate the irreplaceable style of the predecessors in the film industry. Such a classic picture will be engraved in the memory forever. As an audience, I only hope that this excitement can continue, and I would like to thank all the participants again for this visual and emotional enjoyment.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

When I woke up the next day, these images were still vivid in my mind. I can't help but think that this is not only a grand ceremony, but also a piece of history and a cultural memory. Through their efforts, everyone has pushed Chinese film and television to new heights. I hope that there will be more opportunities to witness such classic moments in the future, whether in front of the stage or behind the scenes, you can feel the rare true feelings and resonance.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

After the gala was over, the crowd gradually dispersed, but the enthusiasm did not subside. In every corner, there are still many people talking about what just happened, some fans are excitedly looking back on those images that have moved their hearts, and some media are busy sorting out the footage and preparing to share these precious footage with a global audience. And the stars began to leave the venue one after another, but their impact will not end there.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

Especially Lin Qingxia, in the eyes of many people, she is not only an actor, but also a spiritual symbol. She used her works and personality charm to establish an unshakable position for Chinese films. For the younger generation of actors such as Tang Wei, such idols are undoubtedly a beacon, guiding them to move forward and surpass themselves.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

Perhaps it is because of this that we can so deeply appreciate the importance of this grand ceremony. This is not just a simple gathering, but a gathering of cultural spirits, a tribute to the glory days of the past, and a look forward to the infinite possibilities of the future. On this stage, every detail and moment is so precious, because it records the efforts and dedication of too many people, and also gathers the expectations and dreams of too many people.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

Time flies, but those people and things that once shine will never be forgotten. Hopefully, in the future, there will be more opportunities like this, so that we can once again witness those beautiful moments that brought tears to our eyes. This is not only an expectation, but also a belief: I believe that Chinese film and television will get better and better, and I believe that those who insist on their dreams will be able to create more miracles!

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

Finally, thank you again to everyone who participated in this great event, both in front of and behind the scenes, you were the protagonists of this wonderful show. Thank you for such a wonderful and memorable night, and we look forward to more such moments in the future, and we will write a glorious chapter together!

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

At last night's grand ceremony that affected the Chinese people around the world, the film legend Lin Qingxia appeared again, igniting the enthusiasm of the audience. This annual event brings together world-renowned Chinese, including heavyweight guests such as director Tsui Hark and movie star Tang Wei, attracting a large number of fans and media. The whole venue was brightly lit and the atmosphere was warm, which was a visual feast.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

At this ceremony, the most memorable was the appearance of Lin Qingxia and Tang Wei. Lin Qingxia is wearing a classic black dress with elegant pearl jewelry, and she is still beautiful. Tang Wei chose a white lace dress, exuding a ladylike temperament and intellectual beauty. When the two walk on the red carpet side by side, the beauty that transcends the ages seems to make time stand still. They look particularly dazzling in the light, one black and one white dress, like night and day blending at this moment, making people unable to take their eyes off.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

Not only that, but the two also showed a warm interaction in the group photo session. Tang Wei took the initiative to greet Lin Qingxia, and the two cordially held hands and took a group photo, which kept the photographers busy and made the audience's eyes shine. When the photographer asked everyone to make a gesture of praise, Tang Wei and Lin Qingxia interacted tacitly, smiling brightly, making people feel warm. This warmth quickly spread all over the Internet, triggering a lot of discussion and praise from netizens. Some netizens said that when they saw Tang Wei treating Lin Qingxia like a little fan girl, they were also infected by this sincere emotion. Someone commented: "The eldest sister in the film industry is still so down-to-earth and very close to the people!" Other fans sighed: "Two generations of goddesses in the same frame, this is the real legend of immortality." ”

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

Although Lin Qingxia has rarely appeared in the public eye in recent years, every time she appears, she can cause a sensation. As an important representative of the golden age of Hong Kong films, she has starred in classic films such as "East Evil and West Poison" and "Smiling Proud Jianghu", and her acting skills and charm have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In the hearts of many audiences, she is not only an outstanding actor, but also a film and television model who can bring infinite memories and touches. For Tang Wei, the leader of the younger generation of actors, she has always been constantly challenging herself. From "Lust and Caution" to "Beijing Meets Seattle", each role shows her profound acting skills and unique charm. In this event, such a close contact with her idol Lin Qingxia is undoubtedly a rare life experience for her.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

There are also some interesting facts worth mentioning behind the scenes. A staff member revealed that when the preparations were busy, Lin Qingxia and Tang Wei were seen talking and laughing in the lounge, and the relaxed and happy atmosphere seemed to make everyone's fatigue disappear. It is reported that the great director Tsui Hark also came to congratulate and took a photo with the two, and this hidden version of the story has also become a topic of conversation after dinner.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

Through these shining moments, this grand ceremony that influenced the Chinese people around the world not only showed the sincere friendship between the top figures in the Chinese film and television industry, but also allowed us to once again appreciate the irreplaceable style of the predecessors in the film industry. These images will forever be etched in our memory. As viewers, we can only hope that this excitement will continue, and thank all the participants again for this visual and emotional enjoyment.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

After the gala was over, the crowd gradually dispersed, but the enthusiasm did not subside. In every corner, there are still many people talking about what just happened, some fans are excitedly looking back on those images that have moved their hearts, and some media are busy sorting out the footage and preparing to share these precious footage with a global audience. And the stars began to leave the venue one after another, but their impact will not end there.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

Especially Lin Qingxia, in the eyes of many people, she is not only an actor, but also a spiritual symbol. She used her works and personality charm to establish an unshakable position for Chinese films. For the younger generation of actors such as Tang Wei, such idols are undoubtedly a beacon, guiding them to move forward and surpass themselves.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

Perhaps it is because of this that we can so deeply appreciate the importance of this grand ceremony. This is not just a simple gathering, but a gathering of cultural spirits, a tribute to the glory days of the past, and a look forward to the infinite possibilities of the future. On this stage, every detail and moment is so precious, because it records the efforts and dedication of too many people, and also gathers the expectations and dreams of too many people.

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

Time flies, but those people and things that once shine will never be forgotten. Hopefully, in the future, there will be more opportunities like this, so that we can once again witness those beautiful moments that brought tears to our eyes. This is not only an expectation, but also a belief: I believe that Chinese film and television will get better and better, and I believe that those who insist on their dreams will be able to create more miracles!

Lin Qingxia appeared at the ceremony, Tang Wei incarnated as a fan sister and took a photo with her, and the two were so happy holding hands

Finally, thank you again to everyone who participated in this great event, both in front of and behind the scenes, you were the protagonists of this wonderful show. Thank you for such a wonderful and memorable night, and we look forward to more such moments in the future, and we will write a glorious chapter together!

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