
New books, new exhibitions, lectures by famous artists: a series of activities for the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Wuhou Temple Museum opened

author:Sports billion u one oh i

New books, new exhibitions, lectures by famous artists: a series of activities for the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Wuhou Temple Museum opened

Wuhou Temple: The splendid epitome of the culture of the Three Kingdoms

Practice cultural inheritance and lead the times forward

Walk into the Chengdu Wuhou Temple Museum, travel through the long river of thousands of years of history, and feel the splendid and magnificent culture of the Three Kingdoms. Walking through the museum, it is like being in the Three Kingdoms era, experiencing the warm atmosphere of heroes and civilizations. This museum with a long history and a rich culture is interpreting the inner charm of traditional culture and highlighting the profound heritage of the Chinese nation with its unique charm.

Time flies, and days worth remembering are quietly coming. On June 28, 2024, the Wuhou Temple Museum, which witnessed the rise and fall of the Three Kingdoms, ushered in its 40th anniversary. From being listed as a national cultural relics protection unit in 1961, to the establishment of a cultural relics depository in 1974, and then to being rated as a national first-class museum in 2008, the development process of Chengdu Wuhou Temple Museum reflects the country's unremitting efforts to protect and inherit traditional culture. The opening of this 40th anniversary series of activities is an interpretation of the cultural value and social responsibility of this museum to the world.

New books, new exhibitions, lectures by famous artists: a series of activities for the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Wuhou Temple Museum opened

Through a variety of activities such as the theme sharing meeting of "Me and Wuhou Temple", the release of new books, and lectures by famous artists, the Wuhou Temple Museum interacts with the audience at zero distance, so that the historical value contained in the cultural relics itself can be more widely disseminated and explained. As the new director Jiang Jianyi said, the museum will keep up with the pace of the times, let the innovative achievements of excellent traditional culture benefit more people, and make this palace of the culture of the Three Kingdoms an important platform for the public to experience the charm of history and absorb spiritual nutrients.

The integration of culture and tourism lights up a new chapter in the culture of the three countries

Walking into the Wuhou Temple Museum, you will not only be greeted by the traces of long history, but also the well-planned cultural creativity. From the unique design of the "Out-of-print Old Ticket Golden Seal Commemorative Edition" to the upcoming special exhibition on the theme of "Heroes and Heroes", the museum is presenting the charm of the culture of the Three Kingdoms to the audience in a way that is closer to contemporary life with unprecedented innovation.

Today's Wuhou Temple Museum has developed into a cultural thematic institution of the Three Kingdoms integrating cultural relics collection, scientific research, display, social education, cultural and creative industry, and classical gardens. Under the trend of digitalization and integration, this museum is creating a cultural IP integrating scientific research, education and tourism, and disseminating the unique charm of the culture of the three countries to the public in a more attractive form.

New books, new exhibitions, lectures by famous artists: a series of activities for the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Wuhou Temple Museum opened

For example, the upcoming documentary "The Great Three Kingdoms - Watch and Discovery" tells the stories of the heroes of the Three Kingdoms from the perspective of modern young people in a vivid and lively way. This attempt to transcend time and space, integrate and innovate, will undoubtedly attract the attention and participation of more young people, and continue to spread the charm of the culture of the three countries.

Not only that, the Wuhou Temple Museum will also launch a series of activities such as famous lectures and boutique exhibitions, so that the audience can get in touch with this palace of the culture of the Three Kingdoms at zero distance. On June 29, the first lecture was delivered by Professor Huo Wei of Sichuan University on "The Flight of Pegasus: Divine Animals on the Silk Road", which comprehensively interpreted the magical elements of the Silk Road civilization. The special exhibition with the theme of "Heroic Romance and Brilliant Beauty" will reproduce the culture of the Three Kingdoms on the Shu Road through pictures, documents, field surveys and other forms, so that the audience can immerse themselves in the scene and experience this desirable era.

It is this innovative practice of keeping up with the pulse of the times and integrating tradition and modernity that makes the Wuhou Temple Museum an important platform that not only protects traditional culture, but also leads cultural development. It is not only a living display of the culture of the Three Kingdoms, but also a vivid epitome of the long history of the Chinese nation, providing a cultural feast through time and space for all people who love traditional culture.

Humanistic care, let the museum warm people's hearts

New books, new exhibitions, lectures by famous artists: a series of activities for the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Wuhou Temple Museum opened

Tracing the development process of the 40th anniversary of the museum, it is not difficult to find that it is not only a place to gather cultural relics and promote traditions, but also a cultural front that pays attention to humanistic care and warms people's hearts.

From the establishment of the Cultural Relics Depository in 1974 to the national first-class museum in 2008, the development footprint of Chengdu Wuhou Temple Museum shows that the state attaches great importance to the protection of cultural relics. As a representative site of the culture of the Three Kingdoms, it carries the yearning and reverence of countless people for heroes and heroes. Under the leadership of the curator Jiang Jianyi, the Wuhou Temple Museum is making this historical heritage better serve the people with a cultural concept that is closer to the public.

Tan Liangxiao, an 80-year-old expert on the culture of the Three Kingdoms, fondly recalled the bits and pieces of work in the Wuhou Temple Cultural Relics Depository at the event. He believes that Wuhou Temple is not only a cultural relics protection unit, but also a museum, but also a famous tourist attraction, how to organically integrate these three functions, is a long-term and important topic. This kind of in-depth thinking about the value of cultural relics and the public experience undoubtedly reflects the museum's unremitting pursuit of humanistic care.

It is this devout protection of cultural heritage and the continuous satisfaction of public needs that make the Wuhou Temple Museum a cultural palace that people will not want to return. Whether it is the strong interest of tourists in the red "out-of-print old tickets" or the upcoming special exhibition "Heroes and Heroes" attracting a wide range of audiences, it has become an important window for people to experience the charm of the culture of the Three Kingdoms.

New books, new exhibitions, lectures by famous artists: a series of activities for the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Wuhou Temple Museum opened

Over the past 40 years, Chengdu Wuhou Temple Museum has always adhered to the people-oriented, used temperature to resolve the coldness of history, and led the progress of culture with innovation. Here, there is not only the pious protection of cultural heritage, but also the unremitting pursuit of the cultural needs of the masses. It is no longer a simple cultural relics display place, but a cultural station that allows people to feel the historical temperature and harvest spiritual nutrients.

The splendor of the culture of the Three Kingdoms belongs to the entire Chinese nation, and the Wuhou Temple Museum is making it its own way

The splendor of the culture of the Three Kingdoms belongs to the entire Chinese nation, and the Wuhou Temple Museum is making this cultural heritage shine in its own way. From the beginning of its establishment, the museum shouldered the important task of protection and inheritance, and now actively embraces the new era and constantly explores the path of innovation, this museum has become an important position for the dissemination of the culture of the Three Kingdoms.

It is this kind of pious protection and innovative spirit of history and culture that makes the Wuhou Temple Museum continue to expand its own cultural connotation and meet the growing spiritual needs of the public. For example, through new documentaries and thematic exhibitions, the stories of the heroes of the Three Kingdoms will be presented in a more vivid and vivid way, leading the audience to re-understand this desirable era. The wonderful interpretation of the famous lectures allowed the audience to gain an in-depth understanding of the rich elements contained in the culture of the Three Kingdoms and experience the sustainable charm of cultural traditions.

New books, new exhibitions, lectures by famous artists: a series of activities for the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Wuhou Temple Museum opened

It can be said that Chengdu Wuhou Temple Museum is interpreting the breadth and profundity of the culture of the Three Kingdoms from a unique cultural perspective. From the vicissitudes of life to creative cultural and creative products, from lively and interesting exhibitions to fascinating lectures, it gathers the essence of the culture of the three countries, making people feel like bathing in the torrent of history.

It is this kind of openness that blends the past and the present, and brings together the Chinese and the foreign, that makes the Wuhou Temple Museum a desirable cultural holy place. Whether it is a reveror of the heroes of the Three Kingdoms, or an ordinary audience who is curious about history and culture, they can find their own cultural resonance here. It is not only a place of protection of historical relics, but also a spiritual home that warms people's hearts.

Standing at a new historical starting point, the Wuhou Temple Museum will surely dedicate a wonderful cultural feast to the audience with more enthusiasm and innovative thinking. Let the light of the culture of the Three Kingdoms, under the witness of this museum, continue to shine in the chapter of the times and lead the Chinese civilization to write a new chapter.

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