
Focusing on the assetization of sports and health data, this seminar held in Yangpu was full of dry goods

author:Optimism in life

Focusing on the assetization of sports and health data, this seminar held in Yangpu was full of dry goods

The wave of digitalization has set off a new chapter in sports and health - the exploration of "sports and health data assetization".

In today's era of the Internet of Everything, data is becoming the most important factor of production. Especially in the field of sports health, the wide application of various sensing devices and application software has made massive sports health data continuously generated and accumulated. How to deeply develop and utilize these valuable data assets has become a topic of common concern both inside and outside the industry.

On June 26, a seminar with the theme of "Sports and Health Data Capitalization" was successfully held in the Science and Technology Park of Shanghai National University of Sport. Representatives from the government, enterprises, universities and other parties conducted in-depth discussions on the practice path and future trend of data assetization. Through expert interpretation, case sharing, on-site visits and other rich forms, this thought-provoking conference outlined a vivid blueprint for the digital transformation of the sports and health industry.

From data silos to asset integration

At present, all kinds of sports and health data show the characteristics of "information islands", and there are problems such as information fragmentation and difficulty in evaluating asset value. How to realize the deep integration of data elements and give them greater business value has become an urgent problem to be solved.

In the expert interpretation session, experts from Shanghai National Accounting Institute conducted an in-depth analysis of the relationship between the health industry and data. He pointed out that with the rapid development of big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies, health data is transforming from a single information carrier to a value asset. Through the mining and integration of the value of data assets, it can not only create new profit growth points for enterprises, but also help related industries achieve innovation and development.

As shared by experts from the Shanghai Data Exchange, the focus of data assetization is to integrate scattered data elements to form a tradable data asset package. This process involves multiple links such as data element identification, value evaluation, and packaging transactions, and requires the cooperation of the government, enterprises, service organizations and other parties to jointly build a standardized and orderly digital business ecosystem.

Practical exploration of data assetization

While discussing theories and models, the guests also shared many practical cases in the industry, which provided valuable references for data assetization.

The person in charge of the Wujiaochang branch of the Agricultural Bank of China introduced the bank's attempts in data asset financial innovation. They have cooperated with sports and health companies to provide effective support for enterprises to obtain financing by establishing a data asset pledge loan model. This not only enriches the bank's financial products, but also injects new momentum into the development of sports and health enterprises.

Representatives of Shanghai Duan & Duan Law Firm shared their legal practice of assetizing sports and health data from the perspective of compliance design. Combined with relevant domestic and foreign laws and regulations, they have explored a series of practical institutional arrangements, which provide strong support for the collection, use, and transaction of data.

Focusing on the assetization of sports and health data, this seminar held in Yangpu was full of dry goods

The person in charge of Shanghai Jinshupu Data Co., Ltd. introduced in detail the company's innovative practice in the implementation of sports data assetization scenarios. They have built a data asset trading platform based on cutting-edge technologies such as AI and blockchain to provide a full range of data value mining and application services for sports and health enterprises.

These excellent cases not only vividly demonstrate the rich practice of data assetization, but also bring valuable experience to the participants.

Technology empowers to win future development

At present, the sports and health industry is facing a major opportunity for digital transformation. Relying on cutting-edge technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence, all kinds of smart devices and application software are deeply penetrating into the field of sports and health, providing strong technical support for data assetization.

During the visit, the participants had a glimpse of the application of many cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements in the field of sports and health in the Science and Technology Park of Shanghai National University of Sport. From the intelligent sensing equipment for data collection, to the AI algorithm model for data analysis, to the interactive experience of data visualization, these innovations vividly demonstrate the infinite possibilities of technology-enabled development of the sports and health industry.

There is no doubt that the future sports and health industry will show a new look of "data-driven and intelligent integration". By capitalizing and integrating all kinds of sports and health data, enterprises can not only dig deep into the value of data, enhance their core competitiveness, but also open up new business models and growth space.

As one of the organizers of this seminar, Yangpu District has been committed to promoting the high-quality development of the sports and health industry. The successful holding of this conference has built an important platform for exchanges and cooperation in Yangpu's sports and health industry chain. In the future, Yangpu will continue to strengthen industry-university-research cooperation, cultivate an innovation ecosystem, promote industrial transformation and upgrading through digital empowerment, and contribute to the construction of a strong sports area.

Overall, this seminar on "Sports and Health Data Capitalization" has drawn a vivid blueprint for the digital transformation of the industry. Through the in-depth integration and effective use of data, the sports and health industry will usher in new development opportunities and inject more vitality into people's healthy life. Let's work together to build this innovative and rich tomorrow!

Data assetization opens a new era in the sports and health industry

Driven by the wave of digitalization, the sports and health industry is ushering in unprecedented development opportunities. With the help of big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies, all kinds of sports and health data are transforming from a single information carrier to a more valuable digital asset. How to fully mine and utilize these valuable data assets has become a hot topic of concern both inside and outside the industry.

Focusing on the assetization of sports and health data, this seminar held in Yangpu was full of dry goods

As previously reported, on June 26, at the seminar on "Sports and Health Data Capitalization" held in the Science and Technology Park of Shanghai Sports National University, representatives of all parties conducted in-depth discussions on the practical path and development trend of data assetization. At the meeting, experts and business representatives shared a series of innovative practices, injecting new momentum into the digital transformation of the sports and health industry.

Integration of data elements empowers industrial upgrading

The key to data assetization is to break the dilemma of data silos in the current industry and realize the deep integration and integration of various data elements. Experts from the Shanghai National Accounting Institute pointed out that this requires a sound data asset management mechanism, through the combing, evaluation, trading and other links of data elements, the integration of scattered data assets into a tradable asset package.

Needless to say, in this process, the cooperation of all parties such as governments, enterprises, and service organizations is crucial. For example, the Agricultural Bank of China Wujiaochang Sub-branch has joined hands with sports and health enterprises to establish a financing service model based on data assets, which not only injects new momentum into the development of enterprises, but also enriches the bank's financial products.

At the same time, the representatives of Duan and Duan Law Firm provided detailed answers to compliance issues such as the collection, use, and transaction of sports and health data, providing strong support for the standardized development of data assetization. These cross-border cooperation results show us a vivid blueprint for data assetization from theory to practice.

Technology empowerment reshapes the new pattern of the industry

There is no doubt that the future development of the sports and health industry is inseparable from the strong promotion of scientific and technological innovation. As demonstrated at this seminar, based on cutting-edge technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence, a series of smart devices and application software are being widely used in the field of sports and health.

From the intelligent sensing equipment for data collection, to the AI algorithm model for data analysis, to the interactive experience of data visualization, these scientific and technological achievements vividly demonstrate the infinite possibilities of digital technology to empower industrial development. In the future, with the continuous improvement of the level of data assetization, the sports and health industry will surely present a new look of "data-driven and intelligent integration".

Enterprises will be able to fully tap the value of data, enhance their core competitiveness, and develop more innovative business models. At the same time, Shanghai Yangpu District, as the organizer of this event, will continue to promote industry-university-research cooperation, cultivate a digital innovation ecosystem, and help the high-quality development of the sports and health industry.

Data assetization is becoming an important engine to promote the transformation and upgrading of the sports and health industry. By integrating various data elements and giving them greater business value, the industry will usher in a new round of development opportunities. Let's look forward to this bright future of innovation and abundance!

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