
GAC Toyota, which is fully electric, what dry goods have it brought?

author:Horseless cars

At present, the worst era for overseas brands and joint venture car companies? At the moment when the industry is at a key point of change, you must not have heard of such a collision of views - due to the passive weakening of the market's right to speak, onlookers seem to be more and more convinced that overseas brands and joint venture car companies will usher in their "darkest moment" in the electric era......

GAC Toyota, which is fully electric, what dry goods have it brought?

However, I have always disagreed with this view, and in my opinion, the difference is just a difference in the choice of rhythm, some people choose to strike first, and some people believe that they will come first. GAC Toyota's first Science and Technology Open Day, which was officially held on June 28, 2024, is the best evidence of my personal point of view, as we know, GAC Toyota, which is good at rhythm control, has finally switched from a state of waiting for opportunities to a state of sparing no effort.

GAC Toyota, which is fully electric, what dry goods have it brought?

If you sort out the product layout of GAC Toyota, you will find that these four words are the usual form used by GAC Toyota to expand the breadth and depth of the market. Regarding this, even when accelerating the electrification layout, it has not changed - GAC Toyota will promote the brand electrification layout with the most comprehensive path in the HEV, PHEV, EV, FCEV industry, and act as the "pioneer" is GAC Toyota's most hardcore technology at the moment - the fifth-generation intelligent electric hybrid dual engine.

GAC Toyota, which is fully electric, what dry goods have it brought?

There are only two types of hybrids in the world, one is Toyota, and the other is the other. This is one of the most well-known "stalks" in the automotive circle, and it is enough to show how high the industry's recognition of Toyota Hybrid, the fifth-generation intelligent electric hybrid double engine that continues to advance is naturally also with a killer feature, it has its own "three axes" - three extreme balances, the ultimate balance of oil and electricity, the ultimate balance of strong power and low fuel consumption, the ultimate balance of performance and safety, three sets of two seemingly contradictory characteristics, with the blessing of Toyota hybrid technology, "shake hands and make peace", which is the charm of science and technology.

GAC Toyota, which is fully electric, what dry goods have it brought?

In addition, GAC Toyota also gave an exact timeline for batteries, one of the core of the three-electric technology, and will launch four types of new generation batteries from 2026: performance lithium-ion batteries, popular lithium iron phosphate batteries, high-performance lithium-ion batteries and all-solid-state batteries: performance lithium batteries, which are expected to be launched in 2026; The universal lithium iron phosphate battery is expected to be launched in 2026-2027; High-performance lithium-ion batteries are expected to be launched in 2027-2028; The company is making full efforts to develop all-solid-state batteries with the goal of launching them in 2027-2028.

GAC Toyota, which is fully electric, what dry goods have it brought?

As we mentioned earlier, GAC Toyota's first science and technology open day to show is its determination to grasp both electrification and intelligence, after a brief chat about its electrification plan, let's talk about its intelligent planning - GAC Toyota's "circle of friends" strong advantages, here is vividly reflected, both Huawei, Tencent empowered new intelligent cockpit, as well as Momenta, blessing of high-end intelligent driving technology, intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving in parallel, 2025 to achieve a comprehensive leading joint ventureto keep up with the new forces; From 2026 to 2027, it will be in the first echelon.

GAC Toyota, which is fully electric, what dry goods have it brought?

Specifically, in terms of intelligent driving, GAC Toyota and Momenta, a leading autonomous driving technology company, have created the TOYOTA PILOT end-to-end high-end intelligent driving, which will be installed on the Bozhi 3X model for the first time. At the same time, GAC Toyota and have cooperated to carry out the commercial operation of L4 driverless taxis to promote the large-scale mass production of high-level autonomous driving technology. In terms of intelligent cockpits, GAC Toyota will rely on the empowerment of top technology manufacturers such as Huawei and Tencent to upgrade the Chinese cabin for global cars.

GAC Toyota, which is fully electric, what dry goods have it brought?

In fact, people's doubts and accusations about overseas brands such as GAC Toyota and joint venture car companies always make me think of Apple, we always complain that its application of new technologies is slow, but in essence, we cannot deny that the products it launches often have a higher degree of completion, GAC Toyota shows our perception is the same, the seemingly slow electrification layout, in essence, for the control of the rhythm, for the control of timing, it has a deeper understanding, and the degree of completion of the product presented to us is much higher than that of products of the same level, Because of this, it's hard not to look forward to their future......


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