
Long-termism is life's greatest miracle

author:Romance of Historical Sites
Long-termism is life's greatest miracle

Weight loss diary 20240630 Sunday

Height 163|Initial 155|

I want to go through 365 days|to get it down to 95|


Today is the 109th day|137.8 morning weight

This week's average weight is 136|this week's target is 133.5

Long-termism is life's greatest miracle

The smart scale cannot be connected 网️

Don't want to waste time looking for customer service

Buy a mint health scale

Let's use it the same as that of a lover

I'm going to use it next Thursday

Long-termism is life's greatest miracle

The edema from the eyelids to the ankles has not disappeared

Hands and feet feel numb and inflexible

Something can happen to your body all the time

Check and check all kinds of problems and all kinds of complexities

If you don't have a physical examination and don't see a doctor, you really don't eat much

My approach was so simple and crude

Long-termism is life's greatest miracle

Nothing leads to long-termism

Because long-termism itself is the road

My health my weight loss

It's just my long-termism

If there is no long-termism

I had no choice but to lose

Long-termism is life's greatest miracle


Black beans, black rice, black sesame seeds, and red dates

The wall breaker is beaten into a paste

One avocado with salted duck egg yolk

Add a little butter and sea salt

Black pepper is eaten roasted in the air fryer

Not very tasty

Long-termism is life's greatest miracle


In order to reduce edema

Drank black coffee ☕️

I also made winter melon soup

100g of krill mash balls were placed in the soup

5 oysters Oden seasoning

Very tasty

Two pieces of barley cake were added to it

Homemade yogurt strained into cheese

Long-termism is life's greatest miracle

1️⃣【Good Mood】

Basking in the sun + meditating for 30 minutes

Today: ❌

2️⃣【Good Sleep】

7 nights + 1 day = 8 hours

Today: ✅

3️⃣【Good Diet】

1. Low calorie to create a heat gap

Today's Heat:

2.18+6 Two meals a day without lunch

After 07:00~before 13:00

For the time of eating, i.e. 6 hours

The first meal after 07:00 carbs fruits

Second meal before 15:00 egg whites vegetables

3. Drink more than 2000 ml of warm water

Today: ✅

Have you had any coffee: ✅

The hot water dispenser is fully charged in the morning

Drink all the water in the bucket by the evening

That's enough for 2000ml

Drinking water does help with digestion

Can boost metabolism

4️⃣【Good Exercise】

Get up on an empty stomach for aerobics

45 minutes 1500 steps stair climber

Today: ✅

Sweating How much I love sweating exercises

Long-termism is life's greatest miracle
Long-termism is life's greatest miracle

10 minutes before the exercise stand stretch the ribbed board

Today: ✅

Three leg stretches 10 minutes after exercise

Today: End ✅

20 minutes before bedtime, sit on a horse machine to stretch

Today: ❌

Soak in a hot bath for 20 minutes in the evening

Today: ✅

噗噗: ✅

Long-termism is life's greatest miracle