
The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, and the bank: the staff made a mistake, and there was not so much money on the account


When you think that banks are the safest money vaults, you may be wrong. Think of a peaceful town, a widow, and a mysterious disappearance of more than 130,000 yuan in deposits. It sounds like the plot of a detective novel, but it's a real story. Let's find out, where exactly does this money go?

The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, and the bank: the staff made a mistake, and there was not so much money on the account


In an inconspicuous town in Shaanxi, Ms. Deng's life suddenly takes a turn for the worse when a bank mistake strikes. This is not a TV series, this is real life, and our protagonist is an ordinary woman who has just lost her husband and her mysterious disappearance of more than 130,000 yuan.

It all started in 2018, when Ms. Deng's husband died of illness, leaving behind a large inheritance in an account with the Agricultural Bank of China. In 2020, Ms. Deng confirmed the existence of the money when she was dealing with her husband's estate. She even notarized the estate with the assistance of the bank, and the notarial deed clearly stated: there was 133,900 yuan in the account with the tail number 0072.

The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, and the bank: the staff made a mistake, and there was not so much money on the account

However, just when she thought the dust was settled, things took a dramatic turn. In December 2021, the bank also issued a deposit inquiry confirming that the money was lying in the account unharmed. But just two months later, in February 2022, when Ms. Deng went to the bank to withdraw money with a notarial deed and an expectant heart, she was told that the money had been withdrawn and the account had been cancelled.

Ms. Deng's mood can be imagined, she went from shock to anger to incomprehension, it was like riding a roller coaster. She runs around trying to find out the truth. She even went to a bank branch in a neighboring town, and the staff there checked and could only tell her that the money was gone, and the account seemed to have evaporated.

The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, and the bank: the staff made a mistake, and there was not so much money on the account

In June, the bank's attitude changed from "the money can't run, don't worry" to "this is a mistake, we are dealing with it". Ms. Deng thought to herself, this mistake is too big! At this moment, Wang Chao, an employee of the bank, suddenly knocked on Ms. Deng's door in the middle of the night, wanting to "negotiate and handle" the matter. Presumably, this late-night visit is tantamount to a realistic version of a horror movie for Ms. Deng, who is already an orphan and widow.

The bank's explanation was that it was all a misunderstanding, that there was not that much money, and that the account was cancelled was also a procedural error. But this explanation is obviously difficult for Ms. Deng to accept. She doesn't need comfort, she needs a solution to the problem and justice.

The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, and the bank: the staff made a mistake, and there was not so much money on the account

The whole incident looks like a farce, except that the actors are reluctant and the audience is involved. From notarization to inquiries to the sudden disappearance of accounts, every step is like a well-choreographed script. If it weren't for a scene in life, I'm afraid everyone would think that this was the screenwriter's overplay.

In this story, the bank's role changes from a guardian to a mistake maker, and Ms. Deng is transformed from an ordinary widow to a fighter for her rights. This is not only a story about money, but also a story about trust, responsibility, and justice.

The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, and the bank: the staff made a mistake, and there was not so much money on the account

In the end, it will take time to prove whether this turmoil around more than 130,000 yuan can subside. But one thing is for sure, this is not just Ms. Deng's battle, it is the epitome of every ordinary person's desire to protect their rights and interests through legal channels when they encounter power. I hope that this battle can have a fair ending, and I also hope that all "Ms. Deng" can have the courage to stand up and pursue their own justice when they encounter injustice.

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