
Evening during the production team: blushing nightlife, no electricity, what did the farmers do?

author:Migrant workers, engineers

As night fell, the village was plunged into total darkness. However, in this seemingly silent night, there is a secret that makes people blush and heartbeat. In the countryside during the period of the production team, there was no electric lighting, so what was the nightlife of the peasants? Let's unravel this long-lost history.

Evening during the production team: blushing nightlife, no electricity, what did the farmers do?

Lao Wang sat in the courtyard and lit a kerosene lamp. In the dim light, he began to reminisce about that special time. "At that time, the evening was interesting." Lao Wang squinted his eyes and said, "Although there are not so many bells and whistles now, we also have our own fun." "

Evening during the production team: blushing nightlife, no electricity, what did the farmers do?

In that era of scarcity of supplies, the farmers' nightlife was rich and colorful. No TV, no cell phone, but they found a unique way to entertain themselves. On summer nights, adults like to sit in the courtyard with benches and cool off. The men shook their fans and chatted about the crops in the fields; The women were busy collecting the soles of their shoes and mending their clothes. Children sit around the old man and listen to magical folk tales, sometimes screaming, sometimes laughing.

Evening during the production team: blushing nightlife, no electricity, what did the farmers do?

"I remember one time," Wang continued, "there was a storyteller from the village. Oops, that battle was hilarious. The whole village was crowded at the brigade headquarters and listened to him say "Yang Jiajiang". Those heroic stories make our blood boil when we hear them, and we can't wait to kill the enemy and serve the country ourselves. "

In addition to listening to stories, the farmers also had other pastimes. Some people like to play guessing games, and the riddles are common objects in life, which not only tests their wisdom, but also enhances their feelings. There are also people who like to sing mountain songs, men and women sing duets, you come and go, hide feelings, and make people red-faced.

Evening during the production team: blushing nightlife, no electricity, what did the farmers do?

Of course, rural nightlife isn't all entertainment. Many times, farmers also spend their evenings doing farm work. Grinding, scooping rice, weaving, these tasks that are too busy during the day to be done are left to be done at night.

"The most interesting thing is watching movies," said Wang excitedly, "and there is an open-air movie once a month, which is a big event for the whole village." I remember once playing "Tunnel War", and the big guys were very excited. Some people are still imitating the appearance in the movie and digging tunnels in the village to play! "

Evening during the production team: blushing nightlife, no electricity, what did the farmers do?

Speaking of this, Lao Wang's eyes flashed with nostalgia. "Although it was bitter at that time, the hearts of the big guys were warm. It's a joy for neighbors to help each other with everything. "

However, not all nights are good. In those days, there were also some bad habits that made people blush. For example, "listening to the room" is to secretly eavesdrop outside the door of the newlyweds on candle nights, which not only violates privacy, but also causes psychological shadows to young people.

Evening during the production team: blushing nightlife, no electricity, what did the farmers do?

As times have changed, so has the nightlife in the countryside. The popularization of television sets has given farmers a new way to entertain themselves. In the 80s, many villages had public televisions, and every evening, everyone would gather together to watch TV dramas and news broadcasts.

Evening during the production team: blushing nightlife, no electricity, what did the farmers do?

Now, looking back on those years without electricity, Lao Wang is full of emotion. "Today's young people may not be able to imagine that kind of life. But let me tell you, although the material conditions were poor at that time, the feelings between people were much more sincere than they are now. "

Evening during the production team: blushing nightlife, no electricity, what did the farmers do?

The nightlife during the production team period was materially impoverished, but it was unusually rich on the spiritual level. It bears witness to the life of peasants in a special era, and also records the great changes in China's rural areas. Those nights spent under the kerosene lamps, the courtyards full of laughter and laughter, have become part of history, but they still shine in the memories of the older generation.

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