
One person confronts the entire Western Vučić, compromises, and Chinese influence is the best umbrella

author:Liu Zhenqi's view

Just recently, Serbia made a U-turn and sent Serbian arms and funds worth 800 million to Ukraine through a third party. You know, since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Serbia has been firmly on the side of Russia. As soon as the news came out, international public opinion fell out. When Serbian President Vučić came forward to admit that the amount was correct, the situation began to complicate.

In the face of such a confusing situation, we can't help but wonder that this country, which is friendly with China and Russia, reverses Ukraine. What exactly is the reason?

First of all, we must face up to a geographical fact that cannot be ignored: while Serbia has good relations with China and Russia, Serbia is too far away from Russia and China. On the geopolitical chessboard, Serbia is in the heart of the European continent, surrounded by EU member states and NATO powers. Although Russia has deep historical and cultural ties with Russia, it is difficult to provide immediate and effective support for it in terms of actual security and military protection. Therefore, Serbia has no choice but to find a new fulcrum and come up with funds and weapons in order to ensure its own survival and development space.

One person confronts the entire Western Vučić, compromises, and Chinese influence is the best umbrella

Secondly, in recent years, Serbia, like other European countries, is facing a severe fiscal deficit and inflation, and Serbia is much more serious. Russia did not retaliate against Serbia for this. It can be seen that Russia knows that Serbia's arms sales are a helpless choice for small countries to protect themselves.

In my opinion, Serbia's move is even more proof of one thing: self-development is the best means of self-preservation. China is well aware of this. The phrase "if you are backward, you will be beaten" is engraved in the blood of every Chinese. Therefore, no matter how tense the sanctions and containment are, China will never stop its courageous progress. At the same time, when it sees that other countries are clearly lagging behind in development, China will also choose to help them. This can be seen from the fact that China's "One Belt, One Road" network is getting bigger and bigger. So far, China has helped many poor countries in the world to vigorously develop infrastructure, revitalize their economies, expand employment opportunities, and promote the overall progress of the entire country and region. This allows them to defy the hegemonic behavior of the United States and have more autonomy. It can be seen that China's influence is the best umbrella.

One person confronts the entire Western Vučić, compromises, and Chinese influence is the best umbrella

It can be seen that the general trend of the decline of the United States and the West, as well as the rising of economic powers such as China and Russia, is very obvious, and it is an inevitable trend that the east rises and the west falls. There is no need for Serbia to choose to side with the United States and the West at this time.

In addition to Serbia, many Central Asian and European countries are well aware. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko recently said, "The West has tried to lure us away from China, but we have not betrayed and will not betray!" "This is not only a response to the West's coercive actions, but also a recognition of China's image as a reliable partner in the international arena."

One person confronts the entire Western Vučić, compromises, and Chinese influence is the best umbrella

China's growing influence in the world is inevitable. In this era full of uncertainties, every country is trying to find its own position, and China, as an indispensable party in the world, is writing its own chapter of the times with firm steps.

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