
Japan has cultivated a living skin robot face, which heals itself like human skin and can also make smiling expressions [with 3D printing technology track observation map]

author:Elegant Starry Sky KJ4

Look at the frontier

Recently, according to the New York Post on June 25, scientists at the University of Tokyo in Japan have made a breakthrough - they have successfully cultivated a robot face covered with living skin. Not only does this robotic face have the ability to heal itself like human skin, but it can also make natural smiling expressions.

The skin of this robotic face is not simply plastic or silicone, but human skin cells that have been carefully cultivated in a laboratory at the University of Tokyo. The scientists first grew human skin cells on collagen models, and then placed these skin cells on a 3D-printed resin base to create this robotic face with a realistic skin texture.

The skin of the robot face is not only very similar to human skin in appearance, but more importantly, it has some basic functions of human skin. It heals itself like human skin, and when lightly scratched or abrased, the cells inside it repair and regenerate, maintaining the integrity and smoothness of the skin. In addition, this skin also has a certain ability to perceive and be able to respond to external stimuli, such as temperature changes, stress, etc.

The cultivation of this living skin is a key step towards creating robots with human healing and sentient abilities.

With the continuous advancement of science and technology, 3D printing technology has been widely used in the fields of medical and biological sciences. This breakthrough provides a new direction for the application of 3D printing technology. In the future, living skin based on human cells may open up more applications in the field of 3D printing, including biomedical engineering, biomimicry, and biomaterials.

Japan has cultivated a living skin robot face, which heals itself like human skin and can also make smiling expressions [with 3D printing technology track observation map]

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Technical Value Observation

The upstream of the 3D printing industry chain is raw materials and basic accessories, which are divided into two categories: metal special materials and non-metal special materials, which are the raw materials for basic accessories and 3D printing filaments. The midstream is the R&D and manufacturing of 3D printing filaments (metal powders, photosensitive resins, engineering plastics, ceramic materials, biomaterials, etc.) and 3D printing equipment; The downstream is 3D printing services and applications, and 3D printing is mainly used in aerospace, mold casting, biomedical, automobile, military and other fields.

Scientists from the University of Tokyo in Japan have placed human skin cells grown on a collagen model on a 3D printed resin base to create a living skin robot face, which is in the middle of the 3D printing industry chain.

Japan has cultivated a living skin robot face, which heals itself like human skin and can also make smiling expressions [with 3D printing technology track observation map]

Macro market insights

The global 3D printing industry market size will be approximately $19.7 billion in 2023

Wohlers Associates is an authoritative global 3D industry research institution, by summarizing the data of 117 3D printing service providers, 114 3D printer manufacturers, 29 third-party material developers and 152 academic and research institutions around the world, it is pointed out in the "Wohlers Report 2023" that the global 3D printing market will reach $18 billion in 2022, an increase of 18.3% compared with 2021. Combined with this development trend, it is preliminarily estimated that the market size of the global 3D printing industry will be about 19.7 billion US dollars in 2023.

Japan has cultivated a living skin robot face, which heals itself like human skin and can also make smiling expressions [with 3D printing technology track observation map]

Industry development history: currently in a period of rapid development

The mainland 3D printing industry started later than foreign countries, before 2016 is the industry's technology accumulation period, scientific research institutes and universities continue to try to innovate new technologies and their applications, while more and more enterprises are actively entering the 3D printing industry. 2016-2019 is the cooling-off period of the industry, and the high expectations of 3D printing technology have led to the rapid growth of the number of enterprises in the industry, the saturation of low-end market areas, and the industrial application is less than three-tenths; In 2020, the 3D printing industry in mainland China will enter a period of rapid development, and 3D printing technology will change the original production mode at the factory end, from the original manufacturing flow to the digital flow.

Japan has cultivated a living skin robot face, which heals itself like human skin and can also make smiling expressions [with 3D printing technology track observation map]

Analysis of the price transmission mechanism of 3D printing

The market price of 3D printing is formed by the value-added premium of the industry's supply side, manufacturing side, distribution channel/service side and the elasticity of consumer demand, and is transmitted step by step. The cost price of the supply side includes the price of core components, the price of technology, the price of manpower, the purchase/purchase price of equipment and plants, fuel power, etc., which are transmitted to the manufacturing end to become the production cost, and the manufacturing end integrates the supply and demand premium, R&D cost and corporate profit to form the "manufacturing price" and transmit it to the distribution channel or service side; The distribution channel and the service side integrate the price of the manufacturing end and the brand premium, the channel cost, and the platform construction cost, forming the final price transmission to consumers, and the elasticity of consumer market demand also reacts on the supply side and the manufacturing side, forming a "price-demand-price" transmission path to affect the pricing of the 3D printing market.

Japan has cultivated a living skin robot face, which heals itself like human skin and can also make smiling expressions [with 3D printing technology track observation map]

Heat map of China's 3D printing technology track

According to the forward-looking industry heat map, the city clusters strongly associated with the key technologies of 3D printing are mainly concentrated in South China and Central China, and with Guangdong and Hunan Province as the key development areas, the future layout of 3D printing technology and other effect technology development paths, it is very likely that South China and Central China will give priority to the introduction, which can focus on the 3D printing related enterprises in Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, Longhua District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, and Kaifu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province. As well as the investment environment for the industrial development of 3D printing and the potential space of the supply market.

Japan has cultivated a living skin robot face, which heals itself like human skin and can also make smiling expressions [with 3D printing technology track observation map]

Prospective Economist APP Information Group

For more research and analysis of this industry, please refer to the "Analysis Report on Market Prospect and Investment Strategic Planning of China's 3D Printing Industry" by Prospective Industry Research Institute

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