
Emotional freedom: the reshaping of self-worth, getting rid of excessive expectations of other people's responses

author:Kuang Qi Zhen Library
Emotional freedom: the reshaping of self-worth, getting rid of excessive expectations of other people's responses

In this fast-paced era, each of us craves to be understood and noticed, and this desire can sometimes lead us into a trap of over-expectation. We wait for a message, a response, as if that were a lifesaver for our emotions. But can this expectation really bring us the sense of security and value we want?

Let's dive into this question. First, we must recognize that the act of expecting a response from others is actually a manifestation of our innermost desire to control. We want others to meet our needs by acting as we expect them to be. But this kind of control is actually a waiver of self-control. When we give our emotional switch to others, we have lost ourselves.

Emotional freedom: the reshaping of self-worth, getting rid of excessive expectations of other people's responses

Why, then, do we crave a response from others so much? Hidden behind this is our quest for a sense of security and self-worth. We want to affirm our worth through the affirmation of others. But this dependence on the outside world for satisfaction is unstable and unreliable. Our lives, our values, should not be built on the approval of others.

We often hear the words: "I have given so much, why is he still indifferent?" "The effort here, whether it's emotion, money or energy, is actually an investment that expects a return. But this investment is often painful due to the lack of a reciprocal response. We kidnap others with our own efforts in the hope that they will respond according to our ideals, but such expectations often only make people more alienated.

Emotional freedom: the reshaping of self-worth, getting rid of excessive expectations of other people's responses

In the world of feelings, there is no absolute fairness. We can't expect to be rewarded for every effort. True feelings are not measured by dedication, but mutual understanding and respect between two people. We should learn to let go of this expectation, learn to be independent, and learn to grow ourselves.

The process of self-growth is difficult, it requires us to face our own shortcomings, and we need to keep learning and improving. But it's this process that makes us stronger and more independent. When we no longer rely on the responses of others to affirm our own worth, we can truly feel free and happy.

Emotional freedom: the reshaping of self-worth, getting rid of excessive expectations of other people's responses

So, let's start the journey of self-growth. Let's learn to find strength from within, learn to affirm ourselves, and learn to be independent. When our hearts are strong enough, when our values no longer depend on external recognition, we will find that life can be so beautiful.

Remember, our value should not be defined by others. Our happiness should not be determined by the responses of others. Let us get rid of the shackles of expectation, bravely go to the road of self-growth, and create a wonderful life that truly belongs to us.

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